Whats New Sunday April 27th I think!!!!!

on 4/26/08 1:37 pm - Bradenton, FL
In 26 miutes it will be Sunday and then I am going to go to bed and sleep!!!!! Passover will be officially over and no more Matza for another year!!!!! I am so glad of that.  I just got home from a end of the Passover week sedar and it was lovely. Never have done that before. I made an English Trifle Passover style and a Jello Mold. It was a hit. I have a busy week this week at work as it is Inventory week at work. We have to count everything!!!! Should be fun!!!!! So I am off to bed and post away. Carla From Sunny Florida if You all didnt know that already!!!!! 
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Brenda R.
on 4/26/08 2:48 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning, Carla and the rest yet to follow. I guess I am early too since it is 20 minutes until Sunday.  Nothing much going on tomorrow. I have church and then I am planning on getting my hair cut. It seems to have just become a bush one morning and so that is how I know it is time to get the cut. I cut it short (about 1 and 1/2 inches long) to get the natural curl cut out. That curl drives me nuts!!! That is why I wake up one morning and I no longer have normal hair but a bush on top of my head. I get the natural curl from dad. Mom seemed to have straight hair as she got older. Mine just keeps getting curlier and curlier.  I guess it is going to cold for a while here. I think they are calling for more rain tomorrow too. I am so tired of rain but then it could be the S word and I so I like rain now. lol I got gas tonight and I put $30.00 in and I didn't even get 9 gallons. I think that is a crime. In fact it wasn't even 8 and a half gallons. I remember my dad saying to me when I would ask him to take me somewhere that the car doesn't mind yelling nickle, nickle, nickle for gas. He would roll over if he was here now. Cars now a days don't mind yelling five dollars, five dollars, five dollars for gas. Forget the nickles we are now into multi dollars!! Dad has been gone for 28 years now so we know how much gas was then~cheap!!! I have such a terrible headache. I should have gotten liquid tylenol when I went to WalMart tonight. I seem to have gotten everything but that. I even got stuff that I didn't think I was going to. I usually do that with no problem. That is why I hate going to a store to get a "few" things. I end up getting "mega few" things. lol I guess I better get going. It is now 15 minutes to midnight. I hope that everyone has a good day and stays safe and blessed. I am now going to bed. Bill is snoring AGAIN in his chair. I think that is all he done most of the day. lol  Love and hugs to all.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


annette R.
on 4/26/08 10:27 pm - ithaca, NY
Hi Carla and OFFers, As I was folding laundry I could hear the water filling the washer was spitting and sputtering. First thing I did was to yell for TOM HONEY HELP. He checked the 300 gallons holding tank (we have a well) and it was empty. Our first thought was oh no the pump is bad or the well is dry. Nope, not that. Then he checked the breaker switches. The switch to the well was turned off. Not tripped but OFF. Earlier in the week I had to flip one of the breakers and apparently knocked that one off. No pump means no water in the tank.  Tom reset the timer and we hoped the well had enough water to fill it up. Today we have water but it is cloudy and muddy. My little mistake made one BIG mess. Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Debbie G.
on 4/26/08 10:44 pm - Derby Line, VT
Good Sunday morning everyone!  I am off to get outside and battle bush roots today.  I started digging last evening on the the one that looked to be the smallest (hence I thought the easiest.....) and wow I was beat last night!  Back still hurts today but once I get moving it should be better.  darned ole Arthur!   Evita was nice, I didn't know the whole story but gathered from bits and pieces about it.  He seems like a nice guy, not sure if we will see each other again.  We'll see what happens....He was getting sick yesterday and felt crappy.  Not much else going on in my life today, just me the dogs and the roots!  (trying to whip my enthusiasm up, can you tell?)..... Have a great day all!

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

on 4/26/08 10:54 pm

Hey Carla and everyone,

Today, I'm making two finals for my classes, finishing off another chapter of my big dissertation, and thinking I might cook.  I guess I'm a little weird, I like the Matza. I see rain coming, so I'm going to get my walking over. 

Karen S.
on 4/27/08 3:23 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha and good Sunday morning OFF family!

