OT:disregard Reunion.com

Margo M.
on 5/3/08 5:51 am - Elyria, OH
if you are getting crapola from them please please forgve me--when i signed into it yesterday for g & g i had NO CLUE it would send stuff to everyone in my email acct's address book--i am sooooooooooooooooo sorry! i have deactivated my own acct - i would think that you could block anything you are getting.... cripes-
karen C.
on 5/3/08 8:41 pm - Kennewick, WA
Margo, I just ignored it as I was busy and figured if you really wanted to contact me you would do so with your regular email. Sounds like you are really gaining ground with your family research. I talked to a friend yesterday whose 20 yr old daughter had just found her birth mother. She talked to her own the phone and also found out about her 2 half sisters and brother! A lot for them to absorb. Kim has has a lot of emotional problems and anxiety the past few years. I hope this helps her. I'm sure if I was adopted, no matter how wonderful my parents were, I would still want to find the missing pieces of the puzzle. I have done any genealogy stuff in so long. Just too much other "stuff" going on. Hugs, Karen C

Karen C

Margo M.
on 5/3/08 11:09 pm - Elyria, OH
finding the birth mother can be good- or it can be not good--i know that i have run the entire gamut of emotions and thoughts.....and i am not as well adjusted as i thought i was!  i had parents growing up who wanted to be parents but didn't know how- and i have a birth mom who is a good person but wouldn't have been a good parent for me...make sense? wanting to find birth parentage is a very personal thing--statistics say taht many men do not want to know--and there are very many women who do not--either they are simply comfortable or they just have no interest--- you and i are a great deal alike in the wanting to know "more"--for example i have spent hours and hours trying to get to know carteret county north carolina and the Quaker way of life -and about the Underground Railroad and some of the specific battles and camps of the Revolutionary War-and yet-those are not the "things" i need for my DAR work--i just wanna know MORE!!!! i wish blessings to the young lady!!!!
karen C.
on 5/4/08 3:49 am - Kennewick, WA

The Quaker records fascinate me. They were so meticulous. That's where I got much of my mom's lineage. Allens, Comers, Halls, Houghton, Cole. Barbee, Luther. North Carolina, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Indiana, then eventually Arkansas.  Any familiar names to you?  Some of those old meeting houses in PA still stand. Oh how I long to just sit in one of those.  The Allen line is the one that is Revolutionary War era, but many were conscientious objectors.  One of these days I'll find time to get back to all of that. Gates Co, NC is where my Halls and Alphins were.

The neat thing I just found out is that my friend is the one that helped her daughter find her birth mother. When the adoption was finalized the judge let out the last name of the birth mother. My friend had kept that tucked away all these years. So they didn't have to go through the courts and the expense of petitioning.  Kim actually found her step brother on My Space. They emailed for a couple of days and then she called and talked to her mother.

The brother is actually 2 yrs OLDER than Kim which surprised me. I'm sure there is much more to the rest of the story!

Karen C

Margo M.
on 5/4/08 8:38 am - Elyria, OH
my quakers are from all over- some from rhode island married into north carolina-then they went to indiana before michigan--not sure where one line came from- hmm- virginia i think--my nc gang is from carteret county--core sound -they have an island named after themselves!Davis island! my family names-are Davis, Dart(e), Howard, Nelson, East, Pipher, Sherman, Wallas, Neville, Sharpless,Stanton,Golden,Rifenbergh, Francisco, Vander Cook, oh and Clark! but the clark's came from England -i think right to michigan (?)- bowen, Sloan,...just on my mom's side- then Bidewell, Butler, Chaudier, Connors on my dad's.... kim's brother is probably not a "step" brother unless his/their mom remarried-more like a natural brother or maybe a half brother-all of my natural sibs are halfs-meaning that my mother had her other kids by men other than my dad-and my dad the same- funny thing about adopted ppl--so many ppl confuse what the relationships are...happens all of the time! i had to petition for my info--and i got lucky cuz my mom had given permission in 1980 after watching phil donahue! then; to get my birth certificate i had to fib and send a money order and have it sent to a post office box....
karen C.
on 5/5/08 12:35 am - Kennewick, WA
Brain burp. Of course he's a half brother. I thought it interesting that he is 2 yrs OLDER than her. Now I want to hear all the details, but I'll try to be patient.

Karen C

Margo M.
on 5/5/08 12:52 pm - Elyria, OH
that does sound like a very interesting ponderence! lemme know what you find out!
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