What's New Monday

Karen S.
on 6/9/08 2:34 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha and good morning OFF family......Barb, thanks for starting the thread, and I am so sorry that you are having such horrible weather! I just turned on the news (6:15 a.m.) and can't believe the wrath Mother Nature is creating all over the mainland...flooding, severe heat, etc.

Stay safe and hopefully all will be back to normal soon.

Susan......PLEASE do have that toe looked at. You make me think of my friend who had a cut on her toe and didn't take care of it...it got infected and she ended up dying because infection went to her brain. Very rare, for sure....but infections these days are nothing to ignore. They seem to be deadly strains.

Kathi.....yeah for your being home and back with us. You are our shining star of the moment!! Keep up the great work.

It's Monday...and my favorite day of the week! For years Mondays have always represented a new beginning for me. I can put away the crappola from the week before (if there was any), and start anew. This week my calendar is filling up...I don't like that......but with things I need to do. Finally going to see my bariatric doc about my stomach "episodes" and find out whether it might be my gall bladder after all.

Yesterday was a luxurious day at home. I laid out on the lanai for a couple of hours in the early morning soaking up the sun and getting a nice nutty brown. Pulled a dress out of the back of my closet that I hadn't tried on for months because it would NOT go over my bodacious buh-tocks before, and guess what!........it slipped right over them with plenty room to spare! My size 10 blue jeans are sloppy big on me! Who woulda thunk!! I never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever see a size 8 anything ever again in my lifetime....but there she is!! I am grateful.....I am humbled.....I am deeply thankful!

So...here's hoping that you ALL have a wonderful week...and that something magical happens to you that we can all celebrate together.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Eileen Briesch
on 6/9/08 3:05 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Barb and all: Boy, sounds like really bad storms out there ... we had some whoppers here but I'm away from rivers so no floods, although we're in flood warnings. It looks like more storms today. Well, talked to the condo association woman; she agreed to pull the small claims and lien on the condo and I said I'd look into getting a loan on my car. I don't think I'm going to get one because I'm still in bankruptcy, but I'll try. She's not real happy with an arrangement of $100 a month to pay down my debt, but, geez, you can only squeeze me so far. I don't have any extra money. And even if they took me to small claims court, I don't have anything to give them. Told all this this morning to my psychologist. Broke down crying a couple of times; she was sympathetic and tried to come up with some solutions for me ... one was to sell the condo and go into subsidized housing, but the condo next door to me has been on the market for more than eight months and hasn't sold, so I don't think mine will sell, and I don't have the money to fix it up. Plus, I'd have to pay for moving and I don't have the money for that. So I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. I really don't see a whole of solutions here, do you? I'm back at donating plasma for $60 a week ... that will give me some extra money at least.  Not much else happening. Time for lunch. See ya later. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 6/9/08 5:52 am - Elyria, OH

my houghts on the condo-selling it would make no sense- you still would have to live there til it sold and then probly take a loss..and some day you will be out of bankruptcy and  hopefully will get caught up on stuff..i say hold your ground and keep paying what you can.... of course, you didn't ask my thoughts...what are sisters for! hugs!

Eileen Briesch
on 6/9/08 7:08 am - Evansville, IN
No, I appreciate your thoughts ... any advice from anyone. I have thought in the past about selling, but then thought against because it's my equity, my retirement. I'm for holding my ground too ... if it goes to small claims court, I have a feeling I might win because there's not much they could do other than file a lien on my property because I don't have anything they could take ... I don't have anything other than a 12-year-old car and the condo ... there's nothing else of value. My computer is 8 years old, my TV is 9 years old; really, I don't have a lot of big ticket items. They could take my bobbleheads ....

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




J Brown
on 6/9/08 3:29 am - Omaha, NE
I am glad the weekend is over, I needed to get back to work to get some rest. I had acrlic nails put on for the wedding, now 2 weeks later they are solong Iam having trouble typing. I can't afford to keep them up and it is torture to take them off. Chuck has a drumel tool so tomorrow I think I will try to file them shorter myself. The Church youth group had a yard sale on Fri & Sat. The little town chuck lives in had a city wide one this weekend so they set it up there. My granddaughter and one mother ran it on Fri, on Sat no one showed up so I ended up setting up, running it the entire day and tearing it down with Faith. I planned on spending a quiet day gardening at Chucks, I did get a lot of gardening in , but sitting at  yard sale for hour after hour can be so exhausting and poor Faith got  burnt to a crisp. Yesterday I had to take her about 30 miles for her ride to camp. She has been working for months to take off some weight, she has lost 20 pounds and looked amazing in a bathing suit( mine) she was so proud, when I got home I found the suit in the back seat, she had forgotten it. I really wrestled with A.. consequences of actions, gee too bad no swimming at camp. and B. Loving grandma over nights the suit to her.. I am a big believer in consequences, but loving grandma won out..and I will work her fingers to the bone when she gets home for the postage charges.  Her mother has turned into such a **** Faith lives with her dad( my son) and watching  her mothers actions, shame, sadden and hurt her so much. I can't help but do what I can to bring some sunshine to her life. She is the best kid, so helpful and respectful, everyone loves her. It hurts when your kids hurt, it double hurts when your grandbabies hurt.. Blessings
on 6/9/08 4:03 am
There is a solution you can buy to soak your nails in to remove them. If you have a beauty supply try there, or you can go to the salon and they take them off as well.....
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Cajun Angel
on 6/9/08 5:23 am - New Orleans, LA
Hi Barb and OFFers! Just getting to take a break and check in.  Extra busy at work with cowork, Pat, out taking time to be with her 90 y/o dad during what we think may be his last days.  Tonight I have a support group meeting near the hospital Pat's dad is in.  I'm going to try to stop by for a minute to see her.  She called me a few times over the weekend and here at work today.  I think she needs some TLC and a HUG. Debbie
on 6/9/08 8:07 am - Bradenton, FL
Hi, It is storming big time here at 606pm!!!!! I didnt even go anywhere today. Made some soup, puttered around here a but and just chilled. Oh ya talked to Brenda for an hour this morning. Carla
image hosting site

on 6/9/08 9:45 am - Grand Island, NE

Well now it is 6:41 pm what a day. Took hubby to the dr. they put on a walking cast don't think he will need surgery!!!!!!!!  YAA HOO Came home from the Dr. and we are dog sitting my son's dog and the dog got lose, what a site we were out trying to get that dog, me with my new hip joints......running is not an option yet and my husband with his walking cast what a sight we were.  The stupid dog was running up and down our alley......we finally got in the van and opened the door and he jumped in and then when we drove around the block to home he didn't want to get out..........

Susan...............Hope your toe ins't too painful ................. I am sure tomorrow will be a better day for all of us...............


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