Sex and the City- The Movie...
...I went to see it and I really liked it. It is really all abouty relationships, but most of all about good girlfriend relationships....and how no matter what they are there for you....kind of like all of you on this Forum.
One of my daughter-in-law's girlfriends said she cried and cried at the daughter said I think she has probably had a lot of "relationships" problems in the past.
My two closest friends [one of them was my bridesmaid 45 years ago] came over for lunch on Saturday and we caught up on each other.....over two bottles of wine.sitting on my patio ....and three hours. We also talked about who we would be in Sex in the City.....and sort of decided that I would be Charlotte.....always happy every friend Suzanne would be Carrie......a little bit narcisstic, but dead loyal to her friends....and my friend Lyn, while she looks like Samantha...does not have her sexual orientations....although she says, while she is monagamous...really does love sex.......
Those of you that have seen it....who are you??
It was interesting to note the relationship of the "girls" with the spouses.......while they all love my husband......we didn't love the Ex's of the other two "girls". ...but love the boyfirend of the Samantha character that she has now.
Girlfriends are the greatest!!!!
Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
I went to see the movie as well...LOVED IT!!!!!! I laughed, I cried and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I went the matinee on Friday and several groups of friends came in dressed to the 9's.
I think this was the first time I seen a movie and didn't get popcorn...I love it but I smuggled in a small bag of soynuts to nibble on instead. That was a big temptation for me to overcome.
It was so special to see the four "girls" still so close even after being married and living distances away. I kinda feel that way on this forum...all here "through thick and thin" literally.
I recommend everyone see this movie.
I love Spring!!!!!!
I love Spring!!!!!!
I also loved daughter loved it also and said she was so glad that they protrayed Lili, Charlotte's daughter as being part of the group....becuase she remembers being part of my girlfriends group when she was little......she says " that is why I am so all scared me straight!!" LOL..Love, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
No doubt I am a Miranda.Not wanting to admit I want or need anyone in my life. Commander of my own life. Picking men who at first seem great but always ending up a bit off center and making me hit my head and say "what was I thinking". She also has a hard time trusting and that is me..Being a military wife I made fast friends with other wives, but then we always moved on. At this time of my life when I could use close friends I really don't have any. My mom and daughter seemd to be the close friends of my life.

I also went to see it with DH on Friday night and I LOVED IT! I was so thrilled to see so many women in the audience that came with a group of female friends and so many people were all dressed up - it was quite the event.
The movie was great. What I have always loved is that the writing shows you the complexities of being human... that no one fits into a simple mold of a character. Example... Miranda is so tough, but will be so gentle with Steve's mother. Samantha giving Miranda her hair appointment, or helping the nun get an appointment with the oncologist - oh, I could just go on and on - I love that show and I loved the movie...
Glad to hear you liked it too