What we are eating,and what's eating us!!!! Thursday!!

Cajun Angel
on 5/28/08 11:20 pm - New Orleans, LA
Congratulations to our very own graduate!!!  Debbie
on 5/28/08 11:36 pm - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Thanks Debbie!  I got a surprise when we got home from NY on Tues.  We got home at 5:00 p.m. after a five and a half hour drive.  I picked up the mail and started going through it and it's a good thing!  There was an invitation to an awards banquet that night!  I had 45 minutes to change and get down to the school.  We were supposed to reply and say how many guests were coming - yada, yada, yada, but they didn't mail it until the Tues. before.  Anyway, I made it but my hubby didn't come.  He drove, was tired, would have had to change too and we weren't sure with his bad knee that they would have adequate seating.  I got the achievement award for having the highest cumulative GPA of all the Computer Information Systems Graduates.  It will be in the newspaper.  Boy was I surprised.  And they gave me $100 bucks!  Just one little change in our plans coming home or not going through the mail right away and I would have missed it. Bev

Cajun Angel
on 5/29/08 12:04 am - New Orleans, LA

WOW on the award!  I'm so proud of you! Deb

on 5/29/08 6:47 am
********** C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ******** This is quite an achievement.... and the extra $$$ didn't hurt either. Millie
Linda S.
on 5/29/08 7:11 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Congrats Bev!!! I am also happy to hear you had a ball with the grands! That makes it all worthwhile!! Hugs!

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Brenda R.
on 5/28/08 11:30 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning big sis Linda. Hope that the day went well for you. I miss you not being able to check in during the day. All because they are being poo poo heads. Didn't their moms teach them to share? Obviously not!! I don't want to play with them. lol I have to make a big pan of mac and cheese for a funeral dinner at the church this morning. I hate doing stuff like that but what is a girl to do?! Sunner here this morning, and it suppose to get to around 70. But then again I have heard that one before and it turned into a song and dance. I beleive it when I see it or maybe I should say feel it.  Here it goes for the day....... B: sf oatmeal with a banana L: scrambled eggs D: fish and veggies I guess this means I have to cook!!!! S: your guess is as good as mine maybe a slim fast low carb shake I better get moving.....hope you have a good day and I am sending love and hugs to you dear big sister. Special prayers are being said for you too.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Linda S.
on 5/29/08 7:14 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hiya Bev, looks like I may be able to come here, since it goes through WEB MD, I was so affected by not being able to check in here and get good vibes and support, it makes a difference. My life is so small, it is better when they just leave me be. I am starting to lose weight again, thank God.  I hope the poo poo heads will leave me be...hugs!

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


Cajun Angel
on 5/28/08 11:31 pm - New Orleans, LA
Good morning, hope you and all my OFF family is doing well.  Looks like some delicious menus planned for today. B - boiled egg S - protein shake L - tiny bit of chicken marsala and tiny bit of eggplant parm S - yogurt D - rabbit stew with carrots and taters and a small salad S - peanut butter and wheat crackers Have a great day! Debbie
Linda S.
on 5/29/08 7:26 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hugs Debi, looks like I can visit here, since it is through Web MD....yay!!!! I miss you guys...I was in the dumps!! Hugs!!!

 WHAT WE FEAR,WE CREATE.                                                                                                


annette R.
on 5/28/08 11:41 pm - ithaca, NY
 Waah - I want to live in Arizona! The thermometer says a chilly 50 degrees right now,  too cold for me. I have no idea how I will eat today. Between working with my client and an evening training session there is no time. I'll toss some cheese sticks and protein bars in my purse to eat during the training. I could teach this training after so many years. It is the same material and no changes year after year. The State insits it has to be completed annually.  
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
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