What's New Friday! Really Friday today!

Cajun Angel
on 4/25/08 2:05 am - New Orleans, LA
Good morning all!  Still busy at work.  Our princess #2 took off last Wed. - Fri., and again today.  She and her hubby have a habit of going to the casino for all nighters and can't get up in the morning to go to work.  She'll call in sick, and when she comes in the following day let's it slip that they won or lost $$.  Hey, if you'r going to tell a story, at least stick with it.  Of course princess #1 is still out on maternity leave since before Christmas and has not let the higher ups know if she intends to return or not.  How unfair, with so many people needing jobs.  Besides, her absence has left us so shorthanded. We've got a busy weekend - AARP anniversary dinner tonight at an Italian restaurant, younger son's b'day tomorrow, Ethan visiting, Z's game tomorrow night, and fishing with Ethan Sun. if it doesn't rain.  Sometime this weekend I need to find a new pair of tennis shoes, do laundry, and cook.  Too much going on or maybe we need a few more hours in a day. Yesterday on the news I heard that the 19 y/o son of one of our former coworkers was arrested for carjacking.  We are all heartsick as we're sure his parents must be.  We've known this young many since he was born.  It's not like he was raised by parents who allowed him to wander the streets at all hours of the night while they did their own thing.  They are very loving parents who have made may sacrifices so that their two sons could have good lives and very good educations.   Happy Friday! Debbie
Debbie G.
on 4/25/08 5:15 am - Derby Line, VT
Good afternoon Aime and OFF!   I just got home about an hour or so ago from taking the dogs to the vets.  almost 800 later they are set up for thier yearly shots, heartworm pills for a year, weight loss dog food for Daphne who GAINED in spite of my efforts to get her to lose weight...she should be about 25-30lbs and weighs a whopping 47!  She will be on the Atkins type doggy diet now.  Angus on the other hand is no longer obese!  he has gone down from almost 70llbs to 59.  He needs to lose another 4-9 lbs to be at a good weight for him.  Dr Gus was happy with both of them (well except Daphne) but she will lose this weight if it kills me! LOL!!!  I got her the special food they reccomended so it will be interesting to see if it works,  they thought she would lose it in 6 months.  I hope so.  I can't afford $45/bag of food all the time!  eeeks!   I'm taking today off just because tomorrow is my BD.  Only reason!  LOL....I slept in this am then slept again in the chair took the dogs and it appears it may rain again here in NW Ohio and I actually heard the SNOW word again.  It just can't do that!  NO NO NO!  the daffodils, tulips are blooming, the trees are leafing out, my red bud is blooming!  NO NO NO!  NO SNOW!   Doing laundry now, had a lot of it so will take awhile.  Not much new other than that.  Oh yeah, I saw Dr. Lane yesterday for post op visit.  (3 weeks out from laparoscopic look see, small internal hernia repair and lysis of adhesions).  I don't have to go bac****il December and am fine.  I've had no further episodes of the pain that took me to him again and Amy (his pa) said I looked better.  She could tell by my face I wasn't feeling good.  I wasn't.  He said the adhesions were binding the Roux limb down so he freed them all up and he feels that was what was causing the problem.  He also talked about the hypoglycemia I have, but I told him that it doesn't seem to bother me at all when I do what I am supposed to do.  go figure!  So we be cool there too.  Back to normal activity which will include a lot of walking since I am determined to get the dogs into shape!  LOL  Hope you all have a great weekend!  Will post about "date" tomorrow.......

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

Cajun Angel
on 4/25/08 5:50 am - New Orleans, LA
Happy Birthday Debbie, and great going on the good doctor's follow up appt. Does Ms. Daphne need WLS? Debbie
Nancy B
on 4/25/08 5:36 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hello, everyone!

Today Im staying home!  Ive been working on the computer, sending out information about InfoDIVA and now I have to wait to see of people show interest.  I guess it takes time for people tp hear abput my service so I have to be patient. 

I slept in this morning although Id gone to bed earlier than my usual time, but it's dark and overcast, threatening rain here.  The lawn got its first mowing for the Spring and a few dandelions are starting to appear. 

Today Im cooking and baking..preparing meals for my friend, Donna, who, at 65,  had hip replacement and lives alone.  Today it's chili and sausages.  Last night I made a huge pan of meatloaf and made extra garlic mashed potatoes, complete w/ cream cheese and sour cream (fat-free). I'd bought numerous individual freezer containers to freeze her meals in...Derek came in late after we had eaten and helped himself to the meatloaf which is fine, but he didnt just take a big slice off the end, he scooped into the middle..arrgg!  I wanted nice neat slices to freeze for Donna...men!!

