What's New Tuesday?

on 6/2/08 9:12 pm - Lawrence, IN

Morning OFF Family,

Boss is gone this week so I have afew extra minutes to check in with my fabulous OFF family.

Friday night we had terrible storms.  Turns out there was a F2 tornado just about 5 miles from our house.  So much devastation.  We were lucky and didn't even lose a tree branch, but so many weren't so lucky.  It destroyed two apartment complexes, among others.  So many trees down all around us.  It's amazing that only 16 people got hurt and no one killed.

Saturday we bought our new car.  The only requirement we had was that it was a 4 cylinder with heated leather seats.  Well, heated leather seats aren't an option in 4-cylinders so we were going to have to special order it.  Then we decided to stop at a different KIA dealership and check.  As luck would have it, and even a surprise to the salesman, there was one on the lot, so we now have a new Kia Sportage, red, with black leather heated seats.  It's so nice.  It's back at the dealership today to get keyless entry, automatic start, and alarm system. 

Friday we're headed to Dayton for the weekend.  We're going to the Troy Strawberry Festival which is one of the better festivals in Ohio (at least near Dayton, Margo).  We have to drive both vehicles because Brenda is staying in Dayton for two weeks attending a class at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.  That was one reason for the big push to get the new car right away.

Having internet connection problems at home right now, so the OFF Directory may be delayed until next week.  Thanks to those that have send me additions/updates.  I'll get it out as soon as I can.

Well, better get back to work.  Have a great day and stay safe.  More storms headed our way today.


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Margo M.
on 6/2/08 9:28 pm - Elyria, OH
hmmmm..could mapquest troy and maybe michael and i could meet you over strawberries??? tho with gas so high....dunno...would be nice to take a road trip!
Pat R.
on 6/2/08 11:03 pm - Sturgis, MI
Margo I can't believe you didn't get rain last nite. It started here around 5 p.m. and rained all nite. It was so muggy and humid but I didn't turn the a/c on.....with being so cold all the time, I should save a lot on electricity this summer. I find if I keep the house closed up and curtains drawn it stays pretty comfortable in here. We are to get rain most of the day and possibly bad storms this evening.
Well, it saves me having to water all the flowers!

Got my deep freeze thawed out yesterday afternoon. The ice buildup was really bad. Threw a lot of "stuff" out -- how do things get so old .....found 2 boxes of blueberries from '05 -- good grief! Anyway, this morning I will wipe it out so it's nice and clean and ready for strawberries and a few blueberries.

Have bed linens washing, have ridden the recumbent bike for 31 min. 4.3 miles, and am drinking my protein shake breakfast. Not much else scheduled for today, except the one piano student at 4 p.m. As soon as school is out he will come at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays.....that way the rest of my day is free.

Busy week this week.....tomorrow is work, then to the beauty shop for eyebrow wax and facial hair removal, Thursday is back to beauty shop for hair cut (I have another beautician do my eyebrows cause she does a better job than my regular HC lady), then Ladies
Aid meeting at 1 p.m. at the church (last one until Sept.)
Oh, yea, Wednesday nite I am going to a "Fun and Fitness" class at church led by our one pastor who is big into fitness . Don't know how much I will be able to do, but he said not to worry about that. Friday is work and then out to lunch at our favorite chinese restaurant for a birthday luncheon with my sister and two cousins and an aunt.

Better get in gear and started on the tasks for today.
Have a wonderful day all, and remember God loves you
and so do I!

Pat R.


