Monday What's New?

Margo M.
on 6/1/08 8:08 pm - Elyria, OH
hello,,,,anybody out there???????? what's new??????????????????????????????
annette R.
on 6/1/08 8:19 pm - ithaca, NY
Margo, Looks like you and Aime posted at the same time. Now we will all be confused. Great minds think alike.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Margo M.
on 6/1/08 8:56 pm - Elyria, OH
naw....two threads to choose from is better than none-- just so y'all post somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 6/1/08 10:14 pm - Australia
Gooood morning!! I had to get up early today because my husband put his car in for a service and I had to drive him to work after. Bummer, Monday is usually my sleep-in day (I work Tuesday to Saturday). But, as I was asleep by about 11 last night, I feel pretty good, or I will once I get my coffee inside me. My left eye is itching. I've never suffered from allergies before........NEVER....but for the past few days my left eye just wants to be scratched with steel wool or something, I'm sneezing and needing to use my ventolin inhaler (and I'm not asthmatic, I just need it for tight breathing at times). So, allergens have found there way into MY system this year. This comes at a bad time as I had just started trying mono-vision, by wearing a contact lens in one eye.........and you guessed it, it's my left one. So no contact for the past week. I tried it in my right eye, but I don't think it's strong enough.  I hope everyone has a GREAT Monday. I'm happy, I booked my flight to Australia for August, and organized my time there with my girls and friends. Now I want to go pack, but I guarantee that nothing in my current wardrobe will fit me by then. I need to find a sweater or two to take with me as it's winter there, but it's summer here and cannot buy one. I may have to borrow. Or there's always ebay!!
Brenda R.
on 6/2/08 12:05 am - Portage, IN
Good morning, Margo and all my other family. I hope that today is going good for everyone.  I am at the church office this week from 8 to noon. Pastor won't be in today since he has another funeral so here I sit. I am glad that I got everything done that needs to be done first thing. Now I can spend more time where I want to be~here. lol Nothing to much is happening today. I am going home and get Bill off to work and then do some house cleaning. Not much has to be done thank heaven. I think after I get done with that I am going to sit on my swing and read. That sounds like heaven to me right here on earth. Can't get better for me than that. Yesterday I just became a couch potato. I did nothing bu****ch television and help Bill do dinner. Of course it is summer so he cooked out! Are we surprised? lol Then I did my nails and got ready the things I was going to bring into the office and watched television some more. lol I ached and so just didn't want to do anything at all. I even started to read the paper and didn't want to do that either. It ended up in the garbage. Thank God I feel better today and I am not going to have a repeat of that crap. I don't like that. It seems like a waste of life to me at times. Even though when I am doing it I don't think that. lol Today is sunny and it was already 70 when I was coming into the office. So I guess spring is here or maybe it passed us by and it is summer now. Who knows. The weather here in Indiana can be so goofy. As all who live around here know.  I better get going. I hope that you all have a wonderful day and I am sending love and hugs toall. Prayers are being sent up with special ones for those in need. I am so thankful that God knows the special needs since I would just forget them anyway. Senior moments are coming faster and spending more time with me!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Connie D.
on 6/2/08 1:50 am
Good Morning Margo and everyone........ I have had a busy morning with my job. I am expecting the  "computer" person from the main office in St. Paul to get here. He is bringing back my laptop and is going to figure out why I can't print from it. Always something!! Just want to pop in and greet everyone!!   I hope everyone is doing well and that you all had a great weekend. My weekend was fun. Lots going on and not much down time Sunday. I really needed a weekend like this!! I need to get to the grocery store later. I am about out of fruit. I NEED my fruit!!!  I will check the board later and catch up with everyone. Need to go for now. Prayers, love and hugs to all.........connie d
on 6/2/08 2:01 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Margo and all my other OFF friends,
I lurk and poke my head out every once in a while.  I always enjoy reading your posts and keeping up with your lives.  All of you inspire me every day of this WLS journey. I had a wonderful surprise at my graduation party yesterday.  My DIL brought my grandchildren to the party.  All of my brothers and sisters and my Mom and my nieces and nephews came.  It was a beautiful day and I'll remember it always. 
I'll spend lunch hour writing thank you notes.  Because of some generous grad gifts I'll be able to add $100 to each of my grandkids 529 plans that I opened for them when they were born. I had taken a school year off from being a Tiger Cub Leader so that I could finish my Assoc. degree.  Tonight I've been asked by the woman who stood in for me this year to attend the "crossing over" ceremony for the 2008 Tigers into Cub Scouting.  I love that age (6-7) because they are so enthusiastic and cute!  It will be fun. I'm looking forward to be back working with them this fall. If I get home before dark I have some planting to do.  Yesterday my SIL gave me some of her chives, peppermint and spearmint.  I'll pot the peppermint and spearmint separately because they are invasive.  The chives are pretty as a flower too so I'll set them in the flower garden.  I stuck them in a bucket with wet paper toweling on them, but that will only keep them a day or two. I hope everyone has a great day. Bev

on 6/2/08 3:22 am
WOW CONGRATULATIONS ** what a wonderful day for you. You have such a supporting family. AIN'T LIFE GRAND Millie
on 6/2/08 4:47 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Thanks Millie.  Yes, I am very lucky.  My husband had to cook a lot of meals for himself and spend a lot of hours alone.  Everyone has told me how proud they are.  It is great to feel so loved. LIFE IS GRAND. Bev

J Brown
on 6/2/08 3:35 am - Omaha, NE
Bev.. those chive flowers are yummy in salads.
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