Is there a psychiatrist in the house?

annette R.
on 5/26/08 8:14 pm - ithaca, NY
Another suggestion or two: Get yourself a small cooler. They have small ones that hold a six pack. Fill it with water, cheese sticks, beef jerky, yogurt, SF pudding or Jello cups, and protein bars. Think in terms of protein, quick, easy and yummy. Be Prepared so when you need a munchie, it is a good one. Are you eating often enough? Perhaps you need more frequent meals, say every 3 hours, but small ones. Obesity is a disease, not a sign of weakness. If you were diabetic would you think you needed to work harder to make your pancreas work? Not at all. You would find ways to live with the disease.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Brenda R.
on 5/26/08 2:56 pm - Portage, IN
Marc, I am so glad that you came here and let us know what is going on. I am glad that you knew that you could come here~that is what family is for~to help us when we need help. We are like a family here and we are always here for you. Through the good and bad times. We all have them bad times, unfortunately! I know that I have to stay away from certain foods. They make me want more and more. That is one of the reasons I make a menu for the day. Sometimes I don't always follow every part of it but I still feel like it holds me accountable. Maybe you should try something like that to begin with. You can't expect perfection from a imperfect being. Learn to accept that you aren't perfect, nor will you ever be. We just have to remember to love ourselves without the perfection.  I am lucky because I have a hubby that really helps me out. I told him before that I was having this surgery so that we could have a long and happy life together. I knew that I was slowly dying everyday and I wanted us to enjoy growing older together. It sure beat the time that I told him that I was doing this whole thing with or without him. You get more flies with honey than vinegar if you know what I mean. He was feeling insucure enough about the whole thing since I was overweight (a nice word for fat!) when we married. He has always been insecure since wife #1 went out on him and ended up marrying his friend. Now he still says some hurtful things to me on occaision but we talk through it and he understands where I am coming from and I him. We have to remain open to each other and sometimes that is tough and I hate it but it must be done. Each has to be open to listening to the needs of each other. Not always my favorite thing in the world to do but no one said that I was put on this earth to love everything that I HAVE to do. About the exercise~my gym membership is sitting there too. I am going to start again this week!! That is a promise that I made to myself and I am going to keep it. Tomorrow I turn 54 and I am making a promise to myself that my 54th year of life is going to be a life changing one for me. Now I just have to do it!! Another example of the last sentence of the last paragraph. lol Just start out taking baby steps. We all do and sometimes we fall down when we are learning to walk. That is alright too. Everyone here is willing to help you stand up and help to move you along. We are all doing the same thing. I have to help my OFF family to stand since they have helped me and continue to help me do the same thing. Just remember that we are here and love you totally unconditionally. Always have and always will. Don't block us out of your life. We miss you when you aren't here. I know that sometimes life is busy but make sure if it gets busy just pop in and say hello and you are doing good or not so good. If you have to make a post everyday to let us know what you are going to do i.e follow your food plan, exercise ect. You have to do what you have to do to get through. We all understand since we are all walking in the same shoes~they are just different sizes! I will keep you in my prayers. I am sending you big hugs and lots of love to you my brother. Remember we are here and love just as you are. I know that you all love me warts and all.  Now I am getting off my soap box~sorry I just went on and on.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 5/26/08 4:08 pm - Manteca, CA
Hi Brenda- we are birthday buddies... you are going to be 54 tomorrow and I will be 54 on Saturday.... I think that's kind of fun! Happy Birthday! Julia
on 5/27/08 3:16 am - PA

Hey Marc, I typically dont reply if others have given all the right answers, but I did want to say you can see by the responses that you are not alone.   Heck, my doctor calls me the "bypass poster child" and I struggle the food demons every day!!! EVERYDAY!!!   There has been no magic switch, there are days I feel invincible and other days... not so much.   This is a lifelong journey, but the advice you got from your fellow OH'ers is all good.  Join a support group... Overeater's Anonymous... come on this site lots of talking to others... pray... meditate... see a therapist about self destructive behaviors/food addictions... whatever you have to do, because you are worth it.   Lou  P.S. you have plenty of intestinal fortitude - we all have our challenges - dont be so hard on yourself

E velyn
on 5/27/08 6:13 am
Marc, I also just wanted to chime in and let you know that you are not alone in this struggle.  I am 20 months out, and have LOTS of days where I struggle with carbs, portion sizes, poor food choices.  I find that support groups such as this one (and my VSG group) provide me with much-needed encouragement - and an occasional kick in the rear when I deserve it.   Please keep posting and reading and looking toward your OFF buddies - ESPECIALLY when you are are tempted or upset with yourself.  These kind folks will extend their collective helping hands to you.

(deactivated member)
on 5/28/08 10:51 am - Park Forest, IL
Marc, I'm a relative newbie here so I don't have alot of advice except to quit beating yourself up and remember that yesterday is in the past, you can start fresh at this very minute in time and plan forward.  We are never completed works we are a work in progress through our whole life. best wishes to you...Paulette
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