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Done! Your Ticker: 
Margo M.
on 6/3/08 3:00 am - Elyria, OH
Pat; evidently we had rain and i slept thru it-the grass was only moderately wet so i didn't realize it--however- at work (which is 9 miles from home where it was dry!)we had a good drenching rain for about 45 minutes this morning! blueberries from 2005--hey- we would use em! 
on 6/2/08 11:07 pm
Hi Annette and all, Well, we drove from work out to the camp which is about 30 miles, picked up dtr and another girl that goes to same college, drove to the college 50 miles, then home, another 20 miles. The girls were exhausted and Beth was not a happy camper. Trying to do the staff orientation ( they put them through the wringer like sleeping out under the stars in the pouring rain with no shelter) and trying to get papers and studying for finals done too are taking its' toll.  They are the only 2 out of the whole group like 40 who are doing this. By the end of next week the college part will be over. She is taking the bus into Spokane today and grandpa will drive them back out to camp. It also makes them miss out on the some of the "bonding" stuff and training so hope after she can get into it better and enjoy it. It is something she has been waiting to be old enough to do since she was 11. Not much else here, weather is not too great but it will start getting better hopefully next week. I am working hard at staying on track so I can see the scales move. I have been stuck here for at least 6 weeks. Up 1 or 2 then back, up 1 or 3 then back yada yada same day after day. I am feeling sad...seems like about everything...not sure what's up. I made a dr. appt for a couple weeks from now... I just hate going...feel like a whiner. Am planning to go forward with a lawsuit regarding my old job. I will keep you posted. Need to make a face to face appt. with the attorney again, and have also been given a couple of other names so I am trying to decide if I go with the guy I already spoke with or try one of these others. The one I have now is very nice but I think he is very elderly, like in his late 80s and seems to have a little memory problem. My friends son, who is an attorney, gave me two more names and said I have a very good case. So..... Well, got to go get washed dressed and beautified. Have a great day all! Cheryl

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Cajun Angel
on 6/2/08 11:51 pm - New Orleans, LA

Good morning Annette and OFF Friends!  I promise not to confuse things today by starting my own post    Yesterday I really, really had to post separately about da boss.  Can you believe he arrived at 9:40 and went home at 11:00 for the rest of the day!  Made me happy!  Today will be different.  He'll be here most of the day!  Found out what the hoopla was about Friday.  My boss said a patient DID NOT have cancer, two others said he DID.  Of course my boss was not going to back down.  The other two showed the proof on the slide, a very tiny area of malignancy, which Dr. Always Right didn't see.  Giving credit where it's due - he was at one time the best in his field in the entire multistate region.  We'd get consults from several states and foreign countries.  It's time to face the fact that he's 83 years old and not quite as spry as he once was.   On my way home yesterday I stopped at WalMart.  Didn't need much, mostly looking for bras.  They didn't have any of the ones I like, so tried a different, more expensive style, bought one.  There was a worker there who was measuring two other ladies.  Strangely, they both measured size 42.  I asked if she'd measure me - big surprise, I measured a 42 also.  I said, "But I've been wearing 36 - 38."  She insisted I was a 42.  Just for the heck of it, I took a 42 into the fitting room along with what I thought I'd wear.  Well, the 42 swallowed me!  Also bought a pair of capris, a shirt, a three-pack of underwear, some cheese sticks, and a few other groceries.  For not needing much, I managed to spend just over $100.00!  Sticker shock!   George's back is a little better - finally.  Last night he came home - I was standing by the sink washing some pre-dinner dishes.  He swatted my behind!  I turned around and told him not to start anything he couldn't finish!  He backed away - guess his back isn't THAT much better! Have a great day! Debbie

