Monday- What New with you!
Good morning. I am back.... ready to try life one again. How about you?
After a week of feeling absolutely yucky, I am back to life once again. I spent all of last week at home sleeping or trying to sleep. My pulminologist ordered a script for me that started to turn things around. I started to feel human again by Friday afternoon.
Thursday evening my son dropped the baby off to me. He was worn out after several days of being a single daddy. N is back in the hospital. She went in last Wednesday in heart failure again. I was feeling well enough yesterday that all of my "boys" went to visit her for her first Mother's Day. It was nice to spend time with my sons and grandson for the day. I was worn out after having LP with me for 4 days, however. I was in bed by 8 PM last night. I really needed it.
I'm back to work today. It might take me a week to respond to all of the emails I have from last week. One at a time.
I hope everyone has a lovely Monday despite the rain that we are having. Smooches!
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
HUGS Aime!! You have your hands full. I admire your strength to keep plugging away.
Cat Tales: Becky is the resident whiner and the smallest of the gang. Her known history: She was found in an abandoned trailor, along with her 6 kittens when she was a mere 6 months old. From the beginning she has not been social with the others and screeches when they get too close. Our 5 pounder can be ferocious with the furbrats but loves to cuddle on a warm lap. Her favorite perches are on the refridgerator or in the high cupboards.
That sets the stage for the results of Becky's ambush on me. I opened the freezer and got clobbered in the head with a falling object. I let out a scream of my own and was flat on my butt from the force. I saw STARS!! Becky had managed to shove a heavy candle holder from the cupboard to the edge of the freezer door. Ouchies!!!
Tom came running to find me on the floor, laughing, crying and rubbing a big old goose egg on my head.
Next time I get in the freezer I had better be more observant.

Good Morning Amie and everyone.......
I had such a great Mothers Day with my daughter Carrie and my three grandchildren yesterday. It was just a wonderful day. I
spent time alone with each of the grands and also with Carrie. Then we all spent time together playing games and having fun.
The only thing that could have made it better would have been if my other daughter and grands could have been there.
I have a quiet work day today. Just catching up on things like filing and organizing and such. Should be an easier day. After the last few weeks I need that.
Need to go to the bank and get groceries at some point today. I am pretty well caught up on everything else. I am praying for a peaceful day!!
Hope you all have a good day too.
Love and hugs.....connie d