Monday What's New?
Good morning Good morning Hugggggggg. I posted some on the other, and I will post some here with you too. Chuck was out of town for a leadership conference this weekend So with 2 of his buddies we split dog duties. Chuck has 2 dogs, Penny a 2 yr old Minpin. and Toby I think he is about 5 yr old Jack Russel. I left there Saturday at 5pm. "Bob" was to let the dogs out in the evening, "Brent "would feed and let them out Sunday morning and then I would go up after church. Chuck leaves this sign in book so we all know when the last person was there and what was done. After church I had to take my mom to her house, grandkids to their houses.. Thats going from Council Bluffs to Omaha, then drive up to Crescent ( 15 miles) Let the dogs out and back to Council Bluffs to attend a wedding shower for Chucks cousin, no way I could do all of this in 45 minutes, so Ray ( new SIL) said he would do the dogs for me.He decided to eat first (grrr) and by the time he was going to go do it he heard from Chuck that he was about home..When Chuck got home he found out that the dogs had not been attended too for 22 hours. I was just sick. I was present when Bob said he would be there Saturday night. I am so upset, the poor babies, no food water or let out in all that time, they are kenneled when we leave so they were stuck in there. Now Ihave to run, Boss is back from Staffing..Blessings

* ** * ** * Today is going to be another one of those weird days. Our apt alarm went off this morning about 6 a.m. I is sooooo loud we go outside to get away from the noise. Of course it is designed to get us out.. lol The alarms are hardwired in and cannot be turned off by us. It usually takes the fire dept about 15 minutes to get here and shut the alarm off. So, Mom and I are up for a while waiting for the ringing in our ears to stop. I finally get back to bed and am woke up at 10 a.m. by the phone. The day has a late start for sure. Not much planned but still .. seems like half a day............ Sat I made a casserole but didn't eat it until Sun. We took it to my youngest son's home. I love being around the kids. My two year old grandson is learning (quite well) how to become the center of attention. He is sooo darn cute... I know I know ... yours are too. His older brother, age 9 made a school project. A scene of NW indians made from clay. I was amazed at his talent. He also read his report to us, although he didn't want to (shy). Enough.. .. .. gotta start my day. Millie