What's New Friday! Really Friday today!

Anette, George too has a habit of leaving his socks where ever he takes them off, usually next to his recliner in the den, then there's the shoes and the undershirts. After much asking nicely, begging, nagging, etc., my decision was to either leave them there or take action. I have left them where they lie, and several days later, he asked where his socks might be. I pointed in the direction of his recliner. He had to wear a pair of my socks to work that morning! Mostly though, I pick up all of his belongings and place them in the garage in the BOAT! After having to empty out a couple of pairs of shoes, socks, shorts... when he was ready to go fishing, he was pretty much cured. Nothing like having to empty the boat at 5:30 in the morning to have room for your fishing gear. Don't get me wrong, he's a great man in many ways, a wonderful husband, dad, and grandpa, but gee, I work as many hours a week or more than he does, and I'm tired too. There are day I still pick up after him.