monday what's new?

Pat R.
on 5/18/08 11:43 pm - Sturgis, MI
Judy, in the upper right hand corner at the very top are three boxes one with a _ one with a box, and one with an X -- try left clicking on the center box - that should make it a full screen......


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
Judy G.
on 5/19/08 1:20 am - Galion, OH

on 5/18/08 10:51 pm
Hi all, Sitting here with back porch door open. A bit too chilly to sit out on it in  my bathrobe. We are going from high 80s to 60's and 50's starting tomorrow. Crazy. Lots of areas around watching the rivers rise worrying about flooding. Got all my pots planted, over 30 of them. Looks really nice but now I have to water them! Tom never did get to mowing the yard as he had to chop all the wood he got, enough for the next couple of years, and stack it so he can get it out of the garden and then plant our tomatoes and stuff. Poor guy, it was so hot, I don't know how he could stand it. Well, have a great day all! Cheryl

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

Laureen S.
on 5/18/08 11:07 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning my dear Friends! Back at work this morning after a busy weekend, some of it very frustrating, like the fact that Thr evening I left my jean jacket at the church where we have our AA meeting and in it were my car keys and two credit cards (Owen had to take me home to get my spare set of keys). . .  no one could get in, left a message on the voice mail, no return call, so I went there on Sunday a.m. to find out the pastor is on vakay, though we looked around and no jacket to be found, though was told it could have been locked up, hoping to find out something this morning. . .  it gets better, as somewhere between home and the gym and back home again, I lost my house keys.  Don't ask, I can't tell you what the heck is going on with me and keys these days. . . Anyway, Saturday, I was up and out early to participate in a meeting for the PA Pilgrimage, a WLS get together in my area, that is taking place in Lancaster, PA on May 30th and which I volunteered to help out in some fashion, but I have to admit, there was an ulterior motive in going this weekend , they have the outlets up in Lancaster and the weekend of the pilmgrimage is so packed with things to do, they left little time for shopping. . .  well Arlene and I were there 45 minutes before the meeting and in that time I managed to purchase 6 new tops, which I even tried on (size large and even 1 that was a medium), 1 pair of sandals and two nice little purses, just the right size for weekends on the go or travel and at bargain prices I might add in my favorite manufacturer's store, Liz Clairborne!  Then it was off to the meeting, where we discussed setting up and so on for the get together.  The ride home was pleasant and I made it just in time for my woman's AA meeting and Friendly's tradition afterwards. Yesterday, it was up, to the church to see about my jacket, pick up my girlfriend, shop around for flowers/plants to plant, household chores, an impromtu get together for one of our friend's birthday's that had happened this past week, my AA meeting and home to bed.. . Work is quite restful when I really look at how busy my weekends are (lol)!  Well now that I filled you all in with my life away from OH, I must play catch up to see what you all have been up to. Have a wonderful day wherever and whatever you are doing! Prayers, positive thoughts and hugs to all, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 5/19/08 10:23 am - CA
Hi Laureen, Yikes on your weekend of drama with the jacket and the keys....  can't help explain it except things like this seem to happen for me in clusters.....  then it's gone.  Hope that's the case for you. Great shopping bargains you found!  That's a very good thing in the midst of your stressful events. Sending a hug your way, Kathi
Brenda R.
on 5/18/08 11:36 pm - Portage, IN

