Monday- What New with you!
Good to see you back, Aime. I sure hope your daughter-in-law gets better quickly. It's great you can be there for your family.
I had a nice Mother's Day with my son and his family. Our little grandson is such a joy to be around. It was funny to watch him run. It's a new talent and he just puts his "all" into it. He's learned to jump as well. My daughter called in the evening and we chatted away about nothing but it was comforting all the same.
The weather promises to get hot again this week. Not always my favorite but I'm going to be so busy at work I probably won't notice. Have to catch up from not putting alot of effort into the office most of last week.
Take care and have a great day.
Aime, glad you're feeling better, sorry to hear N is back in the hospital.
Our weekend turned out really good! We went out for a pre-Mother's Day lunch Sat., followed by a Zephyr's game with Ethan and our son Danny. We didn't get to see much of the game 'cause Ethan is a ball of energy, but we enjoyed his company. First, he didn't want to sit in the stadium seats. There's a levee built around about a 4th of the ball field, we had to sit on the levee. It's really a great place for kids to run and use up some energy, they roll down the levee, climb back up, and roll down again. Grandma, who has no butt since wls and couldn't get comfortable sitting on the ground. We did finally get to sit in our seats, but not for long as there's also a playground with slides, etc. Our daughter, SIL, and Gabe called!!! They are moving back to Louisiana. Jude, SIL signed a contract with LSU in Eunice, LA, approx 3 hours away. Shelly, daughter is hoping to teach at a community college in Lafayette. Gabe is excited that he won't have to travel so far to see grandma, grandpa, great grandma, and Ethan! Please say a prayer that their house sells easily and they have a smooth transition to their new area, which should be sometime after the end of June. OMG, I can't wait! We will be able to see Gabe more than once or twice a year! Danny worked yesterday, but called. GIII was off, the boss said their restaurant isn't a Mother's Day tradition for anybody and he didn't think they'd be busy, so decided to close. He came over, grilled fish, chicken, and boneless ribs, and visited for a couple of hours. Support group tonight, I'm hoping to make it.
Have a great day!

Glad you are on the mend. Taking care of a baby can really be exhausting. That is why we like the grandma-ing so much we can rest between bouts. Ihad a very nice Mothers day. Went to IHOP for lunch, that was my and my moms choice. Chuck was ticked , because he wasn't in control. Tuff. and I read the Sunday paper and vegged between drop in guests yesterday afternoon.It was nice between the gardens I have at my house and the ones at Chucks, I have been hands in the dirst every spare minute and I am only about half done. So it was nice to make myself take the day off. Today I will work in my rose garden. I didn't get my roses winterized properly last fall because I just didn't have the time with all the Legion Auxiliary commitments. Now I am paying for it. Out of 22 rose bushes I lost nearly half, I feel like a killer. Then as a B-day present for Chuck I made him a new rose garden at his house . So now I will have over 35 bushes to look after. His are boring ( in my opinion) all he wants are red ones, and knock out bushes. I like lots of differant colors.It's time to leave work here. It has been nice, the boss has been off for a week. She comes back tomorrow and the next day is Expectant Moms group. So I wil be back to busy. Blessings.
11 Days till Liz's wedding !!!!!

Margo, I heard a similar deal out in New England -- you pay to stay in the restored light house and have to do chores for the week you stay there. They are booked for the next two years!!!!! One lady had booked for their family but "neglected" to tell hubby he would be doing some chores -- he wasn't too happy. I think it would be a great time. Where did you hear about Traverse City?????
I am still working on finding a copy of that Nelson Family history.....have talked to older brother and younger sister and also a second cousin who is a dentist.....they are all looking for it!
I am still working on finding a copy of that Nelson Family history.....have talked to older brother and younger sister and also a second cousin who is a dentist.....they are all looking for it!
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
i'm thinking that i read about it in yesterday's paper- but i could be wrong-jean is a lighthouse lover so i immediately thought of her.....
let me know when you find it- i think it is so interesting to know about our past family members...i am saddened sometimes to only find them on a census list--i want to know MORE!!!!!
Some people have fantasys about hot men, I have mine about lighthouses. I receive a magazine called Lighthouse Digest and there are ads in it for lighthouses that you can rent. Makes my mouth water, but as I have one of those wallets where when you open it the moths fly out, it is just a pipe dream. But.. Chucks best friends wife has an Uncle who runs one of the Michigan lighthouses that you can rent by the week ( usually not really the actual light house but the keepers house) and he says we will go after we get married , yea right, like I believe that for a second. If I won the lottery ( after filling the car tank with gas) I would buy an old light house on Green Island( right next to Put-In-Bay) restore it and live there every summer..ahhhhhhhhhh

glad to see you back aime- sorry for all of the yuckies and all..and now with N back in the hospital....
i have nothing really to talk about today but thought i should stick my smiley face on--such great news in debbie cajun angel's post!! whooo hooooooooooooooo --family moving back home!!!!!
cooler temps here today-good soup and sammich weather!!!
hugs and prayers for everybody--wondering bow things are going with Tutu Karen and her family....