Can You Spell S-t-u-p-i-d?
That was stupid! 1/2 a sausage bisuit or 1/2 an egg McMuffin (not all at once) had me thinking I was having a heart attack! Granted, I don't stay with the program strictly, but there are certain things I won't eat 'cause they make me One of the docs I work with tells me "just one won't hurt". I reply "Yes it will, it'll hurt for about an hour unless it comes up"
Can I ask ya something? How do you handle the excess skin? I was considered a lightweight at 265, and the batwings, testicle thighs, and belly apron really interfere with my clothes.
Avoid stupid people when possible!

Hello Karen!!...........Thanks for the encouragement. It is such a warm, cozy feeling to come here and be so welcomed. I have learned here and in the real world in real time that my honesty is NOT always as welcomed, but I've also learned to temper it and deliver it as mine only. What the other person does with it is their business, mine is just telling my truth without trying to hurt anyone, but most especially myself. So that makes some things difficult to deliver but I always try to do it with love and detachment, allowing others to do what they will. I'm glad you have some things to chew on still; this means you are still growing....may we grow until we aren't breathing anymore. I am working in Sun City, which is a BIG retirement/resort area and about half my clients are over 70. I have the greatest time with them. I won't keep a client that isn't still growing, laughing, experimenting and making new discoveries. I'm building a nice clientele of amazing women and men who teach me much. I most admire the dignity and grace; the brevity of expression and the twinkle in their eyes. I'm just amazed that I could grow so far in just 5 short years; but then I had a long distance to travel so I am blessed that the journey has been swift!! LOLOL........take care my love, Jeani
I would say that you handled the situation with class. That is the important thing, putting someone in their place like the lady you are. She is soooooo stupiddo!!! I would say that there is a bit of the green eyed monster there, if you ask me. I would take the swiss and apple any day, since I love swiss and always have! I just plain love cheese!