Consider yourself kicked. Not every post op leads a perfect diet. It's OK to have that occasional item, BUT just don't do it every day. If you have to leave your cash at home, so you won't be tempted in the future. Vending machines don't accept debit cards, and anyone running out to gather lunch for several people can't use your debit card either.
Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
sometimes a shock food like this will help with hibernation loss also. You trick your body with this food and it thinks it is going to get more goodies, so it releases some of the fats it has been holding onto for emergencies.
It happenes to us all, we have all been in a pinch a time or two, it only becomes a problem if you do it all the time....
You will be fine....

Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
ok--look how much protein!!! whooo hoooo! and the lettuce and tomato count as veggies---
so--does your butt hurt now or can we resume the day???it is NOT the end of the world --just don't make it a habit as the others have said!!!!!!
here's a hug-you probly need it!!! it will be will be ok will be ok.....
I promise that you will survive to see another day! Sometimes we have to go with the flow and our life doesn't always work out the way we like it to. That is life and you adjusted and got lots of protein too. You could have made worse choices so be glad that you are aware of things now. I know that I am and before I would have ate a lot worse stuff!!!! lol