Well..it's 7:00 a.m. and I have three loads of laundry working, and have torn apart my hide-a-bed in the living room getting ready for my visitors while I'm in Calif. You would NOT believe what I found behind the hide-a-bed....well, I think Annette will probably understand.........ENOUGH KITTY HAIR TO MAKE A WHOLE NEW KITTY!! I have to wait til later to borrow my friend's vacuum which has a hose so I can get back there. I'm trying to get rid of as much kitty hair as possible because my SIL is allergic to kitty hair.......but last time she was here she took something and it didn't bother her at all.....but I will get rid of as much as humanly possible.

A friend of mine just called from the ferry that goes to Lanai....she was just pulling out of the harbor and wanted me to go out on the lanai and wave at her! So fun!! It's a beautiful morning for a ferry ride....and she has a small house over on Lanai where she goes to "space out." She's an ultra sound specialist and works her buh-tocks off....and really needs to unwind. Not too bad having a place both here on Maui AND one on Lanai!! One of these days I'm going over there with her.....would you believe I've yet to go to Lanai and the ferry leaves twice a day from the harbor right here where I live???

Yesterday was baby day at the hospital and was interesting as always. One dear new mother was so overjoyed to have this new baby...she had lost her first one at 17 days old!! She felt this one was her gift....and a little doll she was. I got to take the baby in and give her a hearing test and her hearing was perfect....so more good news for that happy mama. I also had a teeny tiny little 4 lb. 11 oz. boy type munchkin that when I picked him up, it didn't feel like he weighed anything. That little guy passed with flying colors!!

Thankfully my belly pains have subsided. While I was on antibiotics for the diverticulitis, I didn't take any vitamins (they said they would interfere with them), and when I started back on full vitamins I think that might have been the reason for the belly pains. Who knows!! I'm just glad they are gone, and now I'm trying to figure out how to eat without being on a real program like I was when losing. It's a challenge! I am going to start a thread about that subject one of these days and get the wisdom of my sisters and brothers on that subject.

Now, I'd better get back to tearing apart my home, cleaning and hiding stuff....LOL. I love having Gloria and Dan coming to kitty sit, but I'm not having a lot of fun making my place tidy!! Sigh. Thank you all for listening to my rambling..........it has given me a feeling of closeness spending this time with you.

Aloha, and have a wonderful Sunday!

Maui Karen
on 4/27/08 4:38 am - Alexander, AR
Gary and I always say, if we want to get the house good and clean, either have a party or house guests!!! Sooooo glad you're feeling better.  This stomach stuff is no fun, and you didn't want to travel when you weren't feeling your best. Now you'll be ready for the new baby and being one of the movers. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday. We just did the rounds of Starbuck's, Sam's and WallyWorld, now everything is put away and I think I'm going to take a nap. See ya' all tomorrow



annette R.
on 4/27/08 9:25 am - ithaca, NY
Karen, Yes, I completely understand!!!!
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 4/27/08 5:02 am - Manteca, CA
Hi All, I hope that you are all well and enjoying your Sunday afternoon. I'm getting ready to go to a lunch with some CA OH friends. I'm wearing bermuda shorts as it is 85 degrees today (at least that was predicted- I haven't been outside yet). After our lunch I'm going to an open house.... it's another busy weekend. Next weekend will be even busier with our school carnival on Friday night and our Relay for Life on Saturday and Sunday. I'm very active in the Relay, so I will be there the whole two days! I'm so glad that I had this surgery! I am 85 pounds below what I was at the Relay last year! Hallelujah! Julia
on 4/27/08 6:12 am - LaCrosse, WI
Hi everyone, I've been catching up on everyone's busy Sunday and see that most of you are having beautiful weather...Today it's only in the 40's and may have snow tonite...BUT the sun is shining now and I have to hang on to that. This winter has been soooo long and I'm seriously considering moving to warmer weather. I've lived in Wisconsin/Minnesota all my life but have travelled to Florida and East Coast. My daughter lives in VA and they're having very warm weather right now.  I've thought of AZ and FL and NC. I'm not real good with humidity but I think once I have my surgery and lose some of this weight I'll be able to tolerate the humidity more.  Whenever I feel alittle down all I have to do is read this message board and I always feel much better. Thank you ALL for being such great inspirations. Alice
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