what's new wednesday?

Jan C.
on 5/6/08 10:26 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Margo your avatar is cute but I think your picture is cuter.  Yesterday was another beautiful day in the Ozarks, got up to 80 and sunny most of the day, they predicted rain but it didnt happen down here where i am, Now in Springfield it rained most of the day i think.  Joe and i worked and got two of the garden ponds cleaned  and refilled and running so much better now. Have to remember to buy the pond clear stuff when i get to Lowes again. Not any fun to have to clean these things out often.  Made another flower bed at the end of the guest house and filled it with bachlor buttons.  Didnt go anywhere yesterday so nothing much else to talk about lol  I lead a pretty boreing life compared to others. talk to you all later.



Connie D.
on 5/6/08 10:38 pm - Janesville, CA
Good morning!!! I survived my colonoscopy, and everything looked good.  Only one polyp, and it was removed. Today I'm getting wild . . . I'm getting a tattoo.  My son has been after me for a while.  The guy who owns the tattoo shop is a friend of his, and he's designing the tat for me.  It will be symbolic of all my grandchildren.  A heart-shaped lady bug with star jasmine (the "lovebug" for Genesy and the Jasmine for Ashley Jasmine).  It will have three "diamonds" with the colors of the boys birthstones.  It will be on my right leg just above the ankle.     Wild, huh!  My husband just shakes his head at me.   Does anyone else have any tats? Work has been going fine.  Have I told you all that I supervise an inmate library now?  For a bit over a year.  I enjoy the inmates MOST OF THE TIME.  I tell them I actually get paid to be entertained by them.    I need to get back on track.  I stupidly got into the carb nightmare, but I'm getting rid of that and finding my dream again. Have a great day!
Joyful hugs,


Brenda R.
on 5/7/08 12:55 am - Portage, IN
Connie, I have a tatoo also. I got it about a year ago. My nephew does them so he did mine. The price was right since it was free. I wanted one that meant something to me too, like yours. Mine is a cross which represents my God, a large red rose in the middle which is in memory of my parents and on the 3 top ends of the cross is red rosebuds which reprents my 3 babies that I lost. I am going to get one with the names of my babies and a tear drop and heart between each one. Then I want to get one on my other arm with 2 pink rosebuds with the stems intwined and the names Billy and Brenda by it. That is to represent our marriage. I was almost 52 when I got it. My niece told me that it was addicting and I told her that I didn't think they would be for me but guess again. My niece, Autumn has about 19 or 20 of them. I once told her that my only advise to her was to remember that the older we get things on our body go south! She didn't get it until I explained it to her. She was young so she doesn't know yet!!!!!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Laureen S.
on 5/7/08 1:00 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Hi Connie, I have a tat, got it for my 30th B-day, after wanting one for 11 years, it was back in the day when getting inked in NYC was illegal and was done in my then boyfriend's friends home, my bf picked it out and his friend had him do the stencil (outline) and then the guy colored it in, it is a rose and on my left breast, where it can only be seen if I wear something low cut enough or a swimsuit. . .  my son was 12 and when he saw it the first time, he just about freaked and told me, no more tats and no more kids, to which I responded that it was my body and I'd do what I wanted since I was an adult, but as for the kids part, I was done, him and his sisters were plenty of kids for me.  When he was 19, he got a tat and a year later another, he stopped at 2 and my daughters each have one.   I kept it hidden from my Mom, who I knew would give me crap over it, kind of funny  now thinking I was 30 and still worried about my Mom, I remember we were getting fitted for my cousin's wedding and my aunt caught sight of it and said, one day that is going to be one wilted, shriveled up rose (lol)!   When I got it, it was summertime and my b/f told me to cover it up when I went to the beach, so next day I did that, but he never said anything about going into the ocean and well it caused it to heal quicker and I wound up having to get it recolored a couple of months later, now it needs to be recolored again, but since I'm losing weight and a breast lift is in my future, I've decided to wait and see if there is anything left to recolor once the day comes that I have my plastics, otherwise I'll just get a brand new tat and the ink they use these days is better too!    BTW, you're a brave girl, cause tats on bony areas are not without discomfort. . . Well that's my tat story and I'm sticking with it! Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 5/7/08 2:03 am
you go girl friend, I love tats, I need to have a few re-done or camophalouged (spelling) and a new one for my back, I would like a nice tribal one on my lower back.....
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Cajun Angel
on 5/6/08 11:42 pm - New Orleans, LA
Good morning Margo and Friends! Not much new or different here.  Just checking in, making sure my friends are well.   Debbie
Connie D.
on 5/6/08 11:42 pm
Good Morning Margo and everyone....... It is a beautiful morning the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. It is 50 degrees.... high in the 60s later on. I am still waiting for that 70 degree weather to come and stay. Got to 71 yesterday and it felt heavenly!! Going out with friends tonight....our usual Wednesday night thing. I am looking forward to that. We always have so much fun! I went shopping with a friend last night and bought some new panties. They are so lacey and pretty. Got a really good deal on them too. They were 4 pairs for $18...I had a $10 off coupon so they only cost me $8.....I was happy! Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Prayers to those in need and love and hugs to all....connie d
Laureen S.
on 5/7/08 1:04 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Margo & My OFF Family! It sure is a beautiful day here and I am soooo jealous of those able to be out and enjoying it!  Especially since it appears the rain in Ohio and those parts of the world is traveling this way and should be here by my weekend :(   Oh well, can't have everything we want now can we. . .  I do intend to do my 5K outdoors this evening though and hopefully my commute gets me home by 7, so there will still be some daylight when I get home. . . Otherwise nothing too exciting going on in my life at the moment, just keeping this here seat warm at work, hoping for a busy day. . . Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Brenda R.
on 5/7/08 1:06 am - Portage, IN
Good morning, Margo and my other OFF sisters! Hope this is a good day for everyone. I am going to the grocery store this morning. I hate to go shopping anymore since you have to hold your breath when you get to the check out. I use to love to grocery shop but that is gone now!!! I ended up not going to my support group last night. I was all ready to go and then I just couldn't get my butt in gear to go. I guess I just wasn't up to going. There is always next month.  I did get some stuff changed around in my kitchen cabinets. Since I got the pantry cabinet I have a lot more cabinet space in the kitchen. That is something you never have enough of at least not around here. I am moving stuff around and I just love having more space. I am planning on finishing that up today I think. After Bill goes to work this afternoon I have a few errands to do so I am going to get those done and over with. I will be glad when those are finished and out of the way. Misty is being Misty again this morning. She is playing with the little rug in front of the patio door and then she jumps up and runs around. She is so goofy but funny. I don't know what I would do without her. Although sometimes I would like to see!!! lol It is cooler here today and there is no sun. It is cloudy and it sure looks like rain. Bill said that it is cooler today but then you can't go on what he calls cooler since he is hot and cold. Kind of like me right now!!!! Come to think of it. I better get going. Bill is looking at me. He is going with me to the store and for doing that he gets to pack the groceries and carry them too! Now isn't that an honor that I am giving to him? I must be a really wonderful person! lol I hope that all has a wonderful day. Stay safe and I am keeping all in my prayers. Special ones are being said for those who need special ones. I am sending love and hugs to all. Be happy where you are and you will be happy in your life.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Karen S.
on 5/7/08 2:38 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha and good early morning OFF family......Margo.....where is your gorgeous picture? I miss it!!

