what's new saturday?

annette R.
on 5/23/08 8:05 pm - ithaca, NY
  good morning OFF family. grab your cuppa and let's start talking. Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
(deactivated member)
on 5/23/08 8:43 pm - Columbus, GA
Good morning! It's the first day of a 3 day weekend... something I really don't recall ever having before! ... and I have no plans at all... none! With the help of my boss at work, I ran 2 days of the route in one day, then moved the other days up a notch to get the Monday off... worked out real well, and we didn't kill ourselves like I was anticipating we would trying to do 2 days of work in 1 day... I guess I have to attack the yard sometime this weekend... backyard looks like a pine cone convention... ... and gonna make some pens for sure... just waiting on the inspiration bell to go "ding" in my head...
(deactivated member)
on 5/23/08 8:57 pm - FL
I'm taking a three day weekend too!  The nursing home business is 24/7 so I usually work Memorial day to help with the picnic.  My husband got to fly home this weekend so I'm taking it off!  My kids and grandkids are coming to visit so we will probably be outside at the pool most of the weekend.  My house is already clean, so I have nothing to do but have fun!  It's a beautiful day in our post-op world! Hope you all have a great weekend! Wanda
annette R.
on 5/23/08 9:57 pm - ithaca, NY
Tom had a hankering for French Toast today so I got you started thenwent to cook breakfast. I used Ezekiel bread and SF syrup for mine. It was tasty but 1/2 slice is sitting like a lead sinker in Prissy Pouch. Tom downed 6 slices with no problems.  My 6'4" man has NO weight problems and can really shovel in the food.  Plans for this week end are up in the air. I want to clear out the basement. After 42 years it is time to hoe out more junk. I still have the waffle iron which was a wedding gift all those years ago. I don't plan to make waffles ever again so it can be donated - the darned thing still works. I may just gather stuff and put it on Freecycle. Somebody could set up their home with all the extra plates, silverware and assorted kitchen utensiles I have stored. Yes, I'm a pack rat. Melanie has a swim lesson today so Matthew and I have a play date. She gets jealous when they leave. She thinks grandma belongs to JUST her. Matthew is much more laid back and takes things in stride. Different kids, very different personalities. Have a great holiday. Don't forget ... it is about the company, not the food.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 5/23/08 10:10 pm, edited 5/23/08 10:11 pm - Somewhere in, NY
The sun is shining, my son is visiting, and I got to play in the yard yesterday!  All's right with the world! I shoveled a bunch of topsoil from around the new patio area yesterday, and by the time I was finished, the contractor just "happened" to stop by, and he will definitely be here to start the work on Tuesday.  "Definitely..."  Have I heard that before????  Of course, that's the only day I have to work next week.  16 hours at that.  I gave him my work number and told him to call me when he gets here.  Between the deck, the brick wall repair, and 3 new windows, he said it'll take about 3 days.  That's good, because I leave Friday for the weekend, and I want to see it done before I go. Along with moving the topsoil, I mowed the lawn and I planted all my containers (Lots and lots of containers!!), and started the weeding.  The only nice thing about all the rain we've been having is that the soil is pretty soft, so I got a decent start  I won't get it done today, because there's so much of it, but I'll get a good bit of it done.  I plan on a few yard sales first thing this morning, while it's still too wet to go in the yard..  I got three large area rugs for $70 yesterday at a sale I just happened to be passing, and they're exactly what I was looking for in my family room and living room.  And clean, to boot, so I'll just have to vaccuum them really well when I get them in place. My rhododendron is staring to bloom, and I have columbine, lupine, bleeding hearts, and primrose open.  Peonies are all budded up and ready to pop, and I put in roses and gerbera and even a few geraniums yesterday.  It's starting to look pretty and colorful.  Lots more stuff waiting to be planted, but I really enjoy it, so today will be a good day.  I may even put my son to work with some of the heavy stuff once he crawls out of bed.   Isn't that why I had kids???  Sometimes I wonder.  (That, and grandchildren....) Everyone have a wonderful weekend! Candy


on 5/24/08 3:00 am - Manteca, CA
Sounds like a great weekend Candy! Did you see that I went to "Lou's" last Saturday? That's the little restaurant in SF with the Blues music and your salmon. I was reminiscing to my husband about you, Jan and Debi. You know I've tried to raise peonies several times here (I LOVE them) but they keep dying. Do you think CA is too hot or am I no****ering them enough? I think I might try again (I can't seem to quit obsessing about them).
(deactivated member)
on 5/24/08 6:33 am - Somewhere IN, TX
Oh, I loved Lou's!!  I so wish we had more time to be in San Fran.  Who knew?? Maybe Thelma and Louise will 'ride' again. Janet
on 5/24/08 8:19 am - Manteca, CA
I'd love to see you again- if not SF, maybe Vegas or Boston or Oregon.
Margo M.
on 5/23/08 10:25 pm - Elyria, OH
3 day weekend sounds great! and i get paid for monday-whooo hoooo! ok- roofer guy update; he called michael at about 2 pm yesterday -asked if we had anything for him - michael replied no- so he simply "said see you in court"- and hung up--ok--so--we'll see if his contract holds up-and i am curious to see what the BBB thinks- needless to say we did not need 911 yesterday thank goodness! however, michael's stomach is doing the churny uckas over the stress.... my DAR app is finished and i am waiting for the registrar to mail it in...hoping there are no red flags with it and have already started on my first ( of seven) supplemental app--actually have it almost done but have to now wait for the first one to be accepted to get my national ID number. received a wonderful email from a genealogical volunteer in michigan-she gave me some info on one of my ancestors- a cemetery lead that i did not have and we have exchanged a few nice e's--so many nice ppl doing genie work! i have signed up to take pics for findagrave.com and have to get myself going on that as there are a few very nearby -and ppl were so helpful to me to do same! how it works-say you have a relative buried here in ohio near me- you request a photo and i go to the cemetery take the pic and put it online for you- i requested some in north carolina and some in michigan..got them within two weeks.... today i think we have to make a drive into toledo to get  zupreem for our parrots- the seed store is about 30 miles form here and we will stop a few other places along the way- so i have to get his highness up soon... i am hoping very much to get some flower beds started this weekend and maybe our veggie garden as well...survival garden should we call it???? sun is shining beautifully-dew on the grass when roxie went out at 730 yesterday i got gas at 399-had to! and saw soem at 407-yikes! what is ezekial bread????still can't find the falx bread that cheryl buys at wally's.... hugs and prayers and wishes for a safe ,relaxing weekend to you my family!
Pat R.
on 5/23/08 10:56 pm - Sturgis, MI
Hey Margo:
Ezekiel bread is available at Krogers in their organic section in the FREEZER. I'm surprised you can't find the flaxseed bread -- it's made by "Healthy Life" and most stores have it around here...

Anytime I can help with geneology stuff around Sturgis, let me know.....still haven't found anyone with that Nelson family history.



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