What's NEW Sunday May 11?
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
Hello, roomie!!! *hugs*
Well I got some more sleep today...9:30 am til 2 in the afternoon. then I got up, took my pills, drank my protein and started cleaning. I attacked the kitchen table that JB, thr kitchen nazi, uses for storasge when he unloads the dishwasher *sighs*..what is WITH that man?? I suppose I should be grateful that he DOES load and unlaod the dishwasher but what the heck?? cant he put the dishes into the cupboards as easily as stacking them willy-nilly all over the kitchen table???
I called and checked in on mother who seemed in great spirits..theyre having a big Mother's Day dinner at noon at her retirement community..Im not sure when Danny is ccoming over so I told mother I will come of Dan wasnt here...Danny works so much that I dont see him often anymore *pouts*..of he isnt working in the R&D lab creating electronic mystery devices for Lear jets, he is creating hsi own paint booth in his new barn to apint the family streetrods!
Either way, I will be seeing Mother on Mother's day..what do I get her..she is 88...lol.. I bought her a dozen quality panties..okay..pretty practical but she will be happy..I got them in her favourite colours..purple and mauves. In the gift bag, she will also find a pretty Mothers Day card, chocolate, a lottery ticket, some white chocolate biscotti, a pretty pink shell and matching cardigan with thin black sriped trim, some lilac room freshener and I'll be cutting a bouquet of purple lilacs, her favourite flowers.
Today I also tackled a pile of reading material that never seems to get read...I put all the magazines and books into a box so that I can read and recycle. Magazines to mother who then sends them down to the acticvity room so they circulate all over the residence, books to danny who still loves his Stephen King and other mystery "ookies". Newspapers to mother too.
I sorted thru boxes of "stuff" that I seem to collect and dont know just what to do with them..sadly, Im too sentimental and hate throwing things away...good grief..I have a lifelike HAND from a female mannequin..I have NO idea where THAT came from. It would make a GREAT item to put in the MYSTERY BOX, I think...hee hee hee!
I vacuumed and dusted and sorted all afternoon and late into the evning. I made a beautiful Dutch rouladen beef roast yesterday so tonight the guys had hot roast beef sandwiches with homemade fresh slivered garlic & mushroom gravy and steamed fresh asparagus that JB cut out back this morning. I ate a tiny slice of the roast beef, so tender, but, sure enough, ole Rufus rejected it...so Rufus got homemade ground beef and beans soup instead.
Tonight I added a trim of lightweight white lace along the bottom hem and around the collar of a new long rayon mauve dress with tiny white print that I got on sale the other day...the edging gives me one more inch and a half of length to disguise these swollen lymphodemic ankles and it adds to the feminine summerly looks of the dress too. I a;sp bought a smart-looking dolid mauve short-sleeved rayomn linenu type pf shirt to wear over the dress which is sleeveless and Im NOT going THERE! (can we say BAT WINGS!?)...Im such a girlygirl these days....lol
As I sit here, Im struggling to figure out how to load photos from my computer into my new electronic keychain that Danny and Derek gave me for my birthday..Im soo technically-challenged! It holds over two dozen photos and then I can show people my befores and afters and my beautiful family where ever I go *proud mommy smiles*.
Well..time for my late night snack...a low fat yogurt for Rufus while I refuse to smell mother's choclate anymore...thank goodness it's sealed.
And that's MY story and Im sticking to it!!
Nancy B & Rufus :}
Happy Mother's Day from Chehalis,WA,
I've been MIA since about Thursday I think. Our house is really moving along right now. We should have roof trusses up by this Tuesday I believe. So we decided to make a quick trip to see Hannah and Clara this weekend. Came over on Friday afternoon and will head home this morning.
The house is to be listed on Tuesday and we still have finishing cleaning to do inside and mulch to spread in the flower beds.
Last Mother's Day was the first without my mom; this is the first for Erin as a new mom. It warms my heart to sit and hold them even at 2am and to watch their mother and father's love.
They are very SOLID now; no wrinkly little legs; everything is filled out. They go for their two month checkup on May 21st.
Josh has to sub all week so I'll come back over and spend a couple of days that week before heading up to Seattle to pick up my roomie and her mom at the airport. We head out on the Inside Passage trip on Saturday the 24th.
When Mike and I went 5 yrs ago it was late July. It will be fun to note the differences in wildlife siteings and weather.
Erin's photographer friend took some beautiful black and white photos. I'll try to cut and paste a couple here. If that doesn't work I'll put them on my profile.
You all have a nice day.
PS. technically challenged. Check out profile. I couldn't figure it out!
Karen C