Big Foot sighted in Minneapolis SW metro!!!

on 6/11/08 12:30 pm - Hopkins, MN
OK, I don't post much here, though do check in when I can.  On Sunday,while shaving my  legs in a shower, I'd noticed my ankles were swollen,  Having not ingested anything out-of-the-ordinary during the preceding two days, (plus I  never add salt to my food),  I figured it's just another little facet of this 52 year-old body's hormonal fluctuation.  However, upon arising the next morning ((Monday) ), the ankles were still swollen but felt tighter.  Common sense told me to lie down with my feet elevated above the heart.  I fell asleep, later awaking  to feel/see both entire feet swollen.  I called the nurse line at my GP's clinic;  was told that since there was no chest tightness, back pain, headache, nor visual changes,  to make an appointment to go in any day this week. I made the apointment for this afternoon.  Yesterday (Tues.) I awoke to discover  two big feet', ankles, shins, calves,  so swollen, could feel the skin being stretched (never experienced this when morbidly obese!)  I always weigh Monday mornings, and had gained 8 yes, eight pounds (!?!!!) likely due to fluid retention.  Thought I'd best get out and walk, although several blocks down, suddenly felt very strange, as if I'd just awakened from a very long drug-induced  sleep.  My entire body was tingling, partial-body tingling is common with my MS, but this just felt different.  So I walked over to the Park Nicollet clinic several blocks from my home, told the receptionist of my symptoms and of  he GP appointment today.  I voiced my concern that  I felt so strange, (drugged-like) adding that I 'd never fever felt like that before--that I felt it could be heart-related or an MS relapse. She had me sit in the lobby, then she immediately announced over the intercom: "Stat nurse to the lobby immediately".  Only THEN, I felt an adrenaline rush, more fearful of the unknown.  However, my vitals were all 'normal': pulse, blood pressure, plus the  fingertip oxygen monitor revealed no abnormality.  Was seen by a 'good' doctor, who, after hearing  my general medical  history (the MS, WLS, etc.) listened to my lungs (' just great---very clear'), and spent a good amount of time with me, saying  he didn't know what's causing the retention/swelling, but to ensureme he added to the online notes that I get an echocardiogram at my regular clinic today (I have a functional heart murmur).  He prescribed Lasix, a diuretic to be taken daily, (with twelve refills..  Walked over to the drug store for the prescription, then immediately took one when I got home, and wow, not much later, went to the bathroom and  drained what had to be, like, four pounds! So I'm feeling much better with the very -often-repeated...well, 'ya know...since then, I'm definitely one 'gal on the go'!  I've attached pics of what my feet/ankles looked like before I set out to walk and ended up at the clinic. The clinic intercom page incident scared the living crappola out of me, though I've learned so much in the seven years since the MS diagnosis, when (especially) medical isses arise, to breathe, breathe, breathe,  be gentle with myself, and 'float' (pun totally not unintended!?!!!)   So that's the 'story' of the 'Big Foot' sighting!  Have a fabulous day!  Hugs galore, Patti   (I added results from today's doc visit below.... n=view¤t=bigfoot1.jpg
Still swollen, though not painful.  My GP was baffled, as my vitals again are completelyl normal!  The clinic only has tech EKGs on Mondays, so am scheduled for this Monday.  I'm feeling exhausted, but the pain is gone, and I'm still seting intervals to lie on the couch with both feet elevated .  Am more amused by the constant trips to piddle--have lost four lbs (expelled fluid) so far, and will be on the diuretics for twelve months.  Am Ok with that, as long as I find me a portable catheter for when I leave home!  Sheesh, 'life is what happens while we're making other plans'.  Be well and happy all!  Hugs galore,  Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

on 6/11/08 12:54 pm
Patti Sorry you  went thru this. Your feet look like mine when I do not take my bp medication. My ankles swell to extreme also. The skin gets so tight and when I stand get a sort of burning sensation.... How was your blood pressure?
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


on 6/12/08 3:31 pm - Hopkins, MN
Thank you Darlene!  I wasn't able to reply yesterday due to messing with the computer settings, and needing to work it out today--learned a lot, so was worth the major inconvenience--knew I was addicted to my computer, though didn't realize how intense!  As stated in my post, all vitals were completely normal.  So strange, because the feet/ankles/calves just remain swollen even with leg elevation.  Gotta aim for more than 64 oz water and more walking as the sporadic rains/storms lessen!  AM nervous about working Sat/Sun, as it's either sporadic sitting for durations, with sometimes lots of moving around--work every other weekend part-time receptionist at an assisted living facility near my home.   Positive thoughts in motion!  Take care of you sweet gal!  Hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

Connie D.
on 6/11/08 1:21 pm
Hello again Ms. Patti. I posted you on the MN board so I won't bore you with another one here. Love and hugs sweetie......connie d
on 6/12/08 4:23 pm - Hopkins, MN
Peek-a-BOO!How are YOU?!  Hugs, hugs, hugs, and lotsa luv sweetie! Ever-so-honored-to-be-your-friend, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

on 6/11/08 1:47 pm - San Francisco, CA
Hi Patti.  So glad the diuretic is helping.  Once you have less retained fluid, you won't be peeing quite so much.  I'm sure your GP is on top of it but just wanted to alert you to the need for fairly frequent bloodwork (electrolytes primarily) while you are on the lasix.  It's a very potent diuretic as you have found out. ~~~ Pam

Kerbybird               HW310/SV289/GW150/CW231


on 6/12/08 3:47 pm - Hopkins, MN
Thank you kerbybird, I have the bestest GP ever, and have been with him at least eight years.  I will be having blood work-up next month for retest of elevated liver enzymes from annual physical several weeks ago plus a year ago. (My surgeon's program/nut has me eating minimul 60 g protein daily, leaving little room for much other than fruit/veggies.)  Plus, was advised to take potassium supplements with the Lasix.  Even with intermittent leg elevation, the swelling remains, although not as in the pics!  Take care sweetie!  Hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

on 6/11/08 1:55 pm - CA
Hey, Secret Pal o' Mine, Not good to hear you are having special times.  Take care and I'm sure the lasix will take care of the water retention.  The trips to the bathroom should level out after you get all the excess water out of your system. Hugs, Kathi
on 6/12/08 3:55 pm - Hopkins, MN
Hey sweetie-(no-longer Secret) wonderful Pal!  How are YOU doing?  Had computer probs, so haven't read the board(s) since last evening--was what I got for monkeying with the settings!  But learned:  am hopelessly addicted to the darned computer!?!!!  All's fine with IT, and bathroom trips are less, even though the swelling remains, though nothing as extreme as those pics!  Keep taking great care of YOU my sweet, so special friend!  Hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

on 6/11/08 2:26 pm
While on Lasix you need to increase your fluids. Yes, increase them. In order for your body to let them go you need to drink more.
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


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