What's New Saturday April 26, 2008?????

Debbie G.
on 4/25/08 2:37 pm - Derby Line, VT
YEAH!  I stayed awake long enough to start the thread today!   Just got done doing a self imposed pedicure on my toesies, LONG overdue!   Didn't do a whole lot yesterday, got all laundry done at least!  Tomorrow or Sunday I may even iron some of my spring/summer wardrobe.  (I know, its a 4 letter word, but so is SNOW and that is in our forcast too......) Well time to crawl back into the sack and sleep the night away.   Post away gang! 

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

Nancy B
on 4/25/08 4:34 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

hmm...it's late here and im still wide awake..guess thats because I slept in this morning..my bad!  Ive heard that dirty S word around here too...naturally because the daffies are just coming out of the ground and the trees are staring to pop open their leaves..its been so beautiful here and Ive enjoyed sitting outside on my new verandah.

Saturday will be quiet..Im working on cleaning out my computer room..it's become a "catch-all" kinda room and I hate that.  NOBODY throws anything away here at my house!  I have to get ruthless!

We are invited to a party Saturday evening..an early birthday party for JB's youngest sister and a "welcome!" party for JBs aunt and uncle visiting from Holland..we havent seen them since he and I spent three weeks in Amsterdam and I was 7 months pregnant with our Danny.  I remember the incredible house they had..it had even been reviewed in a "HOMES" type of magazine in Europe!

I have a full month off at the plant and I sure am enjoying it.  Still Im busy with InfoDIVA but that's more fun! *s* 

Nancy B


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annette R.
on 4/25/08 8:17 pm - ithaca, NY
    Happy Birthday Debbie! At long last, Tom is giving me a lesson on his Mac. This ought to be an experience. The only thing I do well with a computer is curse and swear. Have a great Saturday. It is supposed to rain today but none of that SNOW until mid week. Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 4/25/08 11:22 pm
I love my mac, they are more logical than PC's. Simple to use, don't have all that registry crap and swap files like pc's....... yea Mac!!!!
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


annette R.
on 4/26/08 12:06 am - ithaca, NY
Thanks Darlene, That is Tom's opinion too. It was a painless instruction session and made sense for me to learn how to operate his system. Looks like you didn't blow anything up. That's good. Annette
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 4/26/08 12:24 am
you are virtually virus free also.
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Brenda R.
on 4/25/08 8:39 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning to my OFF family. I hope that this finds everyone having a wonderful day.  Nothing much happening here today. Just another Saturday and I am glad of that! Bill is sleeping in his recliner. He isn't feeling to good. It is a matter of time for him since he has a cold and NO ONE ever has a cold as bad as his gets. We know how men are when they are sick. He is snoring now but of course that is something he never does either. I always tell him that it must be hard work being perfect like he is.  Jeri came over last night and we tried our hand at Excel. That didn't go well for sure! I just know that this class that we are taking on Tuesday is going to be joke at least as far as I am concerned. I think that you must have some knowledge of a computer and the best that I can do is turn it on and not much more than that. Oh well, at least we had fun while working on it. That is important too. Jeri is wanting to move to Texas and needs to get this Excel on her resume. I am taking it because she wanted me to go with her to South Bend. Good reason on my part isn't it? I have to go to the church this morning. My girlfriend Ella's daughter is having a bridal shower for her friend and they are having it in the fellowship hall at my church. I have to go down and open the door and I am not sure if I am going to have to go back and lock up or what. I hope not but at least that way I know that things are done the way they are suppose to be. Katie is responsible but her friends family is flakey and that is an understatement. I remember when her mom had a car that wouldn't go in reverse and instead of getting it fixed she just never went anywhere where she had to back up. It never bothered them either. lol I think that this week end is going to be one spent at home. I am kind of looking forward to that. I like those kind of week ends, where we sit in our recliners and watch movies and take cat naps. They are just so nice and relaxing. We haven't had one of those in a long time and I miss them.  I better get going. I hope that everyone has a good day today and stays safe and blessed. I will meet you all back here tomorrow same place but maybe not the same time. Love and hugs to all of my brothers and sistahs!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Joan M.
on 4/25/08 9:01 pm - Lexington County, SC
Good Morning Debbie and other OFFers.  I am up and at them today.  I accomplished so much yesterday with making my new valances for my kitchen, LR, and family room.  I need to shorten the ones in the family room and maybe make a few pillows to match the fabrics in the LR and FR. I also have to copies the Sunday School curriculum for May, make a new bulletin board for our Children's Ministry Appreciation Breakfast, get my pork roast ready to put on in the morning for company after church, make the dessert and appetizer.  Clean the house while DH and DD work on the yard.  And then Monday I have to get ready for Ladie's Night Out at my home for our Women's Bible Study.  I will make Quiche's and ladies will bring fruit salad, green salad and desserts.  I also have to finish the devotion I am doing for them.  But I do as Elisabeth Elliot says..."do the next thing" until they are all complete. Have a blessed weekend and take advantage of these new leases on life we have been given to do more than you ever dreamed possible before WLS.

It is His love and grace that saved and sustains me.
In Christ's love,
Joan M
Before/current/Surgeon's Goal/normal BMI 290/130/150/132     I am 5'

(deactivated member)
on 4/25/08 10:14 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Debbie, Debbie, Debbie..... everytime I see your picture it makes me smile..... your eyes and your smile make ME light up. I did the 5 day pouch test thing... did thebest I could with it....but the results were disappointing. Tracked me on Fitday and really discovered that it's been the same for years... so the pouch test thing really doesn't shake me up as bad.... but it IS that ONE package of peanut butter getmeoverthehump that probably isn't helping...or the half and half in my coffee every morning.  I guess I did lose some... I started at 158.something.. and this morning I'm at 156... should have been at 154 just to be where I've maintained for so long. Nothing much today.  $4... then to Arbor Daze to see Kara sing with the preschool at 10:30... I got her a couple of tops. Oh, btw.... I've gone crazy on bra sizes for the first time.... I have Cacique 38 DD's and a 40 DD, I think.... anyone needing good bras...   I've some 38 D's but promised them to a struggling co-worker who, God bless her as I've walked in her shoes, is overweight and looks like humpty-dumpty... and you know the shape... she's got a daughter in college and an 11 year old and by the looks of things her bras are OLD.  My guess is she has never had one fitted.  I asked her what size she wore and she gets the 'prize'.. they are new.  AND, with that being said.... Lane Bryant is having a 40% off the whole store sale until Sunday and their bras are included.... if you have one close and still need their sizes, it's a good deal.  They don't carry 36 DD's... and when you get a smaller around size and you have ta-ta's that you can roll up, you get BACK in DD's..:)  I pay for them at the store and then have them order them for me for delivery. That's it for me.  Sun is up... putting on clothes and headed for $4. Hugs
on 4/25/08 10:41 pm - Jacksonville, NC
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