Crazy days right now. Since I leave tomorrow for Calif. and a VERY BUSY TIME, I'm in almost constant motion getting packed, erranding, etc. Today my cleaning angel comes and gets everything shining and clean. I have removed a LOT of clutter, so it will be much easier for her.

When my angel is here...I'll be off washing the car, getting tropical flowers, fruit, veggies, etc. for a nice basket to be waiting for my sis in law and nephew. I also leave a basket with info about kitties, places to go that are off the main track and cheaper, local treats like mac nuts, a pineapple, fresh puffs for shower, a map........anything else I can think of that might make their visit more fun and easier. That's what I'll be working on today as well.

My kitties are hanging close to me.....I think they KNOW I'm leaving again, and they don't like it. I've left them about four times now and except for the first time when Nicki was so pissed that he pooped all over the house (my poor friend who came in to take care of them), they have done great. Nicki had to express his rage the first time I guess, but after that he knows that I WILL eventually come home so he doesn't need to be a bad boy and act out.

My son called yesterday and said "Mom...I wish you were here right now! We need to get this baby OUT! Poor Shelley is HUGE I guess and the baby is a kick boxer!" I told him it won't be long and I'll be at their door.....Friday morning early! I have a feeling this will not be a sit down and relax vacation by any stretch of the imagination. My vacation will begin when I COME BACK TO MAUI! LOL

Today will be another glorious 85 degree day....and I've been enjoying wearing long slinky, sundresses instead of the old gigantic muu muus I used to wear. But...I will be taking sweaters, socks and jackets to Calif. I'm now a wuss when it comes to being cold....hate it!!

Enough for now. Just had to come in and spend some time with my sisters and brothers, and then my day can begin on a good note. Thanks for always being there. I LOVE the people in here and the amazing capacity for compassion, understanding and sweet encouragement.

Aloha nui loa

Maui Karen
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