annette R.
on 6/4/08 8:40 am - ithaca, NY
Cheryl, I feel sad for you Sweety. That has to hurt. We are here for you, all day and all night. Use our combined strength to get past this dreadful time. We love you Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 6/4/08 2:43 pm
Hi Annette, Thanks so much...it still doesn't seem true. I appreciate all of you so much, I'm so glad I posted. Her family isn't going to have services which sort of doesn't give people a chance to say goodbye but I will figure out a way to say good bye for me... Thanks again Annette, you are a dear one, Cheryl

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

(deactivated member)
on 6/3/08 11:33 pm - Park Forest, IL
good morning all, This is just a quick note, I'm about to be banished form the house. The drywallers are supposed to be here anytime. I have Asthma so I can't be here when they start taping and sanding. So I',m going to my daughters to hang out with my granddaughters. it's supposed to rain, very humid right now. So we'll do an inside grandma day,  read some books(cheyanne-6- is learning to read and can't get enough) play a game or two. (Samantha- 4- likes Go fish). Have a great day! Paulette
Cajun Angel
on 6/3/08 11:48 pm - New Orleans, LA
Good morning Annette and Friends!  A GTG sounds great, depending on when and where. I do believe my boss has gone off the deep end and totally lost it.  Yesterday he told me to make copies of two QA cases, give the original to "the idiot in the front office" (refering to one of the other clericals) and give the copies to one of the doctors.  I did as I was told.  Not 10 minutes later he screaming, "Where are my papers".  I told him I gave the originals to Ann and the copies to Dr. Z as he had instructed.  He screamed, "That's not what I told you to do."  The look I shot him  must have been something else.  He stopped dead in his tracks and said, "I'm sorry."  It's what he said next that made me want to slug him.  (I'm not one to promote violence, and would never hit anyone.)  He said, "That's how I have to talk to MJ".  MJ is his poor, sweet wife of almost 60 years.  This dear grandmotherly lady has had several mini strokes and has Alzheimer.  He insists he has to yell and scream at her, and belittle her to make her understand what he's trying to say.  BULL ****  The day George yells, screams at me or belittles me is the day he wears a size 9 1/2 where the sun don't shine, and he'd better make darn sure he never sleeps again!  How this wonderful woman ever tolerated the abuse all these years is a mystery.  Dr. Butthead would have woke every morning black and blue!  There was a time when he was one of the most respected doctors in this dept.  He lost the respect of the clericals a long time ago, and most of the doctors no longer respect him.  I'm documenting every incident and all errors he makes.  He's dictating the case numbers incorrectly, mixing up patient names...  The small things, I used to cover for him, I can't do it any longer as the errors have gotten to be so frequent. Being a caregiver must be very difficult.  I realize he has a lot of stress at home with his ill wife, but that's no reason to take it out of me (and now others).  I wish he could consider the workplace his haven, where he can come to get a break from the stress, not to take it out on us.  It's long passed time for him and a few others here to retire.  I've always said they'll be carried out in body bags.   Sorry to seem like I'm venting, what I really need is some prayers so that he realizes he's reached the end of the line.  Going to the Dept. Head is not an option, he recently turned 80.  Besides, any negative info coming from a lowly clerical would not be taken well.  It would have to come from one of the doctors.  I did speak with two of them recently.  They both agreed, but I don't think they'll be willing to place their careers on the line.  Everybody wants to tap dance around the issue.  I really wish the boss could have/would have gone out in glory, respected and admired.  He's waited too long, and I'm afraid his legacy will be tarnished.  See, I really am compassionate.    Thanks for listening.  There's only so much I can discuss with others at work. Debbie
J Brown
on 6/4/08 4:04 am - Omaha, NE
I am so sorry, I burst out laughing out loud.. Not at the way your buttheades boss talks to you or treats you, but the thought of you beating anyone black and blue.. Your way too sweet for that..
annette R.
on 6/4/08 8:49 am - ithaca, NY
Debbie, It sounds as if you have covered his mean old carcass long enough. It may be time to let him sink his own boat. I admire you for the compassion and respect you are showing him. It shows your strength of character.  Personally, I think he deserves a swift kick in the butt. No, I wouldn't REALLY do that to a person, but it is fun to think about. Plenty of hugs to you Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 6/4/08 12:16 am - CA
Hi Annette and Everyone, I'm officially off work now until after July 4 weekend.  I am supposed to see the surgeon this afternoon to sign the consent for surgery.  I'm excited, nervous, amazed, apprehensive, and just a touch scared........  Excited that my turn is finally here.  Nervous that something will happen today that will prevent my surgery tomorrow.  Amazed I made it this far through the last year.  Apprehensive that this isn't the answer I've been looking for during the last 40 years.  Scared that I'll be the biggest baby that ever sat on the loser's bench.  But, all in all, I'm truly grateful for the opportunity!  It's clear liquids for me today so I'll be drinking lots of water...... So..... to the market this morning to stock up on foods for hubby and daughter to eat.  I think I have everything I will need already.  I've got my chapstick and the required spirometer to take with me to the hospital.  I hate that thing......  LOL  We pick our daughter up at the airport this afternoon and then to the surgeon's office.  I have this strange need to clean today as well......  Believe me, that's strange......... LOL Take care and know I'm thinking of each and everyone of you -- and all you go through each day.   I'm off to go clean something.....  Hugs, Kathi
Eileen Briesch
on 6/4/08 7:19 am - Evansville, IN
Kathi: Tomorrow is your rebirthday! You are so excited, I'm sure, and maybe a little nervous. I wasn't nervous at all, just excited to start my new life. (And yes, there are things that may prevent your surgery, or delay it ... if they tell you you have low potassium, don't fret, they can give you something to bring your levels up and you can still have your surgery the same day ... I know this from experience. Read my profile and find out!) You have waited so long and done so well on the pre-op diet, much better than I did. I'm so excited for you to join us on the losers' bench. Welcome!