Connie D.
on 6/3/08 12:07 am
Good morning Annette and everyone........ I have another crazy busy work day today. I will be in and out with clients. They seem to be all scattered around this time too. Ugh....more driving!! Nic's counts were okay yesterday so no shot was required. He is so happy about that!! He is already wondering when I will be down again. I miss him as much as he misses me! Still cloudy and dark today. Temps in the 60s for the high again. I am really getting tired of this. Guess if I want to be tan I best get my butt over to the tanning salon. I want to be tan if I am wearing skirts and shorts. Did a little grocery shopping yesterday. Prices rise more with every trip. I need to get some major shopping done and get my freezer restocked again. I have been trying to get things used up so I can start with fresh products again.  Sounds like everyone is doing okay and keeping very busy. That is good. I best get back to my job. Have a wonderful day everyone. Prayers, love and hugs......connie d
(deactivated member)
on 6/3/08 12:21 am - Park Forest, IL
Good morning Annette and my wonderful OFF friends, today it is muggy here, storms are coming in later this am, so won;t be much time outside. Maybe that is a good thing as I have lots to do inside. The drywallers didn't show up yesterday so hopefully today. The hubby will be on the phone if he doesn't hear from them soon. speaking of my wonderful hubby he bought new tires and tubes fro my Schwinn and attempted to get them on the rims, he didn't have any luck although he worked on them for quite a long time. After 2 hours of trying he even let me call the SIL to see if he would help him, he couldn't get them on either. 4 hrs later, hubby  finally agreed to let me call the local Schwinn dealer and will take the bike over there today to let them do it.. He is sooo stubborn, he has RA and thinks he can still do everything he did 30 yrs ago and then when he can;t gets extremely frustrated.I give him credit for trying though. Unfortunately when he does something like this he pays for it for days afterwards. today he can hardly move his hands, they are all swollen. When I asked him how he felt today he said fine( Once a marine always a Marine), however I can tell(smell) he put the Icy Hot stuff on his hands and arms.
Laureen S.
on 6/3/08 12:24 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Good Morning Annette & OFF Family! Nice to see all who are here already, I've been busy and trying to keep up, but it is not easy lately, as I'm living the life that WLS has given me and I am off to Germany this coming Friday, seems I'm gone doing or being somewhere all the time lately, not complaining about it though!!!   Also seems my stall has broken, while not a significant amount of loss, just nice to be inching closer to my next personal goal of 175 lbs., probably won't happen, but I am hoping for it to happen close to my birthday, hell I'm doing great and when it happens, it happens!  All of your support helps me get through the times when my feelings become overwhelming! Today is appears to be a slow day and reviews and raise time is upon us, from what I'm hearing, we are not getting too much, but I'm grateful to have a job that gives me what I need right now, as so many are getting laid off in all industries right now, and I was reading that they expect Wall Street to lose about 55,000 jobs, which will greatly affect all industries that support it, I think we will survive it, but whatever happens, worrying won't change a thing, so I am not worried, just grateful! Ok, that's enough from me, sending you all my famous hugs, along with prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Karen S.
on 6/3/08 1:04 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Annette and all you wonderful peeps!!

I guess I will NEVER get to start the thread.....I was in here at 3:00 a.m. (that's 6:00 a.m. west coast, 9:00 a.m. east coast) and thought maybe, just maybe, I would jump in.....not going to happen...Ha!

This morning I'm filling in for another screener at the hospital, and that's why I'm up so early. I have to get to the hospital and test seven (that's what she told me) babies before their mothers go home. It's nice to get the extra hours even though the pay is rotten. As a clinical psychologist, I used to get $125 an hour........and now I'm making $12.00 an hour.....uh, sort of strange, but at least I'm doing something I LOVE, and not something I hate.

Yesterday I went to have blood taken so I can find out next week if I have anything wrong with me (other than being slightly crazy!). I weighed myself at the clinic, and was 154....still way too low for 5'11" and I have been eating constantly! I'm still not eating bad carbs and refuse to fall into that trap......and if I'm to gain again, it's going to have to be by eating frequently and good food. Adding real mayo and real butter is a challenge.....seems like I just automatically turn to the Smart Balance spread. I will see what doc says.

My friends took some pictures on my birthday two days ago while we were out to dinner, and I DO LOOK SKINNY! My top half is bones covered with skin, and even my bodacious buh-tocks are deflated enough to fit within my desk chair without any hanging over the sides....awesome! I used to hang over 8 inches on each side!!

But enough about me........I'm afraid I use this family forum some days to blather...kinda like I'd do if you were all sitting on my lanai and we were gulping Kona and shooting the breeze. Now, I'm taking my no longer inflated buh-tocks to the hospital and get me some baby squeezes and snugs.

Hope you all have a nice day!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
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