Judy, congratulations to all on the new little one. He sounds just so adorable. I love babies and I am still waiting for a grandbaby but it seems like no one is listening to either Bill or me! Oh well, some things are beyond my control I guess. I hate that!!
Send all my congratulations and you can't spoil babies~you just love them!!

ObesityHelp Support Group Leader
Aloha sweetness.......How exciting and amazing for you and Rick!! I love the strong and masculine,.
I'm within a couple weeks of being a new grandma, too....and it's now getting very real and exciting for me, too. My grandbaby is supposed to be induced on May 12th, but I have a funny feeling he's going to arrive before then.....we'll see.
Have fun with your little mo' now get to be a tutu (Hawaiian style granny!)
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
I'm within a couple weeks of being a new grandma, too....and it's now getting very real and exciting for me, too. My grandbaby is supposed to be induced on May 12th, but I have a funny feeling he's going to arrive before then.....we'll see.
Have fun with your little mo' now get to be a tutu (Hawaiian style granny!)
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen