It's Sunday here

on 5/17/08 5:28 pm
It's 12:26 am. Couldn't sleep well. It is 81 degrees here still. Have ceiling fans on but doesn't help much...... I need to trim some more hair from my dog tomorrow, as she is the one really suffering in this heat. Tomorrow is to be 104, today was 103.
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Pat R.
on 5/17/08 9:00 pm - Sturgis, MI
I saw on TV where you are having extreme temperatures out your way.....send some back's in the low 40's here this morning!!

Have a blessed day.


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Done! Your Ticker: 
on 5/17/08 9:01 pm, edited 5/17/08 9:02 pm
Hi Darlene and all, Well, it's about 3:30am here and some idiot has taken a chair with a bunch of brush or something, set it in the middle of the intersection and set it on fire. Yes, that is my lovely neighborhood. It was right outside the bedroom window so both my husband and I woke up. The difference is he can go right back to sleep, and I can not. I am a little irritated. We have some doozie neighbors around here! I will have some of my flaxseed toast and coffee and try to go back to bed. By then though my husband will be getting up as he has to get up early for church to play in the praise band today. Lovely. Just Lovely. My plan today, if I can stay awake, is to plant all the pots on my back porch, there are about 30 of them. I cleaned them all out yesterday and got the flowers, just need to plant them now. In the summer we live on the back porch. It's my happy place. When my husband started restoring our house he built a huge old fashioned back porch on it and I love it. We eat our meals out there and I like to sit and read out there. If any of you are ever out this way, let me know and we can sit out there and have a glass of wine or whatever and visit! Come on over! Well, have a good Sunday and I hope I can get a little more sleep! Cheryl

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 5/17/08 11:01 pm
I love veranda's and porches. I think there should be a law that all houses have them.....
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


on 5/17/08 9:07 pm
Hi Darlene, Hope it cooled off some for you. We had been in the 50's and 30's and finally got up to the high 80's and even 90's in some areas. We were pretty happy with the warmer weather but anything over 80 is too hot to me. We too had ceiling fans going upstairs as we don't have air conditioning until my husband puts the window air conditioner in and that is only downstairs and up in my scrapbook room. We usually put fans in the bedroom windows but haven't yet. The upstairs is always at least 10 or more degrees hotter that down. Hope you were able to cool off, and that your poor pup can find some relief in her shorter hair.

We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
                                                                                                 Peggy Tabor Millin

on 5/17/08 9:13 pm - Fargo, ND

Hello all,    I couldnt sleep either, got up at 4 am. and here I am. I havent posted in while, my life is pretty dull...went yesterday to watch my sister and neice  { both have had wls} run in the 5K {3 miles} race that is held here in Fargo every year. The race is 25 miles but they have several smaller ones... they had something like 17,000 entrants for all the races... pretty awsome to see. Anyway they walked/ran and made good time.They did a great job.      Weather here has finally warmed its pretty nice to walk my baby, how is it they find the same tree/bush/blade of grass to potty on? He knows where hes done his business at.    I enjoy seeing what all of you guys eat.. in July I will be 2 years out... I havent gained any weight {thank you , God!} staying at the 127 weight... 4/6 size ... and I find the foods I started out eating no longer appeal to me and my sense of smell is much more pronounced...I still don't and can't stand to eat meat..and I find I dont miss it....    Oh my gosh, I have rambled... anyway have a nice Sunday... Peggysue

