What's New Tuesday?

Laureen S.
on 6/3/08 3:16 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Hi Karen, Geeze, you mean my blathering ways need to change?  (lol). . .   Please blather, I love reading what is said here, it's the next best thing to sitting down and having coffee with all of you! Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Cajun Angel
on 6/3/08 4:37 am - New Orleans, LA
Karen, we're s'posed to come here and blather!  That's what we're here for.  I enjoy your posts, however I'm concerned that you're so far below goal.  Wish I could get to goal! I'm thinking of posting for everyone to refrain from posting the "What's New" so you'll have a chance.  How about a very early post one night? Hope you got to love on some babies! Debbie
J Brown
on 6/3/08 2:21 am - Omaha, NE
Ewww it is so humid here at work  that  the papers feel damp. and my arms are sticking to the chair. I got fake nails before the wedding and I am having a heck of a time typing. I wanted to just let them grow out because Ihate having them removed, it hurts and they always take layers of nail off and I have enough trouble with my nails. I went to a bridal shower on sunday and won a game( smelling herbs and naming them, I got 9 out of the 10) I won a bag of Pears coffee, its called "Jamacia me nuts" I made a pot this morning and it has me so wired that I feel  like I am high.. Very weird. I had an evening alone at home last night, a rare treat. I am sooo behind on my Auxiliary paper ork that  that was my goal, but I just sat in a chair and cried for hours, big alligator tears, don't know whatthat was all about and I didn't get a thing done.Lots of drama in my cirlce right now. My foster daughter seems to be married to a thief. I just found out he lost his last job( working is sporatic at best with him) and had to go to court for stealing lottery tickets.  He was found not gility. Now apparently her took his wifes bio moms boyfriend bank card and used it and they are pressing charges. Christina( foster daughter) is due with baby #2 in 2 weeks. Her in-laws remind me of a bunch of gypsies. She is lower functioning and can be persuaded to do almost anything.  I am eating the tastiest thing. I put 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese in  bowl to bring to work and for the heck of it I threw in 4 green olives,, yum yum. More rain last night. Everything is so green and beautiful,,and muggy. If it stays dry I think I will grill Chuck some dinner tonight. He is in a real funk.. all of his own doing. I will not attemt to rescue him, but maybe I can put a smile on his face. I will eat healthy today. I spent years looking and feeling bad, I refuse to return to that. It IS in my control. ( giving myself a pep talk there) Blessings
Cajun Angel
on 6/3/08 5:09 am - New Orleans, LA
Jean, could your alligator tears be relief now that the stress of the wedding is over or is there something else going on.  We're here for you, tissues at the ready and lots of hugs.  So, what's in that coffee  some strange, powerful herb?!!  I never thought of putting olives in cottage cheese - no sugar added preserves yes, and that was gooood.  The things we concoct to get our protein in Debbie
J Brown
on 6/4/08 3:05 am - Omaha, NE
Yes I am sure it is the reason.Plus all my Legin stuff, I had paperwoork due in April to headquarters that I hadn't gotten done , it was so overwhelming that when I would approach it I just couldnt begin. FINALLY last night I sat down and ended up with six large envelopes to mail. But I got so much of it done, my mood is already better.
on 6/3/08 3:46 am - Manteca, CA
Hi All, I'm off to my friend Sally's house today. She is grieving- heavily grieving- as she had to put down her dog this week. She is mostly homebound with RSP and the dog was her everyday companion and best friend. The loss was unexpected (tumor on the heart) and the dog (Cookie) was not old. I'm very sad too- I totally love my dog and I understand loss. Sally is feeling physically ill. She worries that I'll catch her flu, but I know that her illness is grief, not flu. It feels like flu- I remember that part quite well. Sally has lost so much in the past five years- her health, her Mom, her Dad, two dogs.....I will sit with her and process what needs to be processed. I'll hold her and cry with her. I'll be her friend. Now that I'm crying, I'll leave you to head out. Be grateful for your health. It's no small "thing". Hugs, Julia
Pat R.
on 6/3/08 4:40 am - Sturgis, MI
Oh Julia, what a wonderful friend you are. Sally will no doubt feel much better after sharing time with you.
God Bless you both.....my heart goes out to her with the loss of her doggie....pets are just like our children so precious and dear.

I am very grateful for my new improved health....that's what this whole WLS is about for me anyway.

Pat R.


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Cajun Angel
on 6/3/08 4:41 am - New Orleans, LA
Please express my sympathy to your friend Sally on the loss of her pet.  I know your visit will be comforting for her. Debbie
Eileen Briesch
on 6/3/08 7:25 am - Evansville, IN
Julia: You are a good friend to be so helpful after a loss of a pet. When my cats died, my best friend told me, "It's just a cat." You and I know that's not so ... it's a member of your family, a piece of your heart, that has left. It is hard to get over that loss. It's good that you understand. I'm sorry for your friend's loss. I truly know how difficult it is to lose the love of furry friend.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Brenda R.
on 6/3/08 7:59 am - Portage, IN
Julia, you are such a special friend. I know how the heart breaks with the passing of our beloved furbabies. They are such a part of our lives and our hearts. They become your family and in my case they are like my children. Please extend my sympathies to your friend.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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