Good morning to all my OFF family. I hope that today brings all a good day.  I have to go see my pcp this afternoon. I hate doing that but what is a girl to do? I am kind of looking for a new one but the one that I wanted doesn't take my insurance. I am on the look out for one, since someone besides mine now has to take my insurance! lol I have a 1 p.m. appointment but heaven only knows when I am going to get out. She is without a doubt one of the slowest people I have ever met in my life. lol Not sure what she does but it isn't working for anyone but her. I have even heard the nurses complain about her being so slow.  Yesterday was so nice being a vegetable. I honestly did it too. Usually when I am planning on doing it something comes up and I never got to do it. Yesterday I did it and loved every minute of it!!! Bill went and played pool with his son and I just stayed home watching Big Medicine and Country Music Awards. While I watched them I was playing games at and I loved my night. I am addicted to Pogo and spend to much time on there. lol Bill gets upset at times. Annette, Bill gets jealous of the time I spend on the computer just like Tom does. It seems like when he is home is suppose to get all of my attention. Excuse me!~I have to have my OH and Pogo fix in order to keep going! lol OMG! I have become a computer junkie!!!!! The sun is shinning brightly but I am still cold. Bill says that it is getting warm but my feet and hands doesn't know that. They feel like ice cubes with fingers and toes. My feet get so cold. That is from the neuropathy from the diabetes. I was hoping that it would get better but so far it hasn't. Dr. Stanish said that he has seen it go both ways. Sometimes it does go away and other times it doesn't.  Better get going. I need to eat breakfast since I am so hungry. I am going to make a effort to be more timely with food and water today. I am having such a problem with the water. I have tried about everything and just can't seem to get it right. I did much better when I was first out than I am now.  I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers too. Special ones are being said for all those who need them. Have a wonderful and blessed day today.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Connie D.
on 5/18/08 11:38 pm - Janesville, CA
Connie D.
on 5/18/08 11:44 pm - Janesville, CA
Connie D.
on 5/18/08 11:49 pm - Janesville, CA
Good morning!! Another hot day predicted in this part of California. Up in the 90's then plummeting to the 60's by Wednesday. Crazy weather. Today is my day to work in Genesy's class, and my Brownie meeting. Only 12 more school days . . . then I will have my Mondays free every week. Today I have a new mantra . . . KILL THE CARB MONSTER! I was a total idiot yesterday and bought potato chips. Not only the carbs, but also the salt. What is wrong with me?????? KILL THE CARB MONSTER!!! KILL THE CARB MONSTER!!! I didn't have the grandbabies yesterday. Rick (DH) has a cold and we all didn't want Nick to get it. He's only a month old . . . or is that he's a month old ALREADY. I sure missed my grammy fix though. "My" inmates will hopefully be off lockdown tomorrow and I can get back into the groove of things. I hate lockdowns . . . I get so far behind because I have to cut my schedule in half. The inmates all have to come over in waist chains, and I actually didn't even have a cler****il Saturday. He's 6' 7", and it was funny seeing him on a stool to reach a top shelf. He told me the library was a mess. which it is because they searched last week and books didn't get put back where they belonged. Oh well . . . job security for my clerks. Okay . . . off to play another game of Scrabble ( and then get ready for the day. Have a good one!
Joyful hugs,


J Brown
on 5/19/08 1:06 am - Omaha, NE
Don't know what is with the time thing but on the time of your post it says 3 something AM, and you said the sun is brightly shinning?? I am thinking there is a glitch some where. I am an absolute mess today, My son finally had court this morning for the decision on his case..theonewherehepunchedtheguyhefoundwithhiswifeandshatteredhischeekboneandgotarrested. As he has been so upfront with his fault and willing to pay restitution etc.It looks like they will lower the charge from a felony to a mistomenor and give him probation. But there is no guarentee. I am hoping the judge had a good weekend and didn't have a fight with his wife this morning. If he should have to go to jail I am prepared to take the kids immediately. His wife has just hopped from boyfriend to boyfriend. She loves her kids but no way she should be parenting full time. Plus with all the men , I would worry about my very developed 14 year old granddaughter.and Faith( granddaughter) feels the same way too. 5 Days until Liz's wedding! I finally got up the nerve to try on my dress yesterday and gasp.. it is so tight I can hardly breath,why on why have I procrasinated, I have no idea if eatting like a bird  until the wedding will help, but I can tell you It will be a very uncomfortable day for me.Granddaughter said I look beautiful ( and "Oh grandma your boobs look very sexy)" So I will just have to consentrate on being able to breath. So much to do this week, I wish I had a crew of assistance .. Have great day
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