What's New, Wednesday!

Nancy B
on 4/29/08 4:11 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Well, here I sit at 2 am.....getting an early start (before I go to bed)..I can hear the WIND MACHINES out here spinning around, trying to keep the cold air moving so that the frost we've had for the last few days doesnt kill the tender grape vines and fruit tree buds.

I had a busy day running to one city to buy new cartridges for my printer(cheaper at WalMart than at Staples), then i visted Dad's grave..he is in the Veteran's section there and I wanted to make sure that the new grass I had requested had taken and now I need to wit til it's warmer then plant new flowers there.  The other plants didnt make it thru the hot dry summer.

Then I hit the Bulk Barn for pearl barley and dehydrated veggies for my homemade chicken soup, stopped and had supper with mother, always bringing her a treat...I refused to get drawn into another discussion about how its every nody else's fault that my sister is a drug addict...when I wouldnt discuss it, she finally stopped...and we parted in a friendly manner.  Then I stopped at the farm and got two eight pound capons to roast for tonight's supper.

InfoDIVA is coming along well..Im slowly getting clients signed up..its scary but exciting too.

If you check in on FACEBOOK, come and join my InfoDIVA group *s*  O, working on my resignation letter to Paul...Ive had enough of being taken advantage of...I tolerated it for years because he is my friend and I actually enabled his inability to focus on doing GOOD business, trying to help him change didnt work...well now Im moving on!  Im thinking that he will be very shocked. But he has had plenty of warning that this day would come eventually.

At least NOW, I can leave without feeling guilty. *s*

Another game of euchre ..one more jigsaw puzzle, and Im off to bed!  Happy Wednesday, sistahs and bro's!!

Nancy B  (and Rufus)


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annette R.
on 4/29/08 8:39 pm - ithaca, NY
   Nancy - it is good to see you this morning. You go to bed at about the same time I get up in the morning.  Those mother/daughter/sister conversations can be draining. I feel for you on that topic. My sister was the master of chaos with each interaction with our mother. That left me to calm the dear woman as she suffered badly with Alzheimers. Wednesdays are my hurry up and rush days. Melanie and I have six more weeks of gymnastics before she graduates to an independent class, no grandma's/parents allowed. She's growing up too quickly. The food monster captured me yesterday. My choices were healthy but far too many. I reviewed the index card which is taped to my computer. It says HALT.  H - hungry A - angry L - lonely T - tired Sure enough, that was my problem. Today, I am in control again. Enough of that nonsense or the pounds will creep back up. It is cold. Not chilly but downright COLD!!! I think I will wear sweatpants and flannel today. Not much of a fashion statement but warm. Annette
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on 4/29/08 9:22 pm - Alexander, AR
Hi all, HALT is a tool that Gary uses from OA, and I think it had it's inception in AA. It's a great reminder and gives us a chance to examine why we're standing at the kitchen sink eating that ________________(fill in the blank).  Unfortunately,  I have to say my days are spent grazing, eating and drinking calories every waking minute. At least I've managed to put on about 1 1/2 lbs by doing it, but of course I worry this will become habitual. It's  set to be a beautiful day here in Central AR, high about 80, but it will be short lived as thunderstorms are predicted for Friday.  I don't have to be at wor****il 11:00 so I think I'll make some treats to take in. There is a Mexican treat called a Bunelo that is a flour tortilla fried and then covered in sugar and cinnamon. Very tasty, sinful as heck, but I need to use up some tortillas I have in the freezer, they've been there long enough. The girls will love them.  I'm slowly introducing them to REAL Mexican food....not the Tex-Mex stuff that's around here and they really like it. I don't get a chance to really cook like I used to with just the two of us at home, so they love it when I bring in leftovers...LOL Hope everyone has a dandy day....just a couple more before the weekend! Hugs to all



