What's New Monday
Stay safe and hopefully all will be back to normal soon.
Susan......PLEASE do have that toe looked at. You make me think of my friend who had a cut on her toe and didn't take care of it...it got infected and she ended up dying because infection went to her brain. Very rare, for sure....but infections these days are nothing to ignore. They seem to be deadly strains.
Kathi.....yeah for your being home and back with us. You are our shining star of the moment!! Keep up the great work.
It's Monday...and my favorite day of the week! For years Mondays have always represented a new beginning for me. I can put away the crappola from the week before (if there was any), and start anew. This week my calendar is filling up...I don't like that......but with things I need to do. Finally going to see my bariatric doc about my stomach "episodes" and find out whether it might be my gall bladder after all.
Yesterday was a luxurious day at home. I laid out on the lanai for a couple of hours in the early morning soaking up the sun and getting a nice nutty brown. Pulled a dress out of the back of my closet that I hadn't tried on for months because it would NOT go over my bodacious buh-tocks before, and guess what!........it slipped right over them with plenty room to spare! My size 10 blue jeans are sloppy big on me! Who woulda thunk!! I never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever see a size 8 anything ever again in my lifetime....but there she is!! I am grateful.....I am humbled.....I am deeply thankful!
So...here's hoping that you ALL have a wonderful week...and that something magical happens to you that we can all celebrate together.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
my houghts on the condo-selling it would make no sense- you still would have to live there til it sold and then probly take a loss..and some day you will be out of bankruptcy and hopefully will get caught up on stuff..i say hold your ground and keep paying what you can.... of course, you didn't ask my thoughts...what are sisters for! hugs!

Well now it is 6:41 pm what a day. Took hubby to the dr. they put on a walking cast don't think he will need surgery!!!!!!!! YAA HOO Came home from the Dr. and we are dog sitting my son's dog and the dog got lose, what a site we were out trying to get that dog, me with my new hip joints......running is not an option yet and my husband with his walking cast what a sight we were. The stupid dog was running up and down our alley......we finally got in the van and opened the door and he jumped in and then when we drove around the block to home he didn't want to get out..........
Susan...............Hope your toe ins't too painful ................. I am sure tomorrow will be a better day for all of us...............