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 6/4/08 12:19 am
Good Morning Annette and everyone....... I am having a difficult day too. My depression has gotten worse again. Just too damn much stress in my life!! The weather isn't helping....all these dark and gloomy days....UGH!!! I have a client out of town to meet with today. He is causing problems at the workplace so I may be taking him off the program. We are meeting with his supervisor as well. He has been nothing but a pain in my a$$ since he started. He complains about every little thing and I am constantly having to put out fires for him. I have had about enough of this!!! I worked 18 hours in the last two days. That is causing my Fibromyalgia to flare. I am in more pain then usual. Stress causes flare ups too. The cold, wet weather isn't helping that either. Sorry to be such a whiner today. I will go for now and quit complaining. Hope everyone has a good day.  Prayers, love, and hugs to all.....connie d
Brenda R.
on 6/4/08 12:41 am - Portage, IN
Good morning, Annette and my other OFF family. I hope that the day improves for everyone. It seems like a lot of us are having a kind of off (pardon the pun) day today.  It is suppose to thunderstorm all day here but now the sun just came out. Maybe it is going to be nice after all. It was already in the 70's when I came into the office this morning about 2 hours ago. I had a visitor and she said that it is humid out. She asked why I didn't have the air on and was I hot. I told her no and that I was comfortable and let me tell you that before I would have been sweating bullets in the heat and humidity. lol  Nothing much is going on up here in the office. I have been on the computer all morning doing what I wanted to do. Such a wonderful fill in job!!!! Yesterday I was busy but not today. I will be somewhat busy tomorrow and I really hope that someone comes in to visit with me this morning. I have the bulletin for Sunday finished and now I am just bidding time for the information to come in to the office for one of the inserts.  I am going to Wal Mart this afternoon since I got a gift certificate from one of my friends for my birthday. I was going to buy a couple of nightgowns but this morning changed my mind. I went to my closet and wanted a short sleeved top and all I could find was long and three wuarter sleeved ones. I got 2 short sleeved ones and I picked the one that I have on. Believe me it is one of the ugliest tops that I have ever had the misfortune to see let along own. lol A friend of mine gave it to me and I figured that it is better than one that I had which lolks like more of a fall top with the colors that is in it. I told Bill that I am going to get short sleeved shirts since I am going to need them. I tried not to wear them because of the hanging skin on my arms. If I waved a someone the person behind me could sustain some serious head trauma. Maybe if I hadn't seen the person I was waving at for a long time the person behind me could even have death from the hanging skin hitting him so hard. lol Oh dear oh dear what is a woman to do? lol I guess I had better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers too. Special ones are being said for those in need. I hope that you all have a great day and remember to smile and enjoy where you are at at the moment. You were put there for a reason.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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