What's New Friday! Really Friday today!

Aime B.
on 4/24/08 7:41 pm, edited 4/24/08 7:42 pm - Baltimore, MD
Good morning! What's up with you! MMMM I made a great pot of coffee this morning. No real news at this point. I taught last night. Work work and more work!

The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!

George T.
on 4/24/08 7:47 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Here's something new.  I am not working today/tonight.  Either job.  First complete Friday off in a long time.  It is my normal night off on my full time job.  Taking off from my part time to go to the Rangers game.  I am a glutton for punishment.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Cajun Angel
on 4/25/08 12:33 am - New Orleans, LA
Enjoy your day off!  You deserve it!  Go Rangers!  I don't really keep up with any teams but our home teams, I take it the Rangers aren't doing well.  We'll be recording the Hornets/Mavericks game tonight to watch when we get home from our dinner out.  Tomorrow it's Zephyrs!  We have tickets for the Hornets game Tuesday night if they go to a 5th game.  As much as I want our Hornets to win, I kinda hope they lose one game so they'll play here Tues. Debbie
on 4/24/08 8:12 pm - CYGNET, OH
We are having a thunderstorm here in Ohio at the moment so I am trying to get my energy  up to get on the treadmill.    I hope it stops storming before I have to feed horses and leave for work.    Hope everyone has a great Friday!


annette R.
on 4/24/08 8:28 pm - ithaca, NY
 I sure confused myself and others too. Thanks for getting the correct day started Aime. I am still not getting responses in my mail from anybody. Several notes back and forth to the OH staff, I've tried their suggestions, nothing works.  Tom has a snack every night and leaves his plates on the floor next to the bed. I can't train him to take care of his mess, no matter how much I nag, complain or beg. He's still kind of good to keep around so I pick up after him. I was mumbling and grumbling as I gathered his plates when the phone rang yesterday. It was Tom caling to wish me "Happy Anniversary of our FIRST DATE". His timing was perfect  Every time I pick up his mess I will recall the sweet phone call and smile.  One of my support group members had her surgery so I went to visit her in the hospital. She and her sister were in the same room, the sister having a different surgery. A nurse came in and asked if I was another sister. We laughed and said we were WLS sisters. As we talked the nurse asked me if I had any children. I said yes, two. She responded that I must have had C-sections with such small hips. WOW - small hips? Me? WLS is a true gift. Enjoy your day. It is really Friday this time.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Cajun Angel
on 4/25/08 1:14 am - New Orleans, LA

Anette, George too has a habit of leaving his socks where ever he takes them off, usually next to his recliner in the den, then there's the shoes and the undershirts.  After much asking nicely, begging, nagging, etc., my decision was to either leave them there or take action.  I have left them where they lie, and several days later, he asked where his socks might be.  I pointed in the direction of his recliner.  He had to wear a pair of my socks to work that morning!  Mostly though, I pick up all of his belongings and place them in the garage in the BOAT!  After having to empty out a couple of pairs of shoes, socks, shorts... when he was ready to go fishing, he was pretty much cured.  Nothing like having to empty the boat at 5:30 in the morning to have room for your fishing gear.  Don't get me wrong, he's a great man in many ways, a wonderful husband, dad, and grandpa, but gee, I work as many hours a week or more than he does, and I'm tired too.  There are day I still pick up after him. Debbie

annette R.
on 4/25/08 3:39 am - ithaca, NY
Debbie, We take the good with the bad, lucky for them the good outweighs the bad. Putting his 'droppings' in the boat is an excellent idea. Too bad we don't have a boat.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Joan M.
on 4/24/08 9:06 pm - Lexington County, SC
Good morning everyone!  Yesterday we redid DD bedroom with new bed linens and new curtains.  It looks like a mature teens room now.  Curtains are orange sheers to match the multi colored comforter and she is soo happy with it.  We love walking past her room and seeing the vibrant colors.  The comforter has purple, mustard yellow, orange, reddish orange, gray and sage green squares,  Dust ruffle is gray as are the pillow shams.  I am putting rod pockets in panels DD in CO made for me for kitchen and LR and get those hung today hopefully. Nice day in the 80's today so will enjoy start of great weekend.

It is His love and grace that saved and sustains me.
In Christ's love,
Joan M
Before/current/Surgeon's Goal/normal BMI 290/130/150/132     I am 5'

on 4/24/08 9:26 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Cajun Angel
on 4/25/08 1:17 am - New Orleans, LA
Grammylew, prayers for your dad, son in Iraq - please tell him thank you for his sacrifice!  Also, hope your grandson pitches a no hitter! Debbie
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