Back on Maui.....and so happy!

Karen S.
on 5/24/08 12:48 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha my OFF family extraordinaire.....

After a LONG day of getting from Santa Cruz, Ca. to Maui.......(which started at 3:00 a.m.), I arrived home yesterday exhausted but full of memories to last a lifetime of my newest little munchkin toddlers, Brock and Brady, and my wonderful son and DIL. It was NOT a vacation because I worked my buh-tocks off, but it felt so satisfying to be able to help at a time when they really needed me.

Maui looked and felt like heaven on earth. I came in to find my condo spotless...even the bedding changed by my dear former SIL and nephew. They also left me a gift certificate for an HOUR at the Grand Wailea

My kitties were crazy happy to see me......big Nicki followed me all day, and when I went over to my neighbors to say Hi...I could hear him howling through the screendoor...he NEVER does that. I think he missed me. Ms. Popoki (Poki), my little princess....gave me the cold shoulder for awhile and then gave in and snugged up for her loving, too.

Right now I'm up at 4:00 a.m. getting ready to go to the hospital to do my baby screening. That will bring me back to reality quick! I haven't even unpacked and I'm off to work, but that's fine with me. Actually, much less stress than 24/7 with my son's family...THAT is wild and crazy most of the time.....Ha!

Only bad news is that I lost another 10 lbs. during this visit. I was afraid of that because I was rarely sitting down, and moving constantly.......and much of it stressful because I HATE driving on Calif. freeways and I did that A LOT....taking kids here and there. I really just grabbed a yogurt, or nuts during the day, and only dinner was at night and then I was really not that hungry..just tired. I MUST begin eating every 3 hours something substantial and get back those 10 lbs. AT LEAST. Those size 8 jeans I bought with son and DIL's gift certificate and getting loose!!

I need to run...but just had to sit down at my own computer and gab with you all for a few minutes. It's like you are my "other" family and I missed sharing and hearing about your lives for the past two weeks.

You are ALL very special, and I think this particular forum has something found nowhere else........real friendships, and honest loving support of each other.

With so much aloha,

Maui Karen
on 5/24/08 1:02 am - PA
Well then... I don't know how I can be happy for a person and jealous at the same time! Lou
Karen S.
on 5/24/08 6:54 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Lou......Thanks for the happy for me, and please don't feel jealous. I used to close my eyes and just picture the scene I see everyday...and that would put me into a Maui frame of can do that, too!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Brenda R.
on 5/24/08 1:58 am - Portage, IN
Dear sister, Karen, I am so glad that your home and happy. You sound like you have made wonderful memories to last a lifetime of your lovely family. I know that you had to have mixed emotions about coming home. Your little grandbabies sound like they are just little darlings. I missed you and feel so much better that you are safe at home and back into your old grind. Have a wonderful day my loving and kind sister.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Karen S.
on 5/24/08 6:57 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha dear Brenda...You are so right on about the mixed emotions. I'm so happy to be home, but I will sorely miss seeing that little newborn go through his first months of life, AND my two bigger boys growing and changing so quickly. I am thankful for this two weeks, however, for it really bonded the older ones and me where now when I call they will want to talk to me and will remember our time together.

Now, too, the worry is that airfare is getting to be so high that it is going to be difficult for all of us to get together very often....especially them with a family now of five!

There is sadness and there is joy.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen

on 5/24/08 3:23 am - Manteca, CA
Hi Karen, There is nothing in the world like a trip away from home to remind you of how much home has come to mean- the security, love and networks that are so important to us. Welcome home- nice, long cleansing breath! Julia
Karen S.
on 5/24/08 6:58 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Julia.....I did exactly what you said....took a long cleansing breath....and it felt so good!! Stress out.....serenity in!!

Thanks for the welcome home. I would LOVE to live near my family, but my heart and soul are right here on Maui and I don't think I could ever leave...there is sadness in the distance between us for sure.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
(deactivated member)
on 5/24/08 3:29 am - Columbus, GA
Heya Seesta... dat you make sounds like one happy wahine eh Glad you are home....
Karen S.
on 5/24/08 7:00 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha beeeeg bruddah! My kine feelings be happy, happy. Treep in a-plane was afun, but make-a me tye-ed!

I be one happy wahine fer shure!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
on 5/24/08 3:48 am
*************** WELCOME HOME ********** I agree with Boogalo, Happy for you and Jealous of you too....... Not sure why I'm jealous, but more happy for you. Millie
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