It's Sunday What's New?

Pat R.
on 6/1/08 11:08 am - Sturgis, MI
Happy Birthday to our Aloha Girl -- hope your day was as special as you are. God Bless!

Pat R.


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Connie D.
on 6/1/08 2:37 am
Good morning Cheryl and everyone...... I went out with friends last night. Danced the night away!! laughed so much my tummy muscles hurt today.I  met a nice guy to boot!!! I have a busy and fun day planned for today. First at about 2:00PM I am going to a benefit for a girl here that was burned really badly a few weeks ago. There will be 8 bands playing. That will be a great time for sure!!  Then later tonight it is off to the car races. That is always fun.  I am going to go outside now and take a book with me. I want to relax a little before all the fun begins. I really need a fun filled day!! Prayers to all.  Love and hugs, connie d
on 6/1/08 2:37 am
************** GOOD MORNING, GOOD MORNING ****** Today is dreary and cold. We've had just enough sunshine in the past month to tease us into thinking summer is here. I plan to hem the pants I bought at Goodwill & Salvation Army. $3.99 each.. lol will offset the price of gas... I rarely find clothes that would fit from thrift shops so this is somewhat new to me. The camera I ordered came so now I need to learn how to use it... may take a while. Sounds like most of you have fun plans with family/friends. HAVE A BLESSED DAY ! ! MILLIE
Debbie G.
on 6/1/08 3:49 am - Derby Line, VT
  Hello Off'ers!  Good afternoon from breezy sunny wonderful NW Ohio!  Candy girl left about 0945 from my house (MARGO- she tried to call you several times but couldn't get thru but did leave voice mails for you!)  She just called me to say she was in Erie Pa and about an hour and half from home.  We had such a nice time, visiting and talking all weekend!  We met up with Meilissa S yesterday and we all rode up together to Detroit for the OH conference.  None of us had been to one before, and while it was nice, only about half the people that reserved came.  We got nice goodie bags and some free Acheive One's.  (actually ended up having so much of it we could each get one of each flavor.  Also got to taste their new bars comin out soon, and heard there will be a vanilla and a chocolate flavor coming out soon too.  We all thought of you Eileen and how much you like them!  We got to meet William "Big Will" Elijah who was hosting the program, what a hunky looking man!  Plus he seems very genuine and ever so willing to help anyone!  I think we got a picture with him and Candy may be posting it.  It was such a joy sharing a nice day with Candy and Melissa.  Both are such nice people!  Candy actually was quite taken with my dogs.  Angus especially!  He curled right up next to her several times and she loved playing with his ears.  Sgt Pepper liked her too.  She got to meet "Teddy Bear" AKA Max Friday.  Just before he got reunited with his real momma.  Momma as it turns out is not homeless but had some sort of reaction to chantrix (trying to quit smoking) and not taking her bi-polar meds for a while.  She was released from hospital and was driving home Friday to Michigan.  My dad was at my house to get the dog while Candy and I were at the nursery looking around.  we passed dad on way to my house and I turned around to meet Teddy Bear's momma and find out his real name!  Maxwell/Max.  You could just see how much he loved her.  I could tell she took very good care of him, so I was glad they were together again.  He and Pepper played constantly!  Anyway, this is MY day to do what I want.  so far I hung out a huge load of clothes (sheets and towels) and went to get a chai from Starbucks.  Also did some sponge painting on some of my gourds and will probably finish that up later.  This is just going to be a NICE day!  Have a great Sunday all!

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

Margo M.
on 6/1/08 5:40 am - Elyria, OH
debbie-ouch! i  posted above that my phone was accidentally OFF!!!! we don't have a house phone either -so it is my loss not to get to see candy on her way home...glad taht you three enjoyed the day in detroit tho!
on 6/1/08 5:17 am - Manteca, CA
Thanks to all for the birthday wishes yesterday. I had a fun day and ended it with dancing to the oldies! Today my neck is sore, but I feel good. I don't have anything planned except for a trip to the movies with my daughter to see "Sex in the City"... we both watched the show for many years, so we are looking forward to the movie. I'm expecting my mom to drop by any time. She's 81 but totally independent so far.  Knock on wood! I'm off to do a little laundry.... happy Sunday! Julia
annette R.
on 6/1/08 6:14 am - ithaca, NY
Good afternoon Cheryl and ALL, I was up before the birds began singing today. Tom and I had coffee in bed and I haven't had much computer time. He wants my undivided attention in the morning. That's good. We had a family gathering at my step-son's house. What a huge crowd of people. Tom's X and I sat and chatted as the young folks did their thing. Several people commented to Tom that it was odd to see his X and present wife sitting together for the day. didn't bother either of us. She and Tom were divorced for several years before we met each other. Our 16 year old grand, Amanda, is on crutches. She was riding on the back of a go-cart which raised the front end and sent it out of control. that resulted in a  trip to the ER and 9 stiches for our dare-devil. Amanda was so proud of her stitches.  Much to the amusement of everybody (but me), Tom scooped me up and threatened to toss me into the pool. He was warned that if I went into the cold water it would be his last act as a married man. He was smart and listened to me.  The daughters-in-law wanted me to go bar hopping with them. No thank you !!!  That wasn't my idea of fun. It was thoughtful of them to include me in their plans but NONE of them needed to drink another drop. Thoughtful my foot ... I was the only sober adult and they needed a designated driver. They must have the biggest hangover in history this morning. I am glad they are smart enough to NOT drink and drive.  Enough of my chatter. Talk to you later. Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Margo M.
on 6/1/08 6:59 am - Elyria, OH
it's almost 5 pm-where did the weekend go??? we did some shopping yesterday and today just lolled around-slept off and on and watched movies on tv...right now my wonderful -NOT!-dh is blowing off (with the leaf blower) the deck--he went up on the roof with the blower to blow all of the maple tree whirlys off and out of the gutters-only fell once and thank God it was only to his butt... so now that he is on ground level i came in the house- what a mess! i truly want to buy those gutter gurads before fall...there is NO reason a  68 yr old already clumsy unsteady on his feet man should be up there! well-i screwed up seeing candy-by plugging my phone in this morning  i forgot to turn it back on-it was outta battery last nite- so i missed her stoopid move on my part.... i made maui karen's jello salad today-am thinking taht maybe i would like it better if i stirred all of the goodies together instead of laying them all on top of the cottage cheese.....????? it's about time to get supper and get my pre-monday shower so my hair can dry..i like to let it air dry-it is so unruly otherwise and i don't need anymore dry ends..... i am so ready to cut it short....who was it-crosby stills and nash..."almost cut my hair"......
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