What's New THURSDAY?

Laureen S.
on 4/23/08 11:17 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Hi Annette and OFF Sistas and Brothers, I'm just self-centered enough to think that you were thinking of me this morning when you wrote this and that's why you thought it was Friday, because it is MY Friday (lol)!!!  I forget what day of the week it is when I'm not working and sometimes, even when I am working (lol)! Anyway, another beautiful day and here I am at my desk in work :(   Oh well, I believe tomorrow is supposed to be nice again and I will be home and better able to enjoy the great weather we are having.   Last night instead of going to the gym, I spent 55 minutes walking in my neighborhood last night, it was a great night to do that and now that the nicer weather is here I will be doing it more often.  This morning, when I was walking to work from the Port Authority I did not take any of my shortcuts through the different buildings, but walked outdoors the entire walk.  As I walked I thought of how incredible it is that I can enjoy walking again, I can assure you that last year it was not pleasureable at all.  Well that is my story and I'm sticking with it! Plans today include an AA meeting this evening and not much else, so I hope that the weather in your part of the world is good and if not, I hope you have some soon!  In the meantime, rest assured that my prayers and positive thoughts include all you wonderful Sistas and Brothers! Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Brenda R.
on 4/24/08 1:16 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to you, Annette. I read your message and looked twice at it and then asked Bill if it was Friday. He looked at me like I had 5 heads. I think he thought I was losing it, but he should have known that I already have a long time ago!! Today is just a stay at home day and I am glad about that. I am just tired today. I still haven't gotten my blood work and I just told my girlfriend that I haven't had the energy to get it to see why I have no energy. I am just chasing my tail like a puppy.  Dog 18  My girlfriend is coming over tomorrow evening and we are going to be practicing Excel. Neither one of us know what the heck we are doing with it. We are going to a class next week to learn this. I know why Jeri wants to learn it, but I am not sure why I am. Jeri is going to be moving to Texas and so she needs to know this. I am sitting at home and why I need to know it if a question I am not sure I have an answer for! Maybe it is just every homemaker should know Excel.  Teethy  Joyce is going to be putting my new avatar in sometime soon. Not sure when but finally everyone is going to know who they talk to now. I have wanted to do this for a long time and now it is going to happen. I am so grateful that someone knows what they are doing on these computers. It sure isn't me.  Bang Your Head  I better get going. I am going on and on again. Sorry about that but I guess you do what you do best and mine is talking!   He'd Talk The Ears Off A Moose. They must have made this one just for me! I am sending love and hugs to all my dear family and hope that you have a wonderful and blessed day today.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 4/24/08 3:04 am - Harrisburg, PA

Hi Annette!  Oh how I wi**** really was Friday!  I was home the last 2 beautiful days cleaning out closets getting rid of more clothes that are too big.  I have a queen size bed filled with piles.  I haven't even had time to get on here all week but forced myself to check in today.  It's going to be another busy night tonight too so I doubt I'll touch my computer at home.  When I was off the last 2 days I realized I have a really big problem!  It's called "I HATE WORKING".  Damn I wish I could retire NOW! I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Hugs, Judy

on 4/24/08 3:25 am - Alexander, AR
You had me going too, Annette.  My doctor's appointment is today to get the staples out, and I sure would have hated to miss it!!!  Can't wait to be able to shower without being wrapped up like a lollipop. I'm going back to work tomorrow, just a few sets of acrylics, so I'll sit all day. Still, it will be nice to get back around people. I'm not looking forward to the "weight comments",  but I"ll do my best to deflect them.  It's all I can do. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.  I"ll report in when I get back



Nancy B
on 4/24/08 7:08 am - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hello, everyone!  What an absolutely gorgeous day here!  I saw the ice floes floating down the Niagara River..they had opened the Ice Boom up above the Falls and the ice that had built up all winter was set free to float downriver and over the Falls. It was quite a treat to see the big chunks of ice  streaming downriver.

Today I met my dear friend, JoAnn, for lunch..we discussed our mutual businesses..she has a Staging Company..setting up houses to look more appealing for sale.  Jo had the band some months ago and we support eachother...Im trying to get her to visit the Over 50s board to get more support.  So much for my Five Day Pouch Thingy...I had a shrimp ****tail and a bit of mashed potatoes with lobster meat on top.  I will start over again on the weekend...sheesh. But I did lose 3 pounds. Still, we both felt very good about our food choices.

I got back home and sat outside on the verandah...oh that sunshine felt so good! IM about to make meanloaf and mashed pototoes  for dinner.  I make extra of everything because Im packing up and freezing two weeks of meals for another friend who just had hip replacement and lives alone. 

Apart from vacations away, it's been a lifetime since I have been ale to stay at home and relax.  Ive even taken my mending outside and work on the verandah..Im really enjoying this new addition.  Im so tempted to take a little nap right now...maybe........

Nancy B

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Eileen Briesch
on 4/24/08 7:59 am - Evansville, IN
Boy, Annette, don't I wi**** was Friday! I really need the weekend, except I'm going to spend it driving and that's not going to be much of a rest.  Nope, it's Thursday, and that means it exchange day ...errr payday, I mean. I am in so much pain, from my neck on down (at least I don't have a headache ... yet!). Don't know why I hurt so much; my left knee started hurting me last night and continued this morning. I must be having a fibro flare-up; haven't had one in such a long time. I was in so much pain, I had an ice pack on my right knee and a heating pad around my lower left leg, from the knee down, this afternoon, then the heating/massage pad going down my back. I've tried pain pills, too. Finally, I called the pain clinic in despair. Last night, I took a vicodin when I got home; usually that takes care of it. Nothing. Took another one before I went to bed and that helped, but when I woke up this morning, I could barely move. The pain clinic scheduled me for an 8:30 appointment tomorrow with the doc's PA; I wi**** were later, but it was either that or 4 p.m., and I have to be at work at 4. So it's an early rise again, and we're going to have a late night again tonight. Went to the chiro on the way to work, and he said my hips were out of whack; it helped a bit, but then after driving for awhile, I was in pain again. Called the cleaning lady today and cancelled her for the time being. Maybe I can rehire her later this summer, but right now, I can't afford her. She was very understanding and said she will keep Tuesday nights open for a month or two for me.  Other than that, not much going on. Did a little grocery shopping this morning, filled up the gas tank ($41! ... and then I heard a report on the radio that gas could be up to $6 a gallon by this summer ... don't know how I will manage on my half a paycheck if that happens). Picked up my case of AchievOnes on the way to work. After that, I got enough to get back from Chicago and maybe a little extra. Maybe Mom will help me with some gas money when I'm down there for my grandnephews' birthday party. I want to go down for Mother's Day too, but I think that's going to be out of the question now, with the price of gas. I want to see her as much as I can, but my finances are just not going to allow it.  Well, enough crying about my poor life. Heard from my friend, Bruce; he seems in good spirits, even though he decided against trying his one cancer drug that might have helped him; he had read that sometimes the drug can accelerate the growth of tumors. Otherwise, he decided he rediscovered God, went back to church and said he is happy with his life as it is, despite the sad turn of events.  Take care everyone and have a good night. Brenda, I'm glad your avatar is up; it looks good. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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