I met Guy Fieri from Food Network
I had the pleasure of meeting Guy Fieri from the Food Network yesterday at a grocery store here in Pittsburgh. He is in town all week taping Drive-Ins, Diners and Dives. He is such a funny down to earth person. He is the same in person as he is on his shows. NO MAKE UP for me in the picture, I had to get up at 7am.

He is the same in person as he is on TV. He was very down to earth and funny. He even called his son Hunter to wake him up just so everyone could say Hi to him (it was 7am California time). Took the time personally talk to each and every one of us too. He is much cuter in person than on TV.

********** Ohhhhhh , down! ! ! get down you green eyed devil.... sigh, jealousy rears it's ugly head once again. What a treat to meet one of the chefs..... That would be sooooo kewl. Did you get to watch him in action? I would love to watch a show being taped. I'm glad for you, no, really I am.... sigh Millie
Yup, I think I'm able to see some collar bones in the pic with Guy. Isn't it cool to keep finding bones you didn't remember you had???
I wonder if Guy was going to the place in P'burgh where they put the fries and the slaw right on the sandwiches? When we went in April I was astonished. (and, I have to admit, a little overcome with jealousy) that anyone could...or would!... actually EAT one of those sandwiches! Time was when I would have tried, but at this point I couldn't have even imagined it!
I watch him on the Food Network all the time. I never watched it before WLS, but I watch a lot on there now. Transference, I guess. It doesn't make me want to eat, just to eat better.
Except for Guy's show. THAT just makes me want to eat...
So cool that you met him! I had a feeling he'd be just like he seems on TV.