Hi, Its Monday, Memorial Day!!!!! May 26

annette R.
on 5/26/08 12:44 am - ithaca, NY
Connie, Come on over and we can go together  I love to look at the assorted items and especially the weird people we have in our town. Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 5/25/08 10:20 pm
Hi all, I get the day off too, but with no pay You have to work here 90 business days before you get a paid holiday. One of the benefits that are not so hot. Oh, well, I am happy for the day off. I will get the 4th off and paid for. I went from 12 holidays, a personal day, 1 day of sick leave a month earned, and 3 weeks vacation to 6 paid holidays, no sick leave until I have 120 hours built up ( only earn about 3-4 hours a month) no personal day, and not much flexibility in hours. Still is better for me now than it was the months right before and after my surgery. So the trade off is worth it. Speaking about the old job, I had a bad dream last night involving the people who were so crappy to me. Yuck, was happy when I woke up to know it was just a dream. Am still working with an attorney to see what can be done. Wonderful surprisingly beautiful weather here so far this weekend. Have had a very nice 2 days off hope to make it 3! Plan to run over to the Thrift Store for 1/2 off sale, will get there as soon as they open as I'm sure it will be crazy! Then more planting and weeding, maybe scrapping with a movie, and then over to parents for a little get together. Mom is doing a turkey on the BBQ. Take care all, Cheryl

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Connie D.
on 5/25/08 10:51 pm - Janesville, CA
Good morning!

Ahhhh, my favorite time of day. Early morning, no work, Rick and Genesy still asleep.

We had our family day yesterday. My DS and and DIL went to the movies yesterday afternoon, and left the 3 little ones with us. It was the first time Kathleen and baby Nick had been separated since he was born. He did great, and so did she. He's a great baby. He's got big blue eyes, and it's so different looking at him because all my other grandbabies have big brown eyes. It was so fun loving him all afternoon. The kids stayed for dinner, and today we're having a quiet day. It's my regular day off so I get holiday credit. Whoohoo!!!!

We're still trying to figure out what to do for a vacation this year. My trip to Utah is postponed until the Fall.

I should spend the summer cleaning my house, but what fun is that?

Have a great day!!!!

Joyful hugs,


Cajun Angel
on 5/26/08 12:19 am - New Orleans, LA
Good morning Carla and Friends.  It's a little after 9 and I'm waiting for the boss to get in so we can get started on all the cases that came in Friday.  He had called in Fri. morning to say his a/c went out and he needed to go buy a new one.  Yes, I have to work today .  Almost everybody called in, last minute of course, to say they won't be in.  If we have five people in the entire department, we have plenty. Sat. George and I went to Boogaloo on the Bayou a.k.a. Mid City Festival.  Lots of food booths, arts and crafts, and people.  Annette, George waits so patiently while I stroll up and down the aisles looking at crafts.  I'm the one who rushes 'cause I know it's not really his "thing".  This festival is held in the area of N.O. where I grew up.  It was good seeing the old neighborhood.  Of course none of the old timers are still around, but just looking at the old houses that have been refurbished since Katrina was nice.  There are still many that haven't been touched.  Afterward, we went to LaPlace about 45 minutes away to see our son's new house.  He has a beautiful place - nice large rooms, big yard, and a pool.  The pool makes me nervous because of Ethan.  We also had a Zephyr's game.  Z's won 1:0.   Sun. George and both our sons went crawfishing.  I went to church, then shopping!  No real bargains - darn!  George and the boys caught about 70 lbs of crawfish.  So dinner last night was delicious (messy but delicious).  Danny came over with Ethan who loved playing with the crawfish and "helping"!  Ethan's doesn't usually eat much besides chicken nugget, hot dogs, corn, mac and cheese, and peanut butter, but I got him to eat crawfish!  He even tried peeling a few himself. Today -back to the grind.   Debbie
on 5/26/08 12:25 am - CA
Happy Memorial Day Carla and Everyone, I like 3-day weekends!  This is nice to have this extra day off work.  I woke up at 4 a.m. like it was a work day and then promptly went back to sleep.   Weather is still overcast and cloudy.  I like that, too.  I don't do heat very well.  My son and his family came yesterday and we all went out to eat.  Coming back, my little grandson was mesmerized with the electronic gate coming into our condo complex.  He cried and cried so I walked him out to watch the gate.  Well, I think we would still be there watching the gate.  He was very patient waiting for the next car to come and make the gate operate but he loved it.  LOL  Then, as we were walking back, we met Daisy -- a 6-week old Puggle!  She was one bundle of energy.  Sort of the color of a dachsund with a "puppy belly" and on the run the entire time. Today we are going to a BBQ at some friends house.  In spite of the colder weather we'll have a great time I'm sure.  We get to babysit tonight for our little grandson while his parents go to the Angels baseball game.  Normally, he can go with but they have excellent seats and the threat of foul balls makes it too dangerous for him. I hope you all have a great day today. Hugs, Kathi
annette R.
on 5/26/08 12:51 am - ithaca, NY
Kathi, Iused to dread any temperature over 50 degrees. I would constantly be drenced. In the Winter I never wore a coat unless Tom had a fit. It was shorts and sandals year around. Now I am always freezing and wear layers.  Your time will come soon and the heat will be welcomed. Do you have to do the 2 week liquid diet? It's not all that bad once you get past the first day and have the right frame of mind. You have been in the WLS frame of mind for a long time so I am sure you will do GREAT!!
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 5/26/08 11:14 am - CA

