Almost 60. Is it worth it?
Welcome Paulette,
You can't begin to imagine the fun in store for you and the grand's. I take my 2 year old grand to her gymnastics each week and participate in all of the activities with ease. I get on the trampoline and have such fun bouncing up and down. The trampoline would have broken if I tried it before!!!
Before WLS I would get exhausted walking from the car to the building and it is a very short walk. Now I run with Melanie and don't give it a second thought. I'm 60 years old BTW.
(deactivated member)
on 5/28/08 12:16 am - Park Forest, IL
on 5/28/08 12:16 am - Park Forest, IL
Hi Annette, thanks for the welcome. My granddaughters are already talking about all the things we'll be able to do. so far walking and going on the swings. yesterday I told them I'm going to get a bike. The oldest Cheyanne(6) said Nana I think you won't be able to ride a bike. I said I will and soon. Samanatha (4) said Nana I will help you, we can put training wheels on for you! LOL!!
I took them to the Library yesterday since it was so chilly here. Today its a little warmer the sun is out so hopefully we can go to the park. Paulette

Welcome aboard, we are a very friendly and supportive bunch here and you are the age I was when I had my surgery in October '07, you will be amazed at how much younger you will be getting (lol)! Just do your homework with regard to your sugeon and the procedure you feel would best serve you and all will be well! Looking forward to getting to know you as you progress on your journey!
Take care, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
(deactivated member)
on 5/28/08 12:20 am - Park Forest, IL
on 5/28/08 12:20 am - Park Forest, IL
Hi Laureen, OMG everyone is so fantastic here. I really appreciate all the support. Right now I am still deciding between two surgeons. Dr, Vitello at UIC and Dr. Cahill here in the so suburbs. Dr. Cahill would be easier since he is so much closer to home. however, UIC is a teaching hospital and I think more prepared for complications. Also support group after would be better closer to home. Either way I still have time to figure it all out. surgery won't happen tillsept- oct at the earliest due to the 6 months med supv diet. thanks again fot the welcom, Paulette
(deactivated member)
on 5/28/08 12:22 am - Park Forest, IL
on 5/28/08 12:22 am - Park Forest, IL
Hi Kathi, thanks for the welcome. It is so nice to be able to get input from others going or having gone thrugh the same thing. seems like no matter the questions I have somone has a great answer. Paulette

Hi Irish,
I'm so glad that you are looking into this. I had my surgery in December ( just 6 months ago) and I've lost almost 100 pounds. I feel so much better physically and emotionally. I am almost 54 (on Saturday) and I feel like this will add many years to my life. Good luck with your journey!
Hi: I'm a few months away from being 59 and had my surgery in April. I have no regrets. I was a professional yoyo dieter. Now, for the first time in my life I know that I won't be gaining these pounds back. Wow! What a concept! I am also looking forward to ditching my hypertension and cholesterol meds. Whoopie! I noticed today ... I don't waddle from place to place but glide. My energy is increasing ... I don't have as much to carry around and I don't feel as weighed down!
It's all good so far ....
~Welcome aboard, Mary. You sure opened a can of worms asking us about if we do it again. lol
I had my open RNY on 10/8/07 when I was 53 years old and I have lost 90.6 pounds and gained so much more! I was a sick and tired lady who was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was so miserable with so many health problems and knew that if I didn't do something and do it fast I was close to kissing this life (if I could call it a life~it was more like an existence to me) good bye. I had to much to live for to do that. I was worried that people thought that I was taking the easy way out. It is NOT the easy way out that's for sure. My health had turned around and so has my life and my love for it. I am off most of my meds and feel so much better. My wish just like you have heard so many say is that I wish that I had done it sooner. But I know me and I wasn't ready for it before now. God brings you to it when you are ready for it. At least that is my belief. You and you alone must come to the decision on if you want to have the surgery. Please do not let other people lead you in a direction other than the one in your heart of hearts know is the answer for you. You have to live with you and no one else. Others mean well but you are the one walking in your shoes not them. Please post often and let get to know you and you get to know us. If you have questions please don't hesitate to ask. No question is stupid. Heck, if truth be known your questions are probably the same ones we all had ourselves. lol