I heard from the professional magician today..Id won a free magic show in FACEBOOK and Im donating it to a special benefit dinner for a local  7 yr old girl who wa**** with a virus called transverse myelitis and can no longer walk.  So that is all set up and Im sending the posters off to my extensive database...hopefully people will respond and buy a ticket.

I think I will go and sit on my new verandah and enjoy my hot choclate protein drink....wow..Im a LADY OF LEISURE!! well, I am for today *s*

Nancy B


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Brenda R.
on 4/25/08 5:59 am - Portage, IN

Good afternoon, all. I am late but oh well such is life. lol I had an early meeting with pastor this morning and that lasted longer than I thought it would. It was a productive meeting and got a lot of work accomplished. Or maybe I should say we talked a lot and got a lot of work in the beginning stages of starting. Can you follow that one? Hope so. I am having a girlfriend over tonight and we are going to work on the Excel program. Neither one of us know what we are doing and we are going to a class on it Tuesday. We want to at least try our hand at it and so we don't look so pathetic when we are in the class. Wish us luck because believe me we are going to need it, and a lot of it!!!! The temperature here is nice but it is windy. Very windy at that. It is howling and I just can't stand to listen to it anymore. Usually it doesn't bother me but for some reason today it is really bothering me. I guess the temps are suppose to start going down after today. I heard mention of the S word last night on the weather. I don't like that word!!!! You can tell it is a 4 letter word. My niece always says how wonderful her Uncle Bill is about everything and I always ask her if she thinks I got him that way. I then tell her that I had to train him because he came to me just like any other man. Let me tell you that most of the time he like any other man too~a slob!!!!! Sometimes he amazes me and isn't one but not usually. Today we got into a bit of an arguement about his being a help to me NOT!!! Most of the time he just sat there staring at the television. He can be so good at doing that why can't he be that good at other things is beyond me. I enjoyed hearing that others hubbys are just like mine. It makes me feel like it I am not imagining it. But on the whole he is a sweetie so I guess I will keep him around for another 50 years! I always tell him that I have to much time invested in him to trade him in now.  I better get going. I have some things to do before Jeri gets here later on. I hope that so far you all have a blessed day. I am sending love and hugs to all.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Jim L.
on 4/25/08 7:46 am - Aurora, CO
There is a book called Excel For Dummies which is very good. You will probably get the Excel Users Guide in class. I use Excel all the time. It is difficult to learn but very useful for me. I have used it on the Mac and PC. Good luck

on 4/25/08 8:41 am
I've been thru the Microsoft Certification and am a Power User. Excel is good and can be a very powerful program. It is a good one to learn as most companies use it for spreadsheets.
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Eileen Briesch
on 4/25/08 7:21 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Aime and everyone: Another sleep-deprived day. Got up at 7:30 a.m. to go to the pain clinic. But at least I feel better today although I'm tired and going on 4 1/2 hours of sleep (and a half hour nap this afternoon). Had a good meeting with the PA at the pain clinic; we talked over meds that would help me and he considered Lyrica, which is the new fancy drug touted for fibromyalgia. But he said that's expensive and neurotonin is older, works just as good and is generic, so it's cheaper. I like cheaper. This cost me only 89 cents, much easier on the wallet! He also did some trigger point injections ... boy, oh boy, did that help! My left side is no longer in pain, my left knee no longer hurts so much I can barely walk. Now if somebody could do something for my right knee ... After the pain clinic, I was going to get the prescription filled at Walgreens, but I missed the turnoff so I went to D&W in Grandville, which has a Starbucks. So instead of just wandering around Walgreens, I was able to get coffee and the small trash bags I forgot yesterday (good for scooping the litter boxes). Got home, watched a little TV, had this urge to talk to Carla for some reason; she told me about her problems and asked if I had read the board ... no, I don't have a computer yet! Carla, I hope you feel better and get some help.  Tomorrow, I'm driving to Chicago for my grandnephews' birthday parties ... Ben turns 8 on April 29 and Sammie turned 4 on April 12. It's four hours to my mom's, another hour to my brother Ed's and then he's driving another half hour, 45 minutes or so to my niece's house. Lots of driving for one day.Then Sunday, I drive back home. Not a very restful weekend. I'm tired just thinking about it. Well, there wasn't much to do when I first got in; I guess I should check the baskets to see if I have any stories yet. Have a good night and a good weekend; yes, they're talking about snow here too.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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