4 dogs, 1 an escape artist sunshine and a clean car!
WEll, do I have your attention now? LOL!!!!
Anyway, I am fostering "Sgt. Pepper" for planned pethood. As you know my parents believe my sanity to be in doubt because I foster a dog at a time along with my own two dogs. So imagine my surprise today when dad stops at my house this afternoon (well past time church let out) and tells me "we have a problem" with tears in his eyes. OK, who died or what? No, He then states as Sgt Pepper and my Daphne escape thru the front door. Daphne comes back Pepps does not. "a lady came to church today and I just can't believe I am asking you this, but she came to church today and she is homeless. OK dad........she has a dog and she won't give it up, it's small and I can't believe I am asking you this......YES?????? and very cute, but it needs someplace to stay, can you watch it??" I can't believe I who counsel you to not take in these dogs are asking you to keep a dog for someone..... Yes dad, I will watch the dog, does she want to surrender it or what? I think she wants to keep it but they are taking her someplace to get help. OK. Dad takes off to get said dog. I take off to find Pepps. No go. Dad comes back, being diabetic, hadn't eaten lunch yet and needed to, gave him a protein bar. He insisted in getting into my car with me to look for Pepper. drove around block I had driven around previously, turn first corner, MAAM< I just saw the beagle! he ran in front of the house.....great! we proceed down the road, see someone squatting by a driveway-AHHH is it?? YES Pepper runs across the street! I pull up there, open my door and yell PEPPER come in here! In he bounds smelling of something DEAD. UGH! Home and into the bathroom! Dad leaves and heads home, I now have 4 doggies in my house. Some doofus down th road is shooting off fireworks and Daphne is terrified. she's not leaving my side. Angus is hunkerded in the spare bedroom, Pepper (freshly bathed and smelling MUCH better) is fine with the noise and the nameless doggy is as cute as can be and seems to be a good boy. So, with all the interupptions, it took me 4 hours to get the car clean. the upholstery is clean, the carpets are clean, it's clean in and out! READy for a special friend or two! The house looks like crap but I am so tired and sore right now I can hardly stand it. I swear between arthritis and myofascial pain syndrome/fibromyalgia I am whipped and feel beaten tonight. Tomorrow I have planned to be a lazy craft day. Will get some beading done, got 6 gourds cut today and sanded them. Plan on painting them tomorrow then can get some weaving and beads on them for fun! So, that's my tale of woe for the day, all safe and sound in the house now and about to hit the hay! Nighters all!
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
OH NOOOOOO! Not another of those dog people! LOL YOu and my neighbor would get along famously. I swear that when I come back in my next life it's going to be as one of her dogs!
Sounds like you have a very full day. I hope you will rest well tonight and haven't agrivated your pain too much.
Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...


So what is the new doggie? Sounds like a normal day around here. haha I adopted one out yesterday and took two more in. I think that takes me back to 10. I am suppose to get the dane mix that PPI has coming in I think as Laurie called me. Guess that means you will probably be seeing me more. That is if the males can decide to get along. two 160+ dogs that don't get along is a little much. I guess we'll see if we can add #5 male into the pack. I hope you have a restful day tomorrow crafting. I still have a ton of work to do outside and then to a Mud Hens game. Ok it's off to bed for me I've been at it since 6am grandkids and all so I'm tired. You better rest so you are feeling better by next weekend!
With all the animals coming and going, that is probably your semi-normal day. Controlled chaos??
I think most animal lovers have a screw loose every now and then. No, not the ordinary people who are content with ONE dog or cat - those of us who insist upon adding more and more to the mix are the crazies. But they must lead such b-o-r-i-n-g lives.
Sorry that you are hurting, but thanks for the chuckle this morning.
OK. I'm officially exhausted just reading your post ! Debbie, where do you get the energy???? Have you found out the name of the little dog yet?
I give you so much credit for fostering these guys. I have my hands full with my three cats, but I'd have a dozen more if it wasn't for the cat hair. Seems like I always have an upholstery brush or a vaccuum in my hands for quick pickups. Can't imagine what it would be like with more of them. I'd probably just give up and have everything covered with a coat of hair all the time.
The weekend has been good. My son is here, and he's due for a nice relaxing weekend, as he's been really busy lately. I've had a lot of yard work to catch up on now that it's not raining, and he's helping with some of the heavy stuff. The rest I'd rather do myself. He has a good view from the deck of his Mom sweating and digging weeds. All with a big smile on my face, as I love being out in the gardens!
I'm off work all this week except Tuesday. The weather's supposed to be pretty good except for Tuesday, so that's good. I'm making good progress in the yard. I'm headed out for a weekend trip on Friday, will be back Sunday. By then I'll be due for a rest.
Everyone have a great Memorial Day.
Debbie, sorry you're in pain, but loved reading your doggie stories! Sat. we went to a festival, big open space along the bayou. The people there with their dogs was unbelievable! Big dogs, small dogs, black dogs, white dogs, dogs of different breedss, and mixed breeds. One that particularly caught my attention was a black lab -great dane mix! OMG was she beautiful! The man walking here said she was a pound puppy - I fell in love (with the dog, not the man, heck George was standing there
). Another beauty was a golden retriever who found a stick and play the fetching fool, then settleed into a mud puddle to cool off! George, who is a dog lover too, cringes when I walk up to strangers with strange dogs and stoop down to pet the doggies! What can I say, when it comes to dogs, especially BIG dogs, I melt.

Aloha darling Debbie......Oh, how you lifted my spirits this morning! I played a little movie in my head of you and your furry friends and it made me laugh.
We who love animals really are amazingly resilient and able to live with hair, pandemonium, pestering, crying, and all sorts of other unexpected crises. You seem to be running on rocket fuel!!! I want some!! HA!~
I'm with Candy....I would have more cats but I hate the cat hair all over everything. These two are probably my last because it is so difficult for me to travel and worry about them while I'm gone.
Thanks for the much needed belly laugh.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
We who love animals really are amazingly resilient and able to live with hair, pandemonium, pestering, crying, and all sorts of other unexpected crises. You seem to be running on rocket fuel!!! I want some!! HA!~
I'm with Candy....I would have more cats but I hate the cat hair all over everything. These two are probably my last because it is so difficult for me to travel and worry about them while I'm gone.
Thanks for the much needed belly laugh.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen