18 month check up - warning, adult language
The good news first: I feel wonderful.
The not so good news: The surgeon was doing his routine probing on the belly, came to that one itty bitty spot - his fingers sunk into the belly, it hurt, I said "OH ****" - he confirmed that there is another hernia.
It was the one area that was feeling odd but I thought it was still healing from the February surgery. In other words, I was in denial.
Another damned hernia!!??? That's it! If/when he goes in again, I expect a zipper to be installed. No more dinking around with scalpels and incisions.
He said the location is not where intestines 'usually' become entangled. So, there is no urgency for repairs.
Sure I believe him, and in the Easter Bunny, tooth fairy and the Great Pumpkin too. (sorry for venting here)
Just wondering...could it be from doing too much, too soon? The gym, the trampoline, lifting kids? Please take care of you. Glad you feel wonderful...that is half the battle! Love, Diane
No matter what a person's past may have been, their future is spotless. Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!!
Thanks Debbie,
It was kind of ironic in a way. This morning at the team meeting and before my check up, we were discussing bariatric complications. One person said they didn't see the need to track beyond 30 days since nothing happens after that time period. My surgeon just looked at me and said he thought I might have an different view. No kidding!!
Hi Sis,
Glad to hear you are feeling wonderful and hope you continue to feel good. I guess the only good thing about knowing that you have the hernia is that should you begin not to feel well, you'll know what is causing it, not that that makes it any easier to take considering all you've experienced, but I'm hoping you don't have any further problems and I'll be praying for that to be the case.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland