What's New Monday

on 6/8/08 11:18 pm - CA
Hi Barbara and Everyone! Oh Barbara, I'm sure sorry to hear about the challenges you've had this weekend.  I can't imagine.  Sounds like you are handling it well though......  Take care of yourself and that hubby of yours with his broken foot.  Yikes.... Today is our 35 wedding anniversary.  We're a pair here really.  LOL  Hubby with his breathing problems and me with my hobbling and sipping and ...... trips to the bathroom!  I guess that's what really makes a marriage - when you love someone in spite of it all.... It's good to be home after having surgery.  I hope this is the road to recovery that I'm traveling on and time will tell on that.  I think I took the right road! I've gotten 20 grams of protein in here this morning reading the boards and answering posts.  I've been up over an hour after crushing pills and taking morning medicines... YUK is all I have to say about that part.......  EEEWWWWW. I hope everyone has a great Monday and a super week.  Take care of yourselves and I promise to catch up with what everyone is up to! Hugs, Kathi
Eileen Briesch
on 6/9/08 7:15 am - Evansville, IN
Kathi, glad to see you are home and doing OK.  Here's a hint on getting the crushed pills down ... orange Crystal Lite ... other people swear by mixing it up with applesauce. I thought orange crystal lite masked the taste of everything ... including potassium, which had an orangey taste but was very metallic tasting ... mixed with the crystal lite, it tasted kind of like orange crush.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 6/9/08 8:12 am - CA
Thanks so much Eileen! I'm tryin' that one tonight when it's pill time!  Phew!  It can only improve a really really bad situation. I don't think I'm allowed applesauce just yet as the doctor said liquids for 2 weeks.  I just did 4 oz. of a powdered protein powder and it went down fine. Thanks for helping me! Hugs, Kathi
on 6/8/08 11:46 pm - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Barb, Mother Nature has been delivering some nasty blows to everyone. I hope your roof can be fixed easily.  Thank goodness everyone is safe.  Yesterday, we had some unexpected severe thunderstorms roll through and lightning killed one and injured four others.  With these hot temperatures (95 here) we have to look in on our elderly and watch the infants and make sure everyone stays hydrated and cool. I had a bad bout with the stomach flu Weds. through Sat.  I lost 5 lbs. but it isn't the way you want to lose it ~ stomach ache, exhausted and butt burning diarrhea.  I got my protein and vitamins in and upped my water and got lots of rest and got through it.  I feel sooo much better today.  I missed two days of work.  I have to be dying to miss work.  I have a lot of work to catch up on.  I talked to my son last night and it turns out my grandson had it last Monday (I had been smooching on him last Sunday).  Oh well, that won't stop me from smooching that sweet 4 1/2 year old next time I see him. Susan, I hope the toe doesn't hurt too much once the nail comes off. I say you should disguise it too. I'm going to our cub scout Pack picnic tonight.  It's wonderful how many complements I get on my weight loss from all of them.  Because I took a year off from volunteering because of finishing school, they didn't get to see me until two weeks ago and I had lost 83 lbs.  Some of the boys wasn't sure it was me. Blessings to all, Bev

Pat R.
on 6/9/08 12:30 am - Sturgis, MI
Time for a new picture, Bev!!!!


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 6/9/08 1:01 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
You are right Pat but my hubby stinks at taking pictures and whines about having to do it.  I'll try and get one of my sisters to do it for me.  Maybe I can get it done tonight.  I just had my hair cut too. Thanks for the push. Love, Bev

Connie D.
on 6/9/08 12:31 am
Good Morning Barb and everyone....... Sounds like quite a few of you have been having some bad storms. Glad everyone is okay.  Barb..... I hope your roof repair is a inexpensive one. They can be quite costly! Glad you son and family are safe. Cheryl ......please let us know what you find out from your doctor today. I have been praying for you. Hey...I just realized you are only 6.5 pounds from goal....great job!! Bev.....the flu sure has been going around here too. Luckly I have been able to miss it so far. Sounds like it is a bad one!!  Kathi....it is great having you back again!!! Margo....you hopefully can get some rest today. Tilling...UGH!!! Susan....that toe sounds so painful!! I know how bad a hang nail feels I can't even imagine how that must be...ouch!!   I am doing fine. Had a whirlwind weekend. Tons of fun!! Pooped out today....glad it doesn't have a on the road kind if workday today. I need a quiet day!! Hope to run a few erands later. Need more calcium and vitamins I also want to get out into the sun. I want to read for a little while. I hope to finish the book I have been reading. That is about it for me. Prayers going up for those in need. Love and hugs to all......connie d
Brenda R.
on 6/9/08 2:04 am - Portage, IN

Good morning. Barb and my other OFF family. I hope today is a good day for everyone. Barb, I am so glad that everyone is fine. This weather that the country is having something terrible. I just don't know what is going on but one thing I do know~the regular summer weather can come back any time now and no one is going to complain!!! Susan, I know that toe has to hurt like blue blazes. I never had it but it just makes my skin crawl to hear about it. OWWWWW! I think you should decorate the other toes too for the wedding. You will look unique!!!! Isn't that what is wonderful for us~to be our own wonderful selves? Cheryl, I am glad that you are calling the doctor this morning. You will feel so much better when you find out what is wrong and it is taken care of. Your life can go on. You have a lazy eye too? I have one too. They found it when I was about 7 years old. I had to wear a patch over my good eye every night for 2 hours. Now my opthalmologist tells me that it doesn't help since it is the brain that doesn't know the eye is there. It is mostly a brain thing. It will never get better since the brain doesn't know how to use it to see out of.  I just got off the phone with Carla. She called me and we talked for an hour. I think that is just so special. Never meeting someone and still able to talk about anything for so long. That just reinforces what we were talking about (one of many subjects!) OFF people. You have a common bond and just feel so much a part of. You feel like everyone understands what you are saying or meaning and they do. That is why I feel so comfortable with all of you.  Bill and I are going to the store this morning. So far since he is on vacation things are going well. By Wednesday or Thursday I will be ready to either shoot him or myself. I vote for him since I am now beginning a wonderful life. Why should I cut mine short! haha By the end of the week he is ready to start working again since he is starting to get bored around here.  Misty is going on a diet starting today. My 5 pound cat is now weighing in at 11.4 pounds. I told her that she is watching what she eats just like the rest of us in this house. haha She only eats one type of food and I always set a bowl out for her 24 hours a day. Well starting tonight it is being taken up during the night. She is going to thin down again. She is getting older and doesn't need that excess weight any more than Bill and I do. Thank God I didn't do what she did though~more than double my weight. Even though I would have had a harder time working on 582 pounds but if given enough time I could and would have accomplished it!! Back to Misty and her diet! She is not going to be happy with me at all. She had no food in her dish this mornig and she gave me h3ll about it. Boy, I am not sure what she was telling me but I know for a fact I was being put in my place. And I think Misty's place for me was not here at home. haha I better get going. Time is flying by and the store calls me. I am sending lots of love and big hugs to everyone. My prayers are going up for everyone and special ones for those in need.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Eileen Briesch
on 6/9/08 7:39 am - Evansville, IN
Hey Brenda: Have you had Misty checked for any metabolic disorders like hypothyroidism? That's a lot of weight for a cat to gain ... I free feed mine too and I don't notice that they eat that much.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Brenda R.
on 6/9/08 10:58 am, edited 6/9/08 10:59 am - Portage, IN
Eileen, thanks for the thought. I never thought about that one. I have been telling Bill over the past couple of years that she seemed like she was getting heavier and he thought that I was nuts. I just don't know how I got to be my age and not know anything. haha

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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