Evidently, I have a stricture
I have been having a little trouble this week with
. I went back to just liquids (hadn't really been eating much else anyway) and got sick on just that on Monday. Had to stop the car twice in 30 miles to throw up. Anyway......I thought it would all go away. I noticed I started having trouble taking my medicine, it felt like it was getting stuck and was kinda sore. But, I just kept waiting for it to get better (like some of us medical people do). So today, I threw up just plain tea and decided I better call the doctor. The nurse was wonderful, said it sounded like I had a stricture and needed to have a dilation. I started to cry, because my son graduates high school on Friday and his party is Sat. She said there is no way I can wait until the following week and now that I am back in my sane mind, I have to agree with her. So, I am having a dilation on Tues, graduation on Fri and a big party on Sat!!!

Jillysue, I know just how you are feeling. I myself had strictures twice. the first time the doctor opened it a little, then I still could not keep anything down for another week and a half. The second time he opened it even more and I have not had any problems since. The throwing up is horrible and you feel like everything is drained out of you, just hang in there, the doc will fix you up. I will keep good thoughts for you, and good luck with the graduation and party. God Bless yo.
Oh darn, Jill, I'm so sorry about you having to have this procedure done. Will Dr. Kemmeter do it?? Can it be done by going down your throat?? I'm ignorant about strictures, so pardon me.
I'll be praying that all goes well and you will be back on your feet quickly so you can have the graduation and party.
Hugs my friend,
I'll be praying that all goes well and you will be back on your feet quickly so you can have the graduation and party.
Hugs my friend,
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Hi Pat-
Yes, Dr. Kemmeter will do the procedure. They just give you some Versed to make you kinda goofy and go down like they are doing an EGD (which I have had before). As soon as I am awake and ok, then we can come home. I imagine I will sleep off and on most of the day and hope to wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Wednesday. I do have some help for the party so things will be just fine!
********* I have no idea what is involved with a dilation but, I sure hope all goes well with you and your procedure. I know that sense of having so much to do and not feeling well. But as a mother we seem to be able to look past ourselves and see the importance of our family's big day. Best Wishes on your Son's graduation. What is he planning on doing now that he has graduate? Millie
Sticture dialations are a piece of cake, pretty minor, they do it with the endo equipment. Some people are prone to them....the most they will do this is 3 times. You should be fine by the graduation......I'll be sending warm thoughts your way...
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.