What's New, Wednesday!
Hi Nancy and Everyone, Good to see you posting the What's New thread today.
Busy at work today as one person is off today. It's still early so it's fairly quiet yet. Quiet is good.
Hubby's doctor's visit yesterday was filled with angst for me. The doctor really spelled out the severity of his COPD and Emphysema. I could tell hubby hadn't really confronted it before yesterday so I am hoping it is sinking in for him. The doctor prescribed medicine for the blockage they found in his legs but clearly said he would advise against doing any bypass in the legs because of the lung problems. He also changed some of the inhaler medication. Well, that was fine until I called the mail-order pharmacy to discover medicines are out of formularly and a 3-month supply would be almost $700. Hubby will not accept that so today I must work with the doctor's office to get pre-authorization approval for the meds.
The doctor also said one way to assist his lungs is to walk on a treadmill. It's better because it's in a controlled environment opposed to outdoors. Try to walk for 6 minutes at a slow, steady pace. (Hard for him because "hurry" is really his middle name!) So..... now I'm in the market for a treadmill and adjust the small condo to make room for it! Oh joy. But... it justifies having one for me to use too so it's all good! Hubby will never be able to get to 6 minutes of walking in his condition but we have to try. We will try. Take care everyone and have a great Wednesday, Kathi

Good Morning Nancy & Sistas and Brothers! It is nice to see you doing the thread this morning and happy to hear that your new venture is building and I don't know much about facebook, but I'll try to check it out sometime. . . wishing you the best in resigning and the new business!
Having a slow morning here at work, but things can pick up anytime. . . this evening I will be making my trip to the gym and then home to bed, such an exciting day planned (lol). . . but I did have a nice conversation with my daughter this morning, she is now officially a college graduate, though she chose not to do the ceremony thing, she passed her last course, a statistics course with a B and on Monday, she starts the nursing program, which will own her life for the next 15 or is it 18 months? can't remember, but whatever it is, I told her that when it seems hard, to just remember she is in pursuit of her dream and that sometimes making dreams come true takes hard work and persistence, I am so proud of her, as I am of all my children, but Angela, is my baby and while she is very smart, school has always been hard work for her, well she perservered and it is extra special to me to see her achievements!
Not much else to say, just want to stay connected, prayers and positive thoughts going out for all!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Hi All, I just got home from work as usual. Had a slow day again today. Liz my kid got a job with Regis Salons in the Mall at Lincoln Towne Center in Lincolnwood Illinois just 3 miles from the house. She is siked now she will have insurance!!!!!! She doesnt know it but CArl and I are trying to go there for Fathers day weekend and surprize her. Ill know in a few weeks if that is going to be a go or not. Anyway I am off to get some dinner made. Carla