Morning All, Its Thursday May 29 357AM

on 5/28/08 6:06 pm - Bradenton, FL
Good Morning to All, Well another night of not sleeping. DH snoring away and the cats jumping all night on the bed!!!!! What is a girl to do!!!!!  It looks like Hurricane season is upon us, I heart there was on not in the Atlantic but in the Pacific. Not that is a change........... Carl went out and got a certain radio we needed in the house  now I need to get a case of bottled water for the house and Im not sure of what else. Ill hve to ask around. I know you have to have the gas tank full and the propane tanks full. I guess I have that already. Nothing much going on today but work today. I am excited for my neice, She got asked to teach a class for the summer in honduras on creative writing at the University of Honduras. She is very excited. She leaves the end of June till the beginning of Augest. She lives in Chicago. Well off to bed again to seeif I can go to sleep. Carla.
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Aime B.
on 5/28/08 7:38 pm - Baltimore, MD
Morning Carla- Let's see. What do I recall about hurricane preparation. My mother always kept a can opener (the old hand crank one), tuna fish, sterno, and a few other incidental sundries. I remember filling the bath tub for emergency water, putting matresses up against the windows, and candles.  I also remember people would have hurricane parties.  Today will be a long day. I am driving to my mother's after work. Someone else is going to take N with Lp to the peditrician. Tomorrow morning I will be driving back to bring my mother's best friend to the airport by 10. I think I will then bring my little self right home and stay put.  A least my mouth is feeling better so I can survive without the codeine today. It is still a little swollen, but not nearly as bad as it has been.  I will see you all later. Have a great day!

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

on 5/28/08 8:45 pm - Lawrence, IN

Morning Carla, Aime, and all: 

Thought I would drop in for a quick Hello before I get busy at work.  It's been very hectic, but I'm really enjoying this job now.  In fact, today I'm moving out of my cubicle in the flow of traffic to an office with only one other person.  Feels like I'm really special now. 

Will be getting the OFF Directory out real soon.  I've really gotten a good response this month, so you'll see more new names.  I really enjoy doing the directory because it does keep me in touch with my wonderful OFF family.  I can't believe I've been so busy that I've only posted 9 times in the past month and that's all boards, not just OFF.  I need to try harder to stay in touch.

Brenda is getting ready to go to Ohio for two weeks of training so we've decided it's time for a new car since hers is a 1994 Rodeo.  We drive them into the ground before getting a new one.  Last night we went to 7 car dealerships.  We wanted something smaller, but not so small that we feel like we're sitting on the road.  We've now got it narrowed down to the Nissan Rogue, Kia Sportage, or Ford Escape.  Anyone have any experience with any of these?  Anyway, we'll have a new car by the end of next week.

Well, I have training all morning so my work day is cut short anyway.  I better get some things done.

Annette, thanks for those big cow lips.  You always know how to brighten everyone's day and you're so good at it.

Brotherly hugs to all,


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Marti P.
on 5/29/08 7:33 am - San Jose, CA
Floyd, If it was me buying a new car this year (I bought one last year) I'd look the ones you are considering up in Consumer Reports and see how they are expected to do as far as repairs, etc., since you, like me, keep a car as long as possible!  ****pt my '93 Honda Civi****il I was rear-ended and it was demolished in Dec. 06). Marti in San Jose 
annette R.
on 5/29/08 8:46 am - ithaca, NY
Aww - thanks Floyd. Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Margo M.
on 5/29/08 11:22 am - Elyria, OH
i was very interested in the edge but i seem to think it's carsh test ratings weren't great? consumer reports is what you need!
Margo M.
on 5/28/08 8:52 pm - Elyria, OH
just saying hi- going back out to my pasture where the violets are sweet and the bees still love the clover--maybe one will sting me and i'll die.....put me outta my misery..... hugs to all
annette R.
on 5/28/08 10:34 pm - ithaca, NY
 Margo - moove a little closer and get a big hug.  Ya' don't want to die from an old bee sting. I tell Tom if I decide to end this life, I plan to screw myself to death. Now Honey, wouldn't THAT be a better way to go?  Shame on me but I hope you are smiling now. Love and kisses Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Laureen S.
on 5/28/08 9:02 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Carla & My OFF Friends/Family! Funny how the winter months seem like years and the warmer (well somewhat) days of Spring/Summer/Fall just go by in a blurr, especially as we get older. . .  anyone want to venture a guess as to why that is?   I can't believe that it's almost June and my trip to Germany is a week away, plus one day. . .   I've taken today off, as tomorrow is my other support board's semi-annual get together.  They are expecting a big turnout this go round, approximately 85 people I believe is the last count I heard, not to mention those that might pop in for the day.  I'm looking forward to seeing many of the people who post there that I have not already met, as well as some of the "oldtimers".  I took the day off because one of the gals, who is from New York, but goes to law school in Boston, who had her surgery in PA, because of our surgeon's skills and the reputation of Barix, is coming for her 9 month follow-up and for the weekend get together, she was originally flying in, but due to the death of her grandpa recently, she is taking the train into Philadelphia instead and I volunteered to pick her up at the station, it was a good excuse to take a day off, not to mention I can dye my hair, which needs to be done badly and I postponed doing because if I had done it last weekend, my grey would be peeking through by next weekend, and I can get some shopping done, as my DIL finally sent me a list of things I can bring when I go next week.  So I have a busy day ahead of me, but it will be somewhat liesurely and then come next week, hopefully, I'll just need to pack up my suitcase, grab my passport and get on the plane. . . So, hope you all have a great day and I'll wish you a safe and happy weekend, as I probably won't be on the computer before Sunday or Monday. Prayers, positve thoughts and hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Nancy H.
on 5/28/08 9:29 pm - Traverse City, MI
Good morning Carla & everyone. I haven't been on in a long time, have been very busy.  I was in New York for 10 days again. My granddaughter had her treatment. It was the first time I saw this. The kids are so brave as this is so painful.  The good news is she is doing great. All her tests came back as cancer free! She still has treatment until November of 09, but it looks like it may work. I walked so much. We went to Time Square in the pouring rain,30 blocks. It was so much fun. We also went to Central Park. What a beautiful park! The familys of the Ronald McDonald house were invited to the Waldorf Astoria for a Gala to raise money for the Ronald house. It was a great night, & I was so proud of the kids. We also went to the Bronx Zoo. I also wanted to thank everyone for their prayers for Morgan. I truly believe they work! Have a great day,  Nan
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