Some things are better rich.. coffee, men, chocolate
Margo M.
on 5/17/08 9:49 pm - Elyria, OH
we went to bed after 1130 and i had really wanted to sleep in...i made it til 730 so i guess that's my extent of the sleeping! yesterday; it made it to the 60's i think- sun was warm but it was very windy..nice windy tho if ya know what i mean???we discussed converting teh house to windpower and i would do it except for the mega bucks involved for the actual conversion! stopped at the dollar store-bought my poppy,jeanb! we did kitty poop duty and our shopping and lunch-came home to the roof being done (and NOT to michael's satisfaction)--i'm sure the guy never thought that this disabled old man was gonna climb up there and walk around and really look!!!!)--also they had left the garage door wide open...we don't do that when gone cuz the entry door from the garage to the house does not lock and -um the birds, the computer, etc...well- you get the the guy came to be paid i had to speak to him about that...and michael had not climbed up yet before we paid him.... picked up our tiller finally and she gave us some rhubarb..yum! anyhow- went to see some friends and had a wonderful few hours with them-and she gave us some more rhubarb so now i am baking michael a pie today-with the two batches there is enough for one nice pie! these friends-the gal had checked into wls -she would greatly benefit and she knows it -but-her daughter convinced her that it was not a good idea- well daughter, too, could use the surgery to advantage-but that would take away their "bond" their food--her hubby would love it for her to be healthier and i am sure he would also like to see the beautiful svelte woman he married ...but- she is not budging on this--if she wanted to she would find a we were there tho- he asked me if i would do it all over again and i said yes in a heartbeat-except i would be more diligent in some of my food choices early out.... i have a feeling today we will go out and play with the tiller-it's one of those mantis ones so i am hoping that i can run it since he shouldn't. i'll probly be sore tomorrow!!! we have ceiling fans going all of the time in the kitchen and our bedroom- the kitchen is because our one bird gets congested! we will put window a/cs in soon- because of my allergies and the humidity we get here ; we don't open the house up as much as i would like so we will live with the ac.....i couldn't help notice at my friends' yesterday that they had their house open and the breezes were flowing...i do miss that but i am stuffy nosed today because of it! cheryl your porch sounds heavenly...i wish we had a back porch-our front is nice but i would prefer something in the back of our house...someday..... don't know anything else new right now- have a great sunday-hugs and prayers to all.....
on 5/17/08 10:45 pm - Bradenton, FL
i Darlene and All, Well it rained a little last night and i was 2 sheets to the wind.  My Sunday is just another day. i am going to go to work at 11 and work till 5. No biggy..... i think we are getting more rain today. it is overcast and the sun is nowhere to be found. it is supposed to get to 86 today and very humid. Carla
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annette R.
on 5/17/08 10:46 pm - ithaca, NY
Darlene, Your high temperatures sound like a touch of bliss to me. It is cold and damp here, 40 degrees at the moment. Once I get cold, my hands and feet ache and it takes forever to warm up again.  Annie is at the top of my **** List today. I finished painting 4 flower pots and set them on the floor until I could put the protective top coat on them. She jumped on my table, stuck a paw in my coffee and spilled it all over the pots!What a mess. The coffee stained the paint in the most unattractive spotty pattern. Now I have to repaint all FOUR pots!  Plans for today ??? no clue. Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
karen C.
on 5/17/08 10:54 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Darlene and all,

Almost 100 here yesterday. We went from winter to summer here in southeastern Washington.  It's a dry heat, but still I really feel it when it heats up with no "between" time. I would love to live somewhere where we didn't need to turn on heat or air conditioners for months at a time! I love having the windows open with a gentle breeze. Cheryl, save me a spot on your porch. One of these weekends I'm going to show up for that glass of whatever and a nice long visit. We can solve the problems of the world; or at least worry them to oblivion!

Lots of news here. In the midst of a used baby clothes sale in my garage on Saturday we also had the house shown three times this weekend. . . and last night we signed a full price offer! Can hardly belief it as the house has just been on the market since Thursday. We negotiated back and forth for about 10 hours yesterday before reaching a comfortable middle point. They wanted our hot tub (3 yrs old) for $1000.00. NOT! We'll store it somewhere as it would cost us almost $5000.00 to replace. Our house is in the mid price range and we've really worked hard to get it in good shape. Looks like it paid off. Only down side is we'll have to be out by June 27th which will mean about 4 mos of renting until the new house is ready.  We'll try to find a 2 bedroom duplex with a garage. Maggie is the only glitch. Many places say no pets. Mike was worried about having to keep the house in constant "show" mode while I'm gone the next 10 days. Now we can go back to "normal" (whatever that is!) and just do our regular thing. Our laundry hamper, toilet brush, waste baskets, throw rugs can all come back into plain view!!I must admit that the home stager really helped our house sell. The decluttering makes the house look a bit sterile, but it definitely makes the rooms look much larger.  Now the inspection will come up and probably reveal other things that need to be done, but all in all it looks good.The couple that is buying our house is selling theirs. There is an offer on their house that sounds "solid." Their house should close towards the end of June and they want to do a "smooth" move from old to new.  Their buyer has solid credit so hopefully it will go well. We're the only ones being displaced and we knew that would probably happen. Much better to have it sold now than worrying about it in October!  Our new home is framed and sided already. They removed the support posts from the inside so that we can really see the room sizes better. Tomorrow I meet with the appliance man and the kitchen designer to select cabinets. I have a budget from the builder. It will be interesting to see if I am anywhere close. My new kitchen seems huge to me and I want lots of pullouts, handicap accessible everything so we'll see.

I have two days to pack for two trips. Three days in Chehalis with my grands and then a 7 day cruise to Alaska. Will back two separate bags so that I don't even have to mess with the cruise stuff.

Going to a friend's for Chinese takeout this afternoon. They're a couple that we went on the Alaska cruise with 5 years ago and also the ones that went to Maui with us in December.  Just good friends that we love to spend time with.  Gotta go. Lots to do.

Karen C

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