The "What's New" with me...
something loving, something sharing, something giving,
but sometimes we have a lot of chatter in our lives.
That's why we need to learn to be quiet and listen.
(-Christopher Reeve)
Karen C
Hi Gala,
First of all, the job sad that there are people like your former co-workers out there. The good news..what goes around, comes around. He will have his day! And as it happens, you are out of there, and that window closed so this new door can open...your new job is a gem. Enjoy it!
The stuff with your son...I know too well how painful the situation is! It probably never heals in your heart, you just have to find a way to cope. Time will change the intensity of the grief, but when you think about him, it is perfectly okay to feel your feelings. I still do, and it has been 14 years!
Your medical situation..that is a tough one. But since you are aggressive with getting answers and being proactive with your moving forward, I believe that things will work out. Rely on your faith, and lean on your friends! Breast cancer is actually treatable and curable. That should be enough to keep you positive and hopeful. Your "morbid" thoughts are normal. Just try to substitute "living" thoughts in their place. Sometimes meditation and imagery can help.
I wish you luck, strength and all the good prayers of healing that I can muster. Please keep us posted and accept my cyber hugs!