Judy G.
on 4/29/08 9:54 pm - Galion, OH



on 4/29/08 8:59 pm - Somewhere in, NY
Good Morning We Easterners seem to be the only ones functioning this early.  Well, at least Nancy and Annette are...I seem to still be half asleep. My job interview went well yesterday.  There are 7 or 8 other candidates for the position, but I think I'm one of the best qualified, based on my work experience, and my references are excellent.  They're actually from former co-workers and my boss from when I worked there before, before the big layoff.  My fingers are crossed, and we'll see.  If not this position, then another one or two may be available soon, and I'll keep trying.   It was interesting, how my attitude has changed during the interview process.  Before, when I was twice this size, I was nervous and defensive, as though I had to prove myself.  I talked too much, and fidgeted, and always came across as very agressive, I think.  This time, although I was nervous, I let my presence and my work history do the talking.   I was able to sit back quietly (with my legs crossed!!!), and take the time to  think out my responses before answering their questions.  I think I did OK.  I should know by next week. Then I got home, and allowed myself to give in to stress eating.  Most everything was good stuff, but there was too much of it, and it could definitely be considered "grazing".  Today I'm fine, episode is over, and I'm back on track.   What a difference WLS has made in my life! Everyone have a wonderful day, and stay warm.  It's 30 degrees here again today.  Bah! Candy


Laureen S.
on 4/30/08 1:34 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Candy, Hope to hear good news on a change of venue for your employment. . .  and I agree with how WLS changes our attitude, the self-confidence levels certainly rise as the weight diminishes. . .

Hugs & positive thoughts for your desire to change jobs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 4/30/08 6:26 am - Lawrence, IN
Candy, Good luck on the job.  I'll be anxiously awaiting to hear whether you got it or not.  I agree with you that our attitudes have changed.  It's amazing at our self confidence since WLS.  I know I wouldn't stand a chance being an executive secretary 140 pounds ago.  I feel good about myself and it definately showed during the interview as I'm sure you did too.  Good luck.   Floyd

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Eileen Briesch
on 4/30/08 7:24 am - Evansville, IN
Haven't had a job interview since I lost weight; I always thought I was pretty confident when I went on an interview but who knows what this has done to me? Good luck, Candy, and I hope you get the job you want.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Brenda R.
on 4/29/08 9:06 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning all!! I hope that all of my sistahs and brothers are having a good day so far.  I went to the Excel seminar yesterday and boy did I feel stupid!! I did good and was learning until after the first break. Then things went down hill from there. By the time we got to formulas I was totally lost and I think that I was never seen again by anyone. I was that far gone!! Toward the end I got some more of it but by the time I walked out of there I felt like I was about the most stupid person out there. I was so glad to get home! I am going to work on it here at home and I am determined to get it for some reason. I don't think I am going to use it when I finally decide what I want to be when I grow up but one never knows. I think it will look good if I can say I know it even if it isn't used. How many of you know Excel, and did you have have problems learning it too? Today it is going to be around 60 and I think that sun may be out too. I am going to be so happy when spring is finally here isn't going to be going in hiding like it has been. The other night when we got rain there was some snow in it. I guess in Valparaiso they got a couple of inches of the white stuff. My girlfriend was there and she said that it was almost like a white out there on Monday night. Bill is working days today and the rest of the week. The alarm went off and he was not in bed so I thought that he was sleeping in his recliner. I was yelling for him to get up and he didn't answer me so I got up and came out here and he was gone. I called him and he said that he couldn't sleep so he thought that he would leave and get an early start on his day. I like it when he works days but he would rather do afternoons. I feel like when he works days and he comes home we can have dinner as a family and sit and have family time for the night. I remember having that when I was a kid since dad always worked days. I remember having dinner and family time during the evening and that was so important to me. I guess that is why I like it.  I guess I better get going. I have a lot to do today. I am going to the campaigne office this morning. My favorite candidate is in town today and we are going to the meeting. I am hoping that I get to meet someone today!!!! Wish me luck, I would love that! I am sending all my humpy hugs and love today since it is hump day and we are halfway to the week end!!! Have a wonderful and springy day today guys.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 4/30/08 12:08 pm - Grand Island, NE
I us excel sometimes the instructor that teaches you can make it confusing.  I kept the "Ecel book for Dummies" by my desk for a long time, it really was more helpful then the textbook.
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