OT:disregard Reunion.com

Karen C
The Quaker records fascinate me. They were so meticulous. That's where I got much of my mom's lineage. Allens, Comers, Halls, Houghton, Cole. Barbee, Luther. North Carolina, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Indiana, then eventually Arkansas. Any familiar names to you? Some of those old meeting houses in PA still stand. Oh how I long to just sit in one of those. The Allen line is the one that is Revolutionary War era, but many were conscientious objectors. One of these days I'll find time to get back to all of that. Gates Co, NC is where my Halls and Alphins were.
The neat thing I just found out is that my friend is the one that helped her daughter find her birth mother. When the adoption was finalized the judge let out the last name of the birth mother. My friend had kept that tucked away all these years. So they didn't have to go through the courts and the expense of petitioning. Kim actually found her step brother on My Space. They emailed for a couple of days and then she called and talked to her mother.
The brother is actually 2 yrs OLDER than Kim which surprised me. I'm sure there is much more to the rest of the story!
Karen C