whats new??? thursday May 1st
Hi Jan and everyone:
My, you folks are talkative today. I hate not being able to get on here until I get to work. Hopefully I'll have my tax rebate next week and can get my computer back. All I need to do is pay the geek for Windows XP, then he'll upgrade and it'll be done. He said he got the RAM for nothing, the CD burner for really cheap, so the only thing holding me back is the copy of XP. If I only had some money ...
This week was tight enough. I had to call a couple of places I owed to (auto insurer, cable, etc.) and ask to pay partial bills to make ends meet. Luckily, they were understanding enough. That gave me $80 for food and gas. Just enough. After groceries and a sack of cat food, I have $40 left, which should fill up the tank. I may not have anything left, but I have food in the house, the cats are fed (and loved) and I have TV, electricity and heat (won't need that for too much longer, I think ... besides, I've been getting by with the electric fireplace). Now my car is insured too. Whew!
Had my endometrial biopsy this morning. A little painful, but not as bad as the ones I had done in Georgia, which really hurt. This doctor at least prepared me a little better. The medication she gave me was something formerly used as an ulcer med but that they found works to relax the cervix. Took that last night before bed, then took a vicodin when I got to the office. Seems to have worked. I feel a little queasy and crampy right now, but nothing worse than I felt when I had a period.
Got a little surprise when I got home from doc appointment/Thursday shopping: a birthday present from my brother, Gary. He sent me a couple of DVDs from his DVD club. I got Dr. Zhivago, a two-disc set with lots of special features (my favorite movie; the VHS I had was getting a little worn-out) and "Amazing Grace." Saw that movie last year in the theater and liked it a lot.
Heard from my friend Bruce today, the guy in Texas with Hodgkins lymphoma. Not looking good. The cancer is getting worse, he said; he's having night sweats and itching, which usually means the tumors are getting aggressive. He's thinking of halting all treatment and just traveling and enjoying himself. All he's really doing now is holistic stuff anyway, Vitamin C drips.
Well, I think that's about it. Kathi, glad to hear your hubby's doing better. Sometimes I don't respond right away to everyone's post because I have to do this at work, so I don't always think of it. Connie, hope Nic is OK and fighting hard.
Well, I should see if I have any work to do. It's going to be a late night tonight; we have a review. Hopefully, the queasiness will pass.
Have a good one.
Eileen Briesch
lap rny 6-29-04
Queasy like having a period. Just yucky feeling. Meant to write that gyne doc removed a polyp from the cervix, which might have caused the bleeding that prompted this biopsy anyway. She didn't see it when she did the yearly exam, but there it was, popping out today. This is the third year I've had a polyp; the last two were benign.
When do you start your job, by the way?
Eileen Briesch
lap rny 6-29-04
Thanks very much Eileen,
I know you think of all of us here even though it's late before you can post. I come back and look for the evening posters.
Sorry you're going through so much right now, too. Hard to have a close friend so ill so here's hoping things go as well as they can for your friend. It is what it is and we can't change that.
Hang in there with your situation. You are managing it as well as anyone can. You have food, a home, and a job! Count 'em where you can.
Yeah, I know, I'm better off than many people are right now, and I put myself in this mess. If I didn't like to spend money so much ...
I think Bruce is prepared to go; I remember the book about the stages of dying, and he's there now; he's gone back to church, been "reborn" and is discovering a spiritual side. I think he's ready to let what's going to happen, happen.
Eileen Briesch
lap rny 6-29-04