I have a surgery date

on 5/10/08 6:41 am - NY
RNY on 06/20/08 with
I have a surgery date !!!!!!!!  June 20th... boy I'm starting to get nervous.   I think maybe I'm just too old for all this.  I've been heavy my whole adult life and why now would I take such a risky step to fix things.  Am I being selfish? Putting my self in a situation to risk my life to be thinner? But, the weight , now that I'mgetting older is really hindering my ability to do what I want. It hinders my ability to choose the life style and the feelings I want to feel about my self.  I like me.  I just want to be a better me.  I don't care about being "skinny" I'd be happy with not wearing the biggest size on the rack. I want to fit into an airplane seat.  I want to be able to fit comfortablely in a booth at a resturant.  I guess I'm rambling.   I am concerned about my age and surgery as well as recovery. As anyone else had these crazy thoughts.  I'm normally pretty normal.  But, I guess I'm feeling some anxiety.   I was hoping to make some on line friends to chat, secure information and support. have a great day all,  Carol
Connie D.
on 5/10/08 7:13 am
Hello Carol....first of all your feelings are NORMAL. We have all gone through the same experience....at least alot of us have. I had this surgery on the 29th of August. I am below goal weight and would do this again in a heartbeat!! This surgery has given me my life back. There isn't much of anything I can't do if I want to. My health has impoved so much. No acid reflux, no high blood pressure and no diabetes. I can walk up and down stairs and my knees don't give out. The list goes on and on. I wish you the best. I am sure you have researched and made your decision on which surgery is best for you. You have gone through many tests and hoops along the way. You are ready!! I figured if I died from surgery it was better then living and dying the way I was. That could have been a hard way to go. I could hardly do anything anymore. The final decision is yours!! Good Luck...hugs, connie d
Cajun Angel
on 5/10/08 7:16 am - New Orleans, LA
Carol, congratulations on your surgery date!  Prayers and best wishes for an uneventful surgery and recovery.  Take a deep breath and calm down.  You are perfectly normal.  We've all had these thoughts.  You deserve better health and all that comes with wls.  If you weren't a good candidate for surgery, your surgeon would not have approved it.  When you get those pre-op crazies, log on and visit us.  Someone will be here to hold you hand. Debbie
on 5/10/08 8:47 am - NY
RNY on 06/20/08 with
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to respond.  I certainly feel alot more comfortable chatting with someone whos's been there and understands.  I  know I will take you up on your offer to post on line when things get a crazy.  I find my thoughts interesting. I normally am the one everyone else comes to for support, guidance and comfort.  I ususally have "it" all under control.  These are different feelings for me.  Thanks Carol
(deactivated member)
on 5/10/08 8:14 am - San Juan Capistrano, CA
RNY on 07/11/07 with
Carol,  Congratulations on your surgery date!   It's normal to be scarred & have second thoughts, BUT..... You Deserve This Tool !!!!   With wls, you will live longer & better for sure.   And, BTW, 54 years (I looked at your profile) is not old, it's the New 30 for sure.    I had my wls at age 61 & had no problems.   Others here were my age, younger or older --- no matter how you slice it, I think you'll find that everyone hear says it was SO worth it!!!   Just pop right in whenever you have a question or concern, that's what we're here for. HUGS
on 5/10/08 8:42 am - NY
RNY on 06/20/08 with
Thank you so much.  Your response sure gives me a bit more confidence. I am glad I have some where to go secure information, pass along my most private conerns and secure some feedback from people you truely understand.  Regards Carol
Brenda R.
on 5/10/08 9:20 am - Portage, IN
Carol, congratulations on your date. That is such an exciting part of this surgery. After that all the different exciting things begin to happen. You feel better, you look at things differently, people look at you differently. All great things. You change but the changes are good ones. People are happy for you and they are excited too. Feelings like you are feeling right now is normal. I too am the one that people come to to "fix" things and to help get some normalcy into a situation. No one could help me with what I was feeling except those on here. They knew what I felt because they felt the same thing. Maybe not every one of the feelings but someone always had the same feeling. I remember thinking the night before surgery that I thought I could do it on my own. haha!! I was 53 and couldn't do it so what ever thought that I could do it now was beyond me! Once I got to the hospital things were so busy that I didn't even have time to think about anything. After it was over I was so glad. And let me tell you that the losers bench is the most comfortable seat that I have ever sat in. We are moving over for you. If you hear a whoo**** is us scooting over for you. Post often and remember that someone on here has felt the feelings you are feeling. Sending you big hugs and a prayer for a good surgery and a pain free and quick recovery.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 5/10/08 9:55 am - NY
RNY on 06/20/08 with
It's just amazing the out pouring of understanding and willings to help.  I find this very heart warming and thank you for your words of encouragement.  I know I will need a few friends for the next several months.  I always like making new friends. Hopefully, things will go smoothly and my nerves will calm down a bit.  thank you so much, Carol
on 5/10/08 9:20 am - CA
Congratulations Carol! You've got a date now for the beginning of your new life!  I'm 55 years old and my date for my sugery is June 5.  We'll be surgery buddies! Hugs, Kathi
on 5/10/08 9:57 am - NY
RNY on 06/20/08 with
I would love a surgery buddy !  Thank you so much and keep me updated.  We can recovery and start our new lives together !. Regards Carol
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