What's New Tuesday?

Good Morning Annette and Friends,
I'm back! Had a great cruise on the Inside Passage. Took a couple of really wonderful excursions: a float trip on the Mendenhall River out of Juneau and a Sea Otter and wildlife boat trip in Sitka. The weather was absolutely stunning all week. It didn't even rain in Ketchikan which is nothing short of a miracle. Way too little sleep, too many food choices, too much shopping. . . .not enough down time. Lots of catching up with my college roomie. Her 90yr old mom, who the trip was planned around, had a severe congestive heart episode topped with pneumonia at the last minute. She was unable to go on the trip, but wanted us to go and have a great time in her honor. We did our best. Every night gabbing until one of us would fall asleep (Nancy B and JW does this sound familiar?)
Met lots of wonderful people, but alas no Men in Trees for my single roomie. And we did look. Found a couple of trappers in Ketchikan, and a logger or three at the Lumberjack show. Found out that you can be a summer crossing guard in Ketchikan for $14.00 per hour. Not bad. Told roomie that would at least be a way to meet tourists! Probably not locals. I think you have to get out of the touristy stores to do that!
House is really moving along and we have so many decisions to finalize this week. Windows are ordered, cabinets chosen. Now we have to pick out wood flooring, tile, and make electrical decisions.
Our house sale is on one minute, almost off the next. Now we're dealing with them wanting an FHA sale, which means more appraisals and inspections and a lot of nit picky stuff. About ready to tell them to bite a big one and we'll find another seller. Mike spent money, time, and hired help to do their "honey do" list last week. He can't get under the house, climb on the roof, etc because of his spinal fusion so must hire it done. The final thing they want is a spark arrester on the fireplace. It's gotten by for 50 years (like the other dozen homes in the neighborhood) without one, but if they want one I guess we'll do it. But that's it. If they want anything else we're refusing. We don't have to leave the house. It's paid for and it will cost us several grand to rent for 3 months til the new house is finished. I know this is prime selling time, but we've bent over about as far as we're willing to bend. Far enough that they can kiss my arse!~
Guess I needed to vent! All in all life is good. Friday I go to Chehalis to go on a short road trip with the "girls." Josh, Erin's hubby, is going on his annual Canadian fishing trip. Erin, Hannah, Clara, Lucy ( the puppy) and I will drive up to Seattle to see family and stop by her Seattle office. On Monday we'll head for Kennewick and they'll spend the week with us here. I don't think they'll even know that they aren't home. They'll be 3 months on June 16th and are each over 9 lbs now. We'll have a puppy/Maggie reunion also. Zoe lives here in town, and Lucy will be here with Erin. Should be fun to see them together again. Gotta go try and get a few more zzzzz. Take care,
Karen C
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland