What's New SUNDAY?

Margo M.
on 5/25/08 9:18 am - Elyria, OH
if you see this before you come home-when are you going back thru to michigan? tues? weds? would you like to meet up for a quick cuppa something? i could meet you at a turnpike rest area so you wouldn't even have to get off the pike???
annette R.
on 5/24/08 9:05 pm - ithaca, NY
After the initial posting my computer went bonkers again. The darned thing wouldn't let me type "N's" or use the space bar. Tom said to write words without any "N's". It is time to get a new one but I keep putting it off.  No big plans for today. We will do as we please. It would please ME to hit a few garage sales. Unfortunatly, Tom thinks we have enough of our own junk and doesn't like to do that. I might be able to bat my big browns at him and get my own way though. He seldom tells me no. Tomorrow is the cook out at my daughters house. The X will be there. If he starts complaining about Melanie again I may have to deck him this time. Maybe I should teach her to moon him and say "kiss my cute little a$$". Nah, I won't do that. Fun to think about it though. Matthew, Melanie and I had fun in the yard. Melanie picked flowers for me. Each time she gave me a flower, she also gave me a kiss. Matthew didn't pick any but gave me kisses too. Such love is good. They have a lovely sand box filled with pure white sand. Did Matthew want to play in the sand? Heck NO ... he plopped down in the dirty mulch under a tree. What fun to toss the mulch and get covered from head to toe. He scooped a handfull of mulch and took a BIG bite. The face he made was precious.  Melanie chased butterflies in the lawn. Her hair is a mass of long ringlets and they were streaming behind as she ran. I didn't have a camera but that mental picture will stay forever.  Enjoy the day Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Marti P.
on 5/26/08 10:04 am - San Jose, CA
Annette, You don't know me but, having experienced and dealt with similarr problems, I am curious to know why you don't buy a new keyboard for your computer to fix those letter and spacebar problems once and for all? Marti in San Jose
annette R.
on 5/26/08 8:48 pm - ithaca, NY
Marti, Oh giggle - that's exactly what my husband tells me. My husband has all sorts of computers and keyboards so it is easy to have him supply me with one. He has a small computer business and has several parts in his office.  What I actually need is a whole new set-up but haven't taken the time or $$$ to solve the problem. We are going through a period of everything else breaking down and computer shopping is kind of low on my list of needs. Maybe not wants, nut needs. Things like the stove, refigerator, washing machine, all those necessary appliances are going at once.  I appreciate your suggestion and promise to look for a new computer soon.  Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 5/24/08 10:10 pm
Hi Annette and all, Hope you get your computer under control or get a new one! Computers that won't behave are on the same level as cars and furnaces that don't behave. Drives me nuts! We ended up having a very nice weather day, for weeding and planting, warm enough, overcast with sun peeking out every now and then and no wind. We are suppose to have rain today but I'm hoping that they are wrong again. I will weed more flower beds and maybe go buy a few more flowers to plant. I surprised my husband by pitching in to weed yesterday. I used to do most of the weeding, but doing all the housework , cooking and laundry left me with no time for me as I was working full time. So, I decided to just do the porch plants and Tom was in charge of the yard. I have the porch all cleaned off and all plants potted there too. Tom likes to do the yard and he gets to have it how he wants with no guff from me, since he does the work. Now that I have a bit more energy and can move easier and not get so sweaty and hot with every exertion I may just pitch in and weed more often, still letting him be in charge of course! Up at 4pm with the darn pain. I will head back up for a little nap I think after talking with you all. I really need to be stricter with my food plan so I can get to goal and prove to myself I did it! Take care all, Cheryl

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 5/24/08 11:58 pm - Fargo, ND
Hello  all,   Had some rain last night with thunder and lightening, expected it to snow, cause we havent seen the likes of rain like that, since forever it seems. We are having a quiet holiday, clenaed out my garage yesterday, halfway anyway, I am throwing.... I am a pack rat.. but I am throwing, I keep saying that to convience myself to throw , did some baking and cooking on the grill.. going to get a manicure today and shop... and finish the garage and throw.....away....happy sunday all.... Peggysue
Some things are better rich.. coffee, men, chocolate
Margo M.
on 5/25/08 12:28 am - Elyria, OH
hello all ! roxie woke me at 7 this morning-getting ready to barf on my nice quilt-so i shooshed her to the floor- she must have gotten into the garbage bag and gotten hold of some aluminum foil-eeeewwwww..that should be great coming out the other end.ouch! she and i have been up since-  michael and i spent several hours yesterday walking 3 cemeteries to find graves to photo for ppl -now i need to get the pics developed and get them posted on findagrave.com...it is interesting to do and we had a good afternoon tho we were both pooped afterwards! today, i need to pick up  a prescription for him- wish i had paid attention yesterday to know that he was out of requip! had not really wanted to get dressed enuff togo anywhere-later will work in teh yard- we have a big flower bed to finally start and then our veggie garden- i think i mentioned tgis yesterday-well-since we spent so long doing the cemetery thing we decided not to get started on anything else last nite-if i don't get him up soon, i may be doing it all by myself! we had a bit of an argument about the flower bed- i swear some days i don't know why i don't just keep my mouth shut!i made a comment about making the bed 3 ft wide and he thinks it should only be about a foot-stupid...so-we haggled and he pouted and i will have to weed! but i see no point in a one foot wide row of flowers!  he seems to think he is the only one who knows anything about gardening-i managed to have nice flower and vegetable gardens in my former life...ah well..thx for listening! ok-he just got up so i will make breakfast and we shall start our day i hope! daylight is burning! hugs and prayers to all!
Brenda R.
on 5/25/08 1:06 am - Portage, IN
Good morning, Annette and all my other OFF family.  Today is sunny but cool. I guess it is suppose to warm up but then we start with rain. It is suppose to continue into tomorrow and the storms are going to get bad tomorrow too. But the temps are going up tomorrow!!! Oh boy just what I like hot rainy days! UGH! I just don't want humid, we get that all summer!!! I hate humidity. Why do I live in Indiana? DUH! Bill took my car to our nephews yesterday and I was kind of right on the window motor being the culprit. It is a part but I do not remember what it is. Thank God that David is going to call about them. Both of them went out and David doesn't know how that one happened. What are the chance that would happen. While Bill and David was together they got talking and we ended up there having a cook out. It was nice since it was just his family and us. Not everyone and their uncles all there going from one thing to another. I got stuff thrown together and we got over there. By the time we got home my back hurt so bad from the muscle spasms from the cold. I took 2 muscle relaxers and went to bed with the heating pad. lol I have so much to do today to get ready for our couple of guests tomorrow for the cook out. If it rains then George Foreman will get out of my cabinet and help me to get the food done. lol I keep George in the cabinet and he comes out every once in a while. He is my special helper. lol I have to finishe picking stuff up around here (it seems like when I get things picked up then it starts messing up again right behind me!) and then to the store to get last minute things  (OMG I hope that other people go at a different time than I do!) and I want to fix some of the stuff fixed today. It is suppose to start raining later today and then have bad storms tomorrow. I hope they are wrong but usually they aren't.  My cousin called yesterday and asked if we wanted to go to a cook out today with my aunt and uncle and their family. I am so sick of cook outs! Give me a week and I am ready to go again. I told him to call me when they are done eating and we will go and visit for a while. He was alright with that. Most of them haven 't seen me since I have lost so much weight. It is going to interesting what is said.  I better get going. I have so much to do and time is ticking by. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day. I am sending my love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for everyone, special ones being said for those who need them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


peggy H.
on 5/25/08 1:10 am
We are back into the Winter weather mode.  We had rain, snow, wind , more rain, beautiful clouds, freezing cold.  . Other then being cold, I've loved our new spring/winter weather.  Got up this morning to blue sky's, still in the 30's., but so pretty out there.  The old fire place has been pumping out the B T U'S the last few days.  We walked around the yard yesterday and just smelled the clean fresh air, Aaaaaaaa. Ain't Mother Nature grand !  And speaking of Mother Nature.  Our youngest Grand called last week. She is going to be in a play the first part of June.  The phone call was to ask us to come see her.  We started thinking about the cost, then we thought about this dear child.   Granny is Flying out to see this dear girl's First singing solo. Papa has dicided to stay home with the puppy's, he isn't much for flying and we will be driving back up to see her in 3rd. week of June.  How fun is this, My summer vacation just gets better.  So anyway, The  6th grade Grand is playing the part of Mother Earth. Can't wait to see this performance.  The last time we were able to see a play she was in was way back in the first grade. She was a tiny Lit' piglet, ears, snout, curly tail and all. Her Papa and Granny still remember how much fun she had . Go out and enjoy the gifts your been given, spred your wings , and if you happen to be around the High Desert of So-CAL, give us a wave, Hugs Peg

Brenda R.
on 5/25/08 4:33 am - Portage, IN
Peg, my wonderful and joyfull big sis, I get so much enjoyment listening to you. You have such a love of life and spreading it to all of us is one of your great talents. I just wanted to thank you for that.I am sending you big hugs and lots of love this holiday week end.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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