And 6 months to leave mine alone...
why are women so petty and caddie? I have been on my journey for 15 months...I now have a co-worker asking questions as to whether I had WLS or not. When I had my procedure it was my choice not to tell anyone except my family. Because I'm losing weight, and watching what I eat...turning down the orders from the fast food restaurants and walking on my lunch...she assumes I had surgery. She hasn't asked me or approached me with her question, but she is making comments for me to hear, body loses weight like that unless they had that Gastric Bypass mess done. Should I tell her off or just wait for her to approach me then tell her off!

I too, chose not to tell anyone but family. I have people ask me ALL the time what I did. I tell them...hard work, smaller portions and no sugar. It's all true and none of it's their business! I would ignore her...she sounds like a mean one and I certainly would not reward her behavior with knowledge about you. She doesn't deserve to know. I would not tell her off, or even tell her if she finally got her nerve up to come right out and ask you, I'd say she lost that chance of the gift of you sharing personal information with her long ago.
Sorry, just my humble but strong opinion. I don't often give mine so strongly on here but thi****s very close to home.
It's your business and you get to decide who knows it.
Take Care and good job!!!!
We never touch people so lightly we do not leave a trace.
Peggy Tabor Millin