Oh Annette, I can't WAIT to be cold!  I'm exactly as you describe and it will be a wonderful change!

I don't have to do the 2-week liquid diet but I'm definitely going to eat very lightly.  I only have to prepare like going for a colonoscopy.  The last 2 days.......  yadda, yadda.  I overate this weekend a bit so I'm going to get back to basics tomorrow.  I've learned I like canned green beans with a spritz of vinegar on them.  Now, that's a real change for me, believe me!



on 5/26/08 12:52 am - Somewhere in, NY
Kathi Enjoy being too hot for the next week or so.  That will end soon.  I just went out and bought 6 turtlenecks, cause my old ones are getting ragged, and I'm always cold.  I used to wear short sleeves all winter. WLS changes a lot! You're in my mind a lot, and I'm hoping your next couple of weeks flies by!  It'll be your re-birthday in no time at all! Candy


on 5/26/08 11:18 am - CA
Thanks, Candy! I hope the cold comes as quickly as you might describe.  I haven't been cold since the 1980s unless I've been sick.  It will be a wonderful change since my hubby likes to keep things warm. I'm going to be extremely busy this week getting work things in order and I'm trying my best to keep my surgery out of my mind.... at least for now! It's hard for people to understand I'm looking forward to this but I know you all understand that feeling! Hugs, Kathi
on 5/26/08 2:32 am
*********** GOOD MORNING WONDERFUL OFF FRIENDS***** Happy Memorial Day, A good day to remember what is truly important to us before we lose out. I'm so thankful for my family and friends.. .. .. I went to a farmers market Sat and picked up quite a bit of fresh veggie and pasta. I bragged how everything was so fresh and I was going to do stir fry. Well, it was wonderful, tasty and horrid at the same time. My Lil' Miss Pouchie Poo decided she didn't want to digest the fresh veggies. For the first time I upchucked. My pouch was in mild distress the rest of the night and a better part of the next day.. .. .. I hope this settles down cause it is prime season for fresh veggies and fruit.. .. .. On the fun side of life---- I picked up my Gdau from the airport last night. She spent the last 6 days in NYC with her Decca club. Of course the plane came in at midnight. LOL She sure has a lot of fun happenings to talk about. It was such a special trip for her. First plane ride and first trip without parents.. .. .. Today nothing special is planned. I envy the gals who are gardening and have a nice garden. I found a brochure for a community garden but it is a little late for us to get involved this year. Maybe next year.. .. .. Trips for the summer are being made now for July and Aug. Well, enough for now... Have a great day...... Millie
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