I'm Back.Liz successfully Married off

J Brown
on 5/30/08 1:10 am - Omaha, NE
   Greetings my second family. Last Saturday Liz had the perfect wedding. Everything went wonderfully ( well she was a half hour late heading down the isle.) I am going to try and post some pictures. I got them a 3 day day honeymoon at a bed and breakfast in the country. She called and said she and Ray stood on the balcony and cried it was so beautiful. They spent an afternoon touring the Bridges of Madison County, then rented the movie and watched it while sipping wine from the local winery that they toured while sitting in the hot tub in there room..Now they are back and back to work and the real world. She was so beautiful,and not at all nervous, it truely was her day. They had a forest sent up on the stage in the church, complete with full sized animals , lent to them from Bass Pro shop. Deer, a blackbear, doves in the trees, little racoons and rabbits, as odd as it sounds it was so beautiful.      My boss who, I love and have worked with for 7 years has been horrid since I got back, she didn't even ask me how the wedding went. She is so angry with me. I am on Disability and am allowed to only made a limited amount of $$. I make that limit in a 2 paycheck month, when it is a 3 paycheck month ( May was one)I have to cut a lot of hours. That makes her mad to start with when I start cutting. This has been like this since I started and she used to have no problem with it, all of a sudden a couple years ago it started to peeve her. I did not plan my time well this time and as I sat at my desk, a week ago I discovered that I had worked about 12 hours too many and had to leave plus I had vacation days Thursday and Friday last week. So now that I am back ( oh and it took me all of 4 hours to catch up on work I had missed last week) she has slammed things around, been a snit and Wednesday she announced that she wanted an exact acount of the hours I would work the next 3  payday month ( it will be in Oct.)and she wanted it by today (friday) The day before I had apologised for my mess up and told her I would have a schedule for her 2 weeks before the next 3 payday month so this would not happen again. Apparently that wasn't good enough for her.. Like I know what hours I am going to be working in 5 months. I'm getting a knot in my stomach just thinking about it so I had better start thinking happy thoughts. Blessings   
on 5/30/08 2:10 am
******** WHAT A ROLLER COASTER RIDE ******* Going from warm, wonderful romance to the "Ice Queen" .. .. .. .. Congratulations on a wonderful wedding. Isn't it nice to know your kids had a wonderful Wedding and Honeymoon. Would love to see some pix... Millie
annette R.
on 5/30/08 5:18 am - ithaca, NY
The wedding sounds romantic and wonderful. Keep thinking about that and ignore the boss lady. Since you usually love her, maybe she was having a bad day? Pictures - we want pictures!!! Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Connie D.
on 5/30/08 5:41 am
Hello Jean....I will be watching for the pics. Sounds like the wedding was wonderful!! As for your boss........... Hugs...connie d
Cajun Angel
on 6/1/08 11:26 pm - New Orleans, LA
Jean, congratulations on pulling off what sounds like a beautiful wedding!  I'll take a look at the pictures as I catch up with the posts.  Hey, I know where you're coming from with that boss.  Could she possibly be related to mine?   Debbie
J Brown
on 6/2/08 12:54 am - Omaha, NE
I think yours needs a bonk on the head and maybe some anti anxiety medication. Iam actuallt glad to hear he lost it with other doctors, justmaybe someone will do something about it, have you said he is close to retirement? Now my boss wants me to make a calender of every day and the hours I will work each day in Sept & Oct. Really I love her topieces, but these last couple of weeks Ijust haven't liked her much, and I guess the feeling in mutual. And Thank-you so much I think we pulled off a great wedding.
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