OT; for disussion-names

Margo M.
on 5/3/08 1:13 am, edited 5/3/08 2:13 am - Elyria, OH
do you like yours? would you change it if you could? to what? why? would your family give you grief about it? what do you think about legally changing a name?(besides the obvious legal stuff!)i know about this stuff already-and don't care to discuss it! edit:what i meant was this: what i asked was if you could change your name would you--meaning like from susan jane smith to jean ann jones...a total change-sorry i wasn't more specific!
on 5/3/08 1:22 am - LaCrosse, WI
Hi, When I was divorced, I changed my name back to my maiden name. My children still had their father's last name but I needed to be free from him. It has caused a few minor problems over the years when my children were still under 18 (school, etc.) but all in all I'm so glad I did. I had to go to Social Security Office to change my name back as well as Driver's license and credit cards. I would just write a form letter to all your bills and let them know of the change. As long as they get their money they don't care that much. Good Luck! Alice

I love Spring!!!!!!
Margo M.
on 5/3/08 2:12 am - Elyria, OH
hi alice- i know all about the name change in the divorce thing--i kept my married name after first hubby becaus eof our kids  and went back to THAT name after second cuz of my kids--that is not what i was referring to--and i know all about the letters to ppl etc-- what i asked was if you could change your name would you--meaning like from susan jane smith to jean ann jones...a total change-sorry i wasn't more specific! but--thanx for your reply!
on 5/3/08 3:39 am - Ansonia, CT
Hi Margo! I LOVE my name.  Unfortunately, it has gone the way of Susan, Jane and Beverly.  Not too many little Linda's running around. My granddaughter Carolyn is named for her other grandmother, Carol and me ( my middle name is Carol) plus Lyn. I also did do the name change from divorce.  but I just did that last year.  All my kids are grown and since they are guys, they and their kids are all Molnars.  So I went from being Linda LeCates Molnar to Linda Molnar LeCates.  Sure did give the mailman a run for his money. Great question. hugs, me
Margo M.
on 5/3/08 6:00 am - Elyria, OH
good to see you posting! i was around when you did the lecates molnar thing--and understand! if something happened to my michael-i may go back to ketcham cuz i was a ketcham for about 26 years-that's first hub's name and my kids' name--but i am not so sure....
Margo M.
on 5/3/08 6:16 am - Elyria, OH
ok- tho i am enjoying the responses i am getting--i am not getting really what i am looking for--guess i didn't write the directions properly or you're not dreaming big enough today-- i have never thought of myself as a Margo--(actually Marguerite-not margaret) as a kid my name was spelled Margot-the french way silent "t"- in 5th grade i dropped the "t" cuz the kids were calling me mar-gott----- i always thought of a margo as a very pretty demure feminine thing--( i personally am a chanel 5 girl!)there used to be a flowery perfume ad in the mags in the 60's - a pretty dark haired girl sitting in a straightbacked chair in the middle of a room with a gorgeous bouqet of flowers- her thin legs were intertwined and she was wearing a pretty knee length dress...i don't remember what the perfume was-L'air du temps? muget du bois? dunno--she was a margo---OR the ***** in the movie is margo--so--- i have never liked the name--i was named after my adopted mother's mother whom i never met as she died before i was born/adopted. i always liked the name betsy--i thought it cute- and perky --and not too feminine....i also loved betsy, tacy, and tib in the books i read as a kid.... would i change my name??i am honestly thinking of it--not to betsy tho--to my real name--i was named something totally different at birth and i am really thinking of changing my name to that-legally---would have to do some fancy dancin about the married name tho-- i have my original birth certificate-had to lie to get it due to the adoption system- but it is mine and i am proud of it--as i am trying to prove lineage to my 8 Revolutionary War Patriots i almost feel that i am cheating their honor by using my adopted name--my DAR certificate will bear my natural name tho my membership will go in as margo blahblah... (fyi--an adopted person cannot get into the DAR thru the adopted lineage)  the only thing cool about my name now-my middle name is Porter--my natural(birth) mom was born in Porter Township!  both of my adopted parents are deceased as are any of their relatives about whom i give a rip--i never really felt comfortable in that skin and so am seriously thinking i need to be me...if i do change my name-maybe i'll tell you what it is!!!!! anyhow-the legalities are vast-soc sec and drivers license and bank accts and all of the bills etc etc...but i wondered what anyone else ever thought of this topic? guess i had too much time on my hands today! my kids would give me grief- and my mother would be honored- and probly so would i! of course, my kids could still call me mom an dthe grands could still call me nonnie--michael could call me margo if it were easier-you could all call me brat-
annette R.
on 5/3/08 8:55 am - ithaca, NY
Margo, This is an interesting topic. If you have a name that feels better, and don't mind the 15 tons of paper and legal running, WhY NOT? I would not change my name because I like the story of how my parents made the decision to name me Annette Marie. A friend suggested naming me Cecelia. Mom didn't know anyone with that name but it brought to mind the Dionne Quintupletes from Canada. Two were named Annette and Marie, she liked the names, Dad liked the names, viola - I was named. I think I will still call you 'beautiful". no matter the name
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Margo M.
on 5/3/08 9:35 am - Elyria, OH
on 5/3/08 10:33 am - LaCrosse, WI
Ohhhh, sorry I misread your question. Yes, I think if I had the energy to go thru the paperwork stuff I think I would change my name. I was named after a great aunt that died when she was a baby so I never knew her and really don't like remembering that I was named after a dead person. But maybe after I have my surgery and am successful like everyone on this board I may want to change my name to match the "new me". Life is short....go for it!  Alice

I love Spring!!!!!!
Margo M.
on 5/3/08 11:05 am - Elyria, OH
see-i was named after a dead person too- so i can understand that feeling! any idea of what you might change to???? i had a wonderful wonderful teacher named alice...and then there was alice kramden!!!!
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