X-POST: Stop Smoling Hell
I have been cutting back on my cigs until I got down to 3-a-day. I am now barely smoke-free. I say barely because I could eat one today. If you've ever quit smoking I'm sure you understand what I feel like today. Even with the Chantix I'm about to crawl out of my skin. I don't know whether to scream, bite someone's head off, or go to bed and cry. The minuet logical part of my brain knows that this too will pass, but the anxiety and cravings are really overpowering that logic. I'm almost an evil basket case...
and of all days I have to drive my mom, dad, and aunt to see the new baby. Heaven help me! I know I have to quit in order to have my surgery. That is the only thing that is stopping me from buying a pack and lighting up.
Please keep me in your thoughts and payers.

Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...


Aloha Donna....Oh, I am so proud of you!! I had to do the same as you...quit before surgery, so I know what you are going through. I quit 7 months before surgery, and have been ciggie free for well over two years now, and it is WONDERFUL!! You will get through this tough spot...just hang in there. I did a lot of sucking on hard candy, etc. for the week or so it took to get rid of cravings.
Now, I find so many times when I'm thankful for being a non-smoker, like just now on my trip to Calif. No more dreading the five hours on the plane without a ciggie; no more running for the outside to get my first one; no more having to apologize to my family for needing to go outside for a smoke; no more coughing; no more smelly clothes; drapes, ashtrays, etc..
YOU WILL SUCCEED, and then after you have your surgery...you will be on your way to heath, fitness and freedom in your body! Yeah for you.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Now, I find so many times when I'm thankful for being a non-smoker, like just now on my trip to Calif. No more dreading the five hours on the plane without a ciggie; no more running for the outside to get my first one; no more having to apologize to my family for needing to go outside for a smoke; no more coughing; no more smelly clothes; drapes, ashtrays, etc..
YOU WILL SUCCEED, and then after you have your surgery...you will be on your way to heath, fitness and freedom in your body! Yeah for you.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
I quit smoking on Thanksgiving Day 1998. I used the CQ Patch. I smoked 4 packs a day for over 35 years. Watching my dad with emphesma dying a little bit every day I decided I needed to do this to live. Knew nothing about the surgery at the time so that was not an issue. My dad died in 1999 and I was so proud that he knew before he died that I had quit.. I thought the only way I was going to quit was to die......
I had an aunt that smoked. Doctors told her after her third triple heart by-pass the it was going to kill her. Believe me, they told her all along, but that was like talking to a brick. Needless to say, when she had her heart transplant at the age of 50, she never came out it. She was in the hospital for 4 months before they let her go....
I'm sure you have heard all the stories, heard all the preaching, but honestly, your not going to do it until YOU want it bad enough. That's the bottom line. It's not easy, it's hard...
Here's a site that I send friends when they tell me they are thinking of quiting. Maybe it will help you. But bottom line, You can do IF you want it. http://whyquit.com/whyquit/
I must say I am proud of you for getting this far with it. It's not easy.....but you can continue.....get a hobby, stay busy.....call friends and talk on the phone......
Keep us posted on your progress...
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
Donna, I am not a smoker, but since Bill is I know how hard of an addiction it is. He has tried so hard many times, just to go back. It is hard and and I am proud of you for doing as well as you are. The last time Bill had Chantix and it helped him to stop for 3 months. Then he decided he needed patches without the Chantix and it put nicotine back into his system. I told him not to but sometimes he thinks I'm stupid and don't know what I am talking about. What am I saying~that happens around here all the time. I asked how I got to be my age and not learn anything. lol
Good luck on the rest of the stopping and know that you can and will do it! Surgery is going to do so much more you than those ciggies are ever going to do!!!!!!!
All I can say tonight is thank you. Thank you all for caring. It has been a tough day. I'll post more tomorrow. Just know that I am so grateful to have found such wonderful and caring people here on OH. Bless all of you.
Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...


First of all - kudos to you
for quitting. I quit April 13, 1990. Cold turkey from a 3-4 pack a day habit. My husband quit the same day (boy was he tough to live with). I got through it by taking a lot of hot baths and whining (under my breath) a LOT! You can do this. Just take deep breaths and one day it will all be behind you and you will be a former smoker.
Good luck,

Hi Sherry,
I was just checking my email before I go to bed (yes, this early lol). Today has been better. Thank you so much for asking. I've had cravings for a cig, but not as bad as yesterday. Today I started figureing out some of my 'got to have a cig' triggers. I have been amazed at how much I was on 'auto pilot' when smoking. The real test of how well I'm doing will be tomorrow when I go back to work.
Keep those good thought and prayers coming.
Hugs! Donna L (finding_me) - I just know I'm here somewhere...
