Hello, Esther, I can't believe it has been 8 months since I had surgery. That time has gone by so fast. It is just flying by! Here are my stats for the week. I still haven't hit Onderland yet. I set my goal for my 20th wedding anniversary which is Wednesday and I am afraid it isn't going to happen. I have come to the conclusion that if it doesn't happen by this Wednesday it is going to happen when it happens. Pre-op 291.0 Last week 200.0 This week 200.0 This weeks loss 0 (it is better than gaining!) Total loss 91.0 I think I have finally come to the point that I am accepting myself. That is a big step for me. This surgery has opened my eyes so much to see things that I have missed my whole life. Thank God that I am able to see things now. Have a wonderful week, Esther.