Support? Home, Healing, new troubles
Hi all. My surgery was 5/31, and I'm home recuperating. Surgery was only 1 hour & 20 minutes long -- no complications. But, I had a terrible time with reactions to medications. Also, a warning -- if you're taking Effexor and stop for several days during surgery, some folks (like me) have really bad side effects. I was so anxious or jittery that I didn't sleep at all after surgery. I paced the halls day and night until I returned home and got back on my medications. I took very little pain medication as it seemed to contribute to the jitters. I believe it was a blessing that my pain pump was broken, so I didn't have the usual morphine for 12 hours immediately after surgery -- pain wasn't unbearable without it. Fortunately, or unfortunately, a mass was found on my breast during hospital testing so I'm going in for more tests this Thusday. My doctors/nurses advised me to stay focused on recovery, so I'm trying not to think of worst outcomes, but to be thankful the mass was found when it was. I'm also thankful that I've lost 19 pounds since beginning liver shrink diet on 4/27 and having surgery 5/31, just a month ago.
Marilyn W.
Welcome home. Yes, stay focused on recovery and the rest will fall into place.
Before surgery my doctor switched my Effexor from the extended release to tablets I took 4 X's a day. The transition was difficult.
During my hospital stay they crushed the pills. The taste was so revolting that I refused and went off them. That is one experience I would not recommend to my worst enemy!!!
Good luck and take care
I'm glad the surgery went well for you. But, am so sorry the meds were giving you problems. I sure enjoyed my morphine pump.. .. lol hopefully, the mass will only be lumpy boob. I have had to go in for checks and rechecks and end up with only lumpy boobs. I wish you he best with your tests.. .. be sure to keep us up to date. .. congrats on your weight loss too. 19 lbs is a lot. Millie
Hi Marilyn and it sure is good to see you back among us!
I'm so sorry you had such a time of it with your experience. I just got home yesterday from my surgery and I'm doing fine. I just know you'll bounce back pretty quickly now that you are home and back with your medication you clearly need.
Take care of yourself and just know that this will all be worth it in the end.
I've heard that Effexor was a tough med to get off of. I got off Cymbalta a couple of years ago and went throught Cymbalta Hell for a week. My heart goes out to you.
Congratulations on the weight loss! That is great!
I'll remember you in my prayers. Keep up updated on what you find out about the mass.
Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...
Marilyn, congratulations on having your surgery, getting through it well and getting home. Another one for all the weight that you have lost. The best thing is yet to be!
I am keeping you in my prayers for the breast mass they found. Please keep us posted on how things come about with the tests this week. Keep postive thoughts and so will we and our prayers are going to be answered.
Love and hugs to you, sistah!!
Hi Marilyn....congrats on a successful surgery!!
I am sorry to hear about the lump in your breast. I pray that it all turns out well for you.
The doctor is right. You need to focus on gettting through this recovery period. Stay as focused as possible. I know it will be hard to do. Just do the best you can.
We are all here anytime you need us. We take care.
Hugs, connie d