What we are eating,and what's eating us!!!! Monday..
Hi Linda,
I had a wonderful Mother's Day. My son called me first thing in the morning. He put my middle grandson Morgan on to say Happy Mother's Day in his cute 2 1/2 year old voice. We go see them Memorial Day weekend. I got the rest of all my flowers planted - it was a gorgeous day yesterday. And then in the evening we took my Mom to dinner.
B - Pure Protein Bar
L - Smart Ones chicken something
S - Yogurt with Blueberries
D - Shrimp and coleslaw
S - Edy's double churned half the fat ice cream
I'm having a busy day on my day off. I went for my first blood draw for Dr Villares today. They took 5 vile's of blood! Good grief! Then I went grocery shopping with my older daughter and 17 year old son. I'm finally getting around to posting my food. NO coffee this morning
B- 2 oz Cottage cheese. L- 2 deli ham slices and a Laughing cow wedge. S- Fuzzy Navel protein drink. D- pork roast & mashed potatos. S- Protein drink, andother protein drink and lotsa water and 4 Multi vits. How was your Mother's Day? My kids and my husband did a great job for me, they cooked diner and I got alot of reading material, which I LOVE. And my older daughter Nicole and her husband stole all my pictures and put them into 7 large albums! I am so happy about this. I have been asking for somebody to do this for years! YAY!

Good Morning my dear friend!
I hope your Mothers Day was a good one too...you deserve the best!!
My day was wonderful. I had such a great time with my grands and my daughter Carrie. I am so blessed!!
Quiet work day today...at least it should be. I am looking forward to that!!
B-yogurt w/kashi and string cheese
L-steak(left over from yesterdays BBQ) and brocolli
S-almonds and 1/2 apple
D-chicken breast(left over from BBQ) and small salad w/veggies and cheese
S-SF pudding
Have a wonderful day today Linda. Hope you didn't do too much over the weekend and wore yourself out too much. You are in my prayers ...God Bless!
Love and many gentle hugs......Boo.....to you!!
Hey Boo! I rest a lot since the doctor increased my elavil, which works on the brain pain.
I am glad to hear you had a wonderful day,I feel as though I know your family, it is delightful.
I am up and running, for this I praise God, I have a lot of swelling in my right leg, I asked Him to let it not affect me.
I am here, it is a wonderful day the Lord